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The Penn State Catholic Campus Ministry Glory In The Cross - Dan Schutte

Let us ever glory in the cross of Christ, Our salvation and out hope,
Easter Sunday - April 16, 2006 Let us bow in homage to the Lord of Life,
who was broken to make us whole.
There is no greater love, as blessed as this:
Opening Hymn: to lay down one’s life for a friend.
Let us ever glory in the cross of Christ
and the triumph of God’s great love.
Let us ever glory in the cross of Christ who is risen from the grave.
He will come in glory to receive our hearts
at the dawn of the lasting day.
For the trumpet will sound, the dead shall be raised,
and death shall defeat us no more.
Let us ever glory in the cross of Christ
and the triumph of God’s great love.
Let us raise our voices to the cross of Christ
where the earth and heaven unite.
God has wed creation on the tree of hope
where the darkness becomes our light.
Let us join in the dance of heaven and earth,
Give thanks for the goodness of God.
Let us ever glory in the cross of Christ
and the triumph of God’s great love.
Thanksgiving Canticle: Exsultet - Liam Lawson
Closing Hymn:

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading: Acts of The Apostles 10:34, 37-43
Peter preached about Jesus’ baptism, the anointing with the Holy
Spirit, works of kindness and healing, and his crucifixion and
resurrection from the dead. All who believe in him are forgiven.
Responsorial Psalm:

Second Reading: Colossians 5:6-8

Think about what is above. When Christ appears, then you shall
appear with him in glory.
Gospel Acclamation Gospel Acclamation
Gospel Reading: John 20:1-9 Gospel Reading: John 20:1-9
Homily Homily
Renewal of Baptismal Promises / Sprinkling Rite Renewal of Baptismal Promises / Sprinkling Rite
Prayers of the Faithful Prayers of the Faithful
Liturgy of the Eucharist Liturgy of the Eucharist
Preparation of the Gifts: Preparation of the Gifts:
Holy, Holy, Holy Holy, Holy, Holy

Memorial Acclamation Memorial Acclamation

Amen Amen

Lamb of God Lamb of God

Communion Songs: Communion Songs:

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