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Rosie Mardirossian

September 15, 2019
Food Log Assignment

What was the biggest thing you noticed during the week recording your intake?

 The biggest thing I noticed recording my intake was the amount I was eating daily
was inconsistent. Each day I would eat more or less than the other. I would eat at
different times. Also, I wouldn’t make it a priority to eat my meals. Instead, I would
just eat whenever I got the chance. For example, my friend decided she wanted sushi
when I was with her, so I decided to try it as well. I wasn’t planning on eating before
she decided.

Do you notice any patterns in how you feel?

 Yes, I often feel tired. Usually after I eat, I’ll get sleepy. Besides that, I’m usually

Did you attempt to cut out any foods? Elaborate.

 Yes, I have been trying to cut out a few things. I’m slowly trying to cut out as many
items that include gluten in them. I’m suspecting I have a gluten allergy, so the last
week I’ve been trying to be careful and check the ingredient lists of what I eat.
Unfortunately, it’s very difficult because I have realized most of what I eat on a daily
basis has gluten it. I’ve also been trying to cut out unhealthy snacks. I usually snack a
lot. As hard as I try to take cut out unhealthy items, I eventually go back to them. If
I’m hungry I will sometimes go for a quick unhealthy snack instead of taking time to
make food.

What trends are there in your caloric intake? Too much sugar? Enough protein?

 For two of the days I recorded, I had calories remaining from MyFitnessPal’s
recommendation. For one of the days, I actually went over the calorie
recommendation. I don’t think there was a trend because I don’t count calories or
keep track of them in any way. Besides that, I noticed I didn’t meet my protein intake
for any of the days. Also, my carbohydrate intake was far different each time. I was
either a little under, a little over, or no where close the recommended amount. My
fiber intake is very low. My sugar and fat intake were both inconsistent for all the
days as well.

How are your energy levels?

 My energy levels are low. I cut out soda and other carbonated drinks from my diet for
a few years now. I don’t get much caffeine in my diet, but recently I’ve started
drinking coffee. It’s been helping me a lot with getting my energy up. I’m sure my
low energy is due to my unhealthy diet.
Do certain meals keep you full longer?

 I haven’t paid too much attention to this, but I think whenever I eat protein, I won’t be
hungry for a while. One of my favorite meals is chicken with brown rice. When I eat
this meal, I’m usually good for a few hours.

How do you feel about your relationship with food?

 I think my relationship with food is not bad, but not the best either. I love food, but I
don’t usually eat what’s the best for me. Sometimes I don’t really have self-control
with food. By that I mean if I know something is not good for me and I see it, I will
give in and eat it.

What are your food/nutrition goals moving forward?

 I have a few food/nutritional goals to work on. First, I want to commit to eating fully
gluten free. I need to do more in depth research and see exactly what I can eat. Next, I
want to find healthier alternatives to the snacks I like eating. I would have to do
research for this too, but I would like to learn simple meals to make that don’t take
much time. This is because I don’t want to substitute my meals for snacks just
because I’m tired. I also want to add more fruits and vegetables into my diet. Eating
fruits and vegetables will help me meeting my vitamins that I am most likely lacking.


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