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Term Paper


Prepared for:

Datin Umminajah binti Salleh

ELC550 English for Academic Writing

Prepared by:

Muhamad Afiq Ikhwan bin Mohd Zamri (2018653462)

Nur Athirah binti Mansur (2018638442)
Nurul Syafiqah binti Abu Bakar (2018297806)
Siti Umairah binti Zulkifli (2018435652)

Bach. In Science (Hons) Chemistry (Forensic Analysis)

Bach. In Science (Hons) Physics

Date of submission:

11 June 2019

Content Page number

Acknowledgement ii

Thesis statement

Aims iii


1. 0 Introduction 1

2.0 Types of Obesity 2-3

5. Causes of Obesity 3-4

6. Impacts of Obesity 4-5

7. Treatments for Obesity 5-6

8. Conclusion 7

9. References 8

The success and final outcome of this assignment required a lot of guidance and

assistance from many people and we are extremely fortunate that we got this all along

the completion of this assignment. I respect and thank Madam Umminajah Salleh for

giving us an opportunity to do this assignment work and providing us all support and

guidance which make us complete our assignment on time. We could not have

imagined having a better advisors who were continually and convincingly conveyed a

spirit of adventure in regard to research study.

Besides our advisers, we would like to thank our fellow classmates for their

encouragement, insightful comments, and opinion during the making of assignment.

In addition, we thank you to our friends for inspiring us the study and shared us

valuable insights in relevance of the study.


Obesity is becoming a fast growing problem among the people. Many people mistake

obesity for overweight. It is reported that obesity is a result of unhealthy dietary,

sedentary lifestyle and genetics. Obesity leads to a range of weight related health

problems to individuals, costly burden to society and a psychological effect. Obese

people are not afforded the same opportunities in life that non-obese people are.


1. To identify the different types of obesity.

2. To determine the causes of obesity.

3. To investigate the impact of obesity on.

4. To find out the treatments available for cases of obesity.


1. To classify the different types of obesity.

2. To propose the causes leads to obesity.

3. To create awareness on the impact of obesity.

4. To make recommendation on the treatments for cases of obesity.


Obesity is a condition whereby abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may

impair health and also the genetic and environmental factors that are difficult to control

when dieting. It is one of the most common and serious health conditions these days,

which involves both adults and children. For the rate of obesity has been increasing in

both adults and children.

In 2011, the National Adult Nutrition Survey conducted by the Irish University

Nutrition Alliance showed that 26 per cent of men and 21 per cent of women were

obese. Also, the National Longitudinal Study of Children (2007) shows that 19 per cent

of nine-year-old children were overweight and a further 7 per cent were obese. The

number of overweight and obese people is likely to increase. The Foresight Report

(2011), a scientific report used to guide the United Kingdom government policy, has

predicted that by 2025, nearly half of men and over a third of women will be obese.


There are multiple classifications of obesity.


The first type of obesity depends on area of fat deposition (Patients Engage,

2016). Such deposition of fat is categorised under three types, namely:

2.1.1 Peripheral Accumulation of Fat: It is more difficult to shed fat from

the pelvis, buttocks and thighs than it is to trim down other areas of the body. The

fat stored around the pelvis, buttocks and thighs appears to act as reserve storage

for the energy .

2.1.2 Central Accumulation of Fat: The excess fat occurs in the abdominal

region. Central body fat distribution is associated with increased long-term renal

risk and often attributed to associated conditions, such as weight excess and


2.1.3 Combination of Peripheral and Central Fat: This type of obesity

always affect to all obese person. The abdominal area is considered the most

dangerous area for the accumulation of fat because it is closely located to the vital

organs and their blood supply.

2.2 Type of Person and Number of Fat Cells

The second type of obesity depends on type of a person and number of fat

cells (Patients Engage, 2016).

2.2.1 Adult-type: Obesity is occur because of the size of fat cells increased

while the number of cells is remained. This always happen mostly in middle-aged

people. Adults who gain or lose weight may do so through changes in the size of

the fat cells.

2.2.2 Child-type: The number of fat cells increased rapidly as we know that

child is in their growth state. Therefore, more fat cells will be produced and it is

extremely difficult to reduce the number of fat cells which are already made.


There are mainly many risk factors of obesity.

