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Comment From Jane Doe

"FDA solicits comment on the individual cigarette health warnings included in this
proposal, and we ask that comments provide data and factual information that would help us to
further consider which proposed warnings to include in the final rule or whether such warnings
should be altered, consistent with the Government's interest".

I believe all of these required warnings the FDA suggests will help to address the
knowledge gap between smokers and health professionals about the true dangers of smoking,
which kills tens of thousands of people every year. Even better warnings include pictures
alongside the facts. Pictures generate far more interest and attract people's attention more than
words. According to the text of the rule- "A report prepared for Health Canada showed that
approximately 6 years after the introduction of pictorial cigarette warnings in Canada, more than
90 percent of Canadian youth agreed that the pictorial cigarette warnings had provided them with
important and accurate information about the negative health effects of smoking cigarettes (Ref.
108)". The warnings with the most graphic pictures are the best suited for printing because they
cause people to experience disturbing emotions and associate smoking with negative feelings.

I think the first warning, pertaining to smoking harming children accompanied by a

picture of a child receiving a nebulizer treatment, will be particularly effective. Smokers have
been told by other people that smoking will kill them or give them lung cancer, but many have
justified the risk to their health (and these warnings are less effective because they are already
well-known effects of abusing this drug). Perhaps they will reconsider if those precious to them
were affected? Many smokers are parents. Warning #1: "Tobacco smoke can harm your
children" is an excellent warning to put on cigarettes.

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