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Senior Design Project

My senior design project is Small-Form-Factor Solar-Powered Self-Sustainable IoT

Sensors with Long- Range (LoRa) Wireless Communication. This project needs us to detect the

light, humidity and temperature in an open field. Then, using long-range wireless communication

module to transmit data to a LoRa gateway (approximately 1 mile away). After that, these data

can be monitored by the users from web browser or smart phone apps. The overall system is

fully self-sustainable using solar power energy and with power optimization.

My role in this group project is to test the Long-Range wireless communication module,

because I took several signal processing courses at Iowa State University, so I think I can do well

in this part. During this project, I learned a lot of things about PCB board since our product need

to be implemented on the PCB board. For this project, we have to design our own PCB board so

we need to characterize the configuration.

The graph above will be helpful to demonstrate our project.

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