3.1 Over Consumption of too Many Calories

Obesity is mainly due to unhealthy eating habits. A person has a lower risk of

obesity if their diet consists mainly of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. When a

person consumes more calories than they use as energy, their body will store the

extra calories as fat. This can lead to excess weight and obesity.

The widespread presence fast food outlets also contribute to diets high in

calories and trans fats, which contain bad cholesterol. Examples of food high in

trans fats are French fries and cheese. Eating in large portions and habits of

comfort eating are also not good, as it causes an incomplete digestion.

3.2 Leading a Sedentary Life

Obesity is also attributed to lack of physical exercises. Many people lead a

more sedentary lifestyle today compared to their parents and grandparents.

Examples of sedentary habits include working in an office rather than doing

manual labor, playing computer games instead of doing physical activities outside,

and going to places by car instead of walking or cycling.

The less a person moves around, the fewer calories he or she burns. Also,

physical activity affects how a person's hormones work, and hormones have an

impact on how the body processes food.


There are many impacts causes from obesity cases

4.1 Heart Disease

The term heart disease is a very broad term. Problems can a rise within the

heart muscle, arteries supplying blood to the heart muscle, or the valves within the

heart that pump blood in the correct direction.

Coronary artery disease or CAD is the most common type of heart disease

and the leading cause of death in both genders in the U.S (2016). Coronary artery

disease affects the arteries supplying blood to the heart muscle which is

decreasing the amount of oxygen supplied to the heart muscle can cause angina

(chest pain) and heart attack.

4.2 Respiratory Disorders

Respiratory disease is a medical term that encompasses pathological

conditions affecting the organs and tissues that make gas exchange possible in

higher organisms, and includes conditions of the upper respiratory tract, trachea,

bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, pleura and pleural cavity, and the nerves and

muscles of breathing.

Respiratory diseases range from mild and self-limiting, such as the common

cold, to life-threatening entities like bacterial pneumonia, pulmonary embolism,

and lung cancer. The respiratory system can be subdivided into an upper

respiratory tract and a lower respiratory tract based on anatomical features.


There are few solutions that can significantly lower the percentage of the population

that is obese, as well as help prevent future generations from becoming obese.

5.1 Place Tighter Restrictions on Food Labeling

The consumers do not realized that they have been cheated via tactics such

as making an unhealthy food seem healthy by promoting a certain ingredient it

contains. People are not suppose to believe that Fruity Pebbles are healthy just

because they have added Vitamin D. Food corporations also mess around by

including four different types of sugar to keep sugar from being listed as the first


5.2 Restricting Food Advertising to Children

It requires government intervention, as with smoking. Food advertising of

unhealthy treats targeting children is top-most. People cannot get the latest

Avengers toy unless they buy the kids meal at the burger joint. This will make

people try to get the unhealthy treats for their own satisfaction.

5.3 Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery cause weight loss by limiting the amount of food or by

reducing the absorption of nutrients, or both. Bariatric surgeries are done when

diet and exercise have not worked or when have serious health problems

regarding weight.

The most common bariatric surgery procedures are gastric bypass, sleeve

gastrectomy, adjustable gastric band, and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal

switch. These procedures can make lives way better and it saves lives.


In conclusion, we must spread the awareness regarding the important issue as

obesity is one of the biggest and most serious health issues of the 21st century. It

significantly reduces life expectancy and everyone should know why we need to stay

fit and healthy. For those who are currently suffering from this problem, please take

the steps to cure it, rather than regretting it later. This is because obesity is one of the

death world wide and if early precaution is taken, it will help in avoiding serious

consequences. All of us love our families, so at least for that sake, those who is

suffering from it must act quickly and be healthy. Everyone must have well-planned for

a health-enhancing lifestyle. Bad habit must be quit as fast as possible to save own

life for a good health. There is a saying that healthy food is not tasty but however this

is the golden phrase which leads everyone to a long-life span.


1. Yvette Brazier (2018). What is obesity and what causes it? Retrieved from

2. Patient Engage (2016). Types of Obesity and Its Complications. Retrieved from

3. ASMBS. The Impact of Obesity on Your Body and Health. Retrieved from

4. James Fell (2015). What is the solution to obesity? Retrieved from

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