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Enrolling to NPTEL Online courses

To enroll to the courses:

1.Go to

2. Explore the courses

Each course is provided with
 Course Layout
 Course introductory video
 Basic details about Certification Exam
3.Click ‘Join’ to enroll to the that course

4. Login to the course portal with you Mail id (This mail id has to be permanent id ,as the
annoucements regarding the course,exam,assignments,exam registration will be sent to that mail id

Top right corner will show as ‘Not Registered’ along with your mail id
Click on Profile to enroll to the course and fill the details
5. Fill the details,

It is mandatory to choose Yes/No for Are you a part of Local Chapter,Students and Faculties
belonging to Local chapter should select ‘Yes’ which only will make

Mentor addition,enrollment details and Scholarship enabled in the SPOC login.

Select the college name from the dropdown after selecting the State name.
Students need to provide thier Roll number and faculties can provide their Employee Id.

6.Click Join to Enroll to the course

After enrolling for a course using a mail id, you can enroll to multiple courses uisng the same mail
id.Your Profile will be pre-filled ,just click on Join to enroll to the next courses.

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