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Main Branches of Philosophy


Metaphysics is the area of philosophy which deals with the ultimate nature
of reality. Metaphysics can encompass large areas of philosophy, and most
other philosophical schools turn back to it for basic definition. In that
respect, the term metaphysics is a broad one, encompassing the
philosophical ideas of cosmology and ontology.

The term “metaphysics” comes from Greek, meaning “after the Physics”.
Although the term metaphysics generally makes sense in the way that it
partially refers to things outside of and beyond the natural sciences, this is
not the origin of the term (as opposed to, say, meta-ethics, which refers to
the nature of ethics itself). Instead, the term was used by later editors of
Aristotle. Aristotle had written several books on matter and physics, and
followed those volumes with work on ontology, and other broad subjects.
These editors referred to them as “the books that came after the books on
physics” or “metaphysics”. Aristotle himself refers to metaphysics as “first
philosophy”. This term was also used by some later philosophers, such as
Descartes, whose primary work on the subject of metaphysics is called
Meditations on First Philosophy.

Branches of metaphysics include Ontology and Cosmology.


Epistemology is the area of philosophy that is concerned with knowledge.

The main concerns of epistemology are the definition of knowledge, the
sources of knowledge (innate ideas, experience, etc.), the process of
acquiring knowledge and the limits of knowledge. Epistemology considers
that knowledge can be obtained through experience and/or reason.

A primary concern of epistemology is the very definition of knowledge itself.

The traditional definition, since Plato, is that knowledge is justified true
belief, but recent evaluations of the concept have shown supposed
counterexamples to this definition. In order to fully explore the nature of
knowledge and how we come to know things, the various conceptions of
what knowledge is must first be understood.


Logic is the systematic process of valid reasoning through inference —

deriving conclusions from information that is known to be true. It is the
area of philosophy that is concerned with the laws of valid reasoning.

Some topics in Logic include: Symbolic Logic, Systems of Logic, Terms in

Logic, Valid Argument Forms, and Logical Fallacies.


Ethics or moral philosophy is the branch of philosophy concerned with

human conduct and its moral value. There are generally three branches of
ethics: Meta-ethics, which is concerned with questions about what whether
or not morality exists, and what it consists of if it does; Normative ethics,
which is concerned with how moral values should be developed; and
Applied ethics, which deals with how moral values can be applied to specific


Aesthetics is the area of philosophy which covers the concepts of beauty

and art.

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” There are two basic standings on the
nature of beauty: objective and subjective judgement. Subjective judgement
of beauty suggests that beauty is not the same to everyone — that which
aesthetically pleases the observer is beautiful (to the observer).
Alternatively, those partial to the objective description of beauty try to
measure it. They suggest that certain properties of an object create an
inherent beauty — such as symmetry and balance. Both Plato and Aristotle
supported the objective judgement. Some, such as Immanuel Kant, took a
middle path, holding that beauty is of a subjective nature, but there are
qualities of beauty which have universal validity.

The classical concepts behind aesthetics saw beauty in nature, and that art
should mimic those qualities found in nature. Aristotle's Poetics describes
this idea, which he develops from Plato's teachings. Modern aesthetic ideas,
including those of Kant, stress the creative and symbolic side of art — that
nature does not always have to guide art for it to be beautiful.


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