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id="ctl00_PageContent_gvMarksheet" style="border-width:1px;">
<tr class="subHeader freeze-header">
<th><img class="hand imgExpand