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Name: Mirza khayhan Asyitiani

Nim: 20190420152

AIMI Digital community and social movements

Research discussing or describing the association about breastfeeding mothers

Indonesia. That builds social movements to support and provide breastfeeding and nursing rights in
Indonesia. The research concluded that social media networks such as Facebook are the idea of,
dissemination of ideas. Gelobalization becomes the means and behavior of people becoming more
modern or more open in the advancement of Technology and communication encourages the public
to reform "social". The role of AIMI in changing the perception of society in terms of Breastfeeding.
AIMI as a non-governmental organization that advocates for breastfeeding rights for mothers and
the right to get breastfeeding for children. Not only animals that pass through the lactation
(mammals) but humans also pass the lactation. Closeness while breastfeeding between mothers and
babies gives a role in succeeding generations. Research done on the Level 3 PDRB is the city of Java
TI, UT which also represents the condition of the community modrn, about working women who
have the challenge of breastfeeding. Research is done to a career woman who has a child at a
vulnerable age of 0-2 years.

Research conducted authors specifically analyze the content and dissemination of

information from the Facebook account. This research collects ideas and content of information
sourced from the publication of written writings about the problem of mothers in Indonesia. The
author also specifically analyzes the contents of information dissemination in the AIMI Facebook
account East Java and interactions with the AIMI community. Researchers understand society as an
institution or organization, where social movements are one of the outcomes of individual
interactions to individuals. Different forms of social action relate to each other. AIMI presented a
new social movement that maximizes the development of public opinion through mass media and
social media to socialize the importance of breast milk and nursing mothers as an embodiment of
the right of maternal. Through such perspectives, AIMI seeks to create a better community order.
The UN proved support to nursing mothers by campaigning, in different countries also entitling a
mother to maternity leave, menstrual leave and so on.

Based on the discussion content analysis of AIMI East Java account from 2016-2017,
research gained an understanding of the weak support from the environment when referring to the
Health ministry's description. This concludes that the place is working, families, the influential
community is very important on the importance of breastfeeding support. AIMI towards career
women is also quite large, one of which is shown with a campaign for pro to nursing mothers. East
Java Aimi also has a digital community of 16000 people on Facebook account. AIMI education
imparts the perception of the importance of breastfeeding and breast milk as the best for babies
through a series of education. AIMI also deploys that it works full day and does not have the same
opportunity to give breast milk to their babies, and to avoid formulas that have many side effects.
Facebook account of the AIMI also becomes the meeting container of mothers nursing mothers with
lactation counsellors, and specifically the research observing how the Aimi's community forum
Illustrates A familiar conversation although never met each other. From this phenomenon AIMI East
Java believes to have managed to build a confident member of its digital community members with
a positive impact where members who are experiencing obstacles as breastfeeding mothers can be

The influence of globalization on the existing technology is very influential in the process of
dissemination of the importance of providing the exclusive breast milk of mothers who in the stage
give milk to his baby, and technology can also be a container to provide education, socialization
About the rights of breast milk.

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