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Individual Oral Planning Sheet

Developing a plan for an individual oral:

Global Issue:
Voltaire reveals the global issue of how the objectification and mistreatment of women was
acceptable in society.

Passage 1:
Author’s attitude toward the global issue (remember to include how the issue is portrayed in
the passage itself AND how this passage relates to the work as a whole):

Voltaire uses the issue of the mistreatment of women to bring to light other issues such as the
violence and immorality in times of war and the ideas of expectations of masculinity by show
how these things affect the way women are treated. In society at the time Voltaire wrote
Candide​ it was normal for women to be treated as objects and property. This is shown
throughout the novel through the characters of Cunégonde and the old women, who were both
mistreated and taken advantage of.

Key strategies used in the passage to develop the author’s point about the global issue: (no
more than 5 bullet points)
● casual, matter of fact tone. Cunégonde tells her story simply as a retelling of facts,
which shows how this treatment of women was normal and accepted by women and
society. “You see… no way unusual” (6-7). “as he had grown tired… to Don Issachar”
● This casual tone is shown through understatements. “A great lout… enough to bring
me round” (3-6). He raped her- this is horrible, shocking event to reader, but
Cunégonde just states it casually.
● “A woman of honour can be ravished once, but the experience is tonic for her virtue”
(23-24). Cunégonde accepts this as okay, even says it is invigorating (tonic) for her
virtue. The fact the women are fine with being treated this way shows the reader how
this was accepted in society.
● Connects to the whole book - the old woman has a similar story, shows universality of
this issue
● This mistreatment of women was widely accepted in society, including by women. It
was almost expected for a woman to be treated badly or taken advantage of at least
once. Times of war were used as an excuse for violence and mistreatment.

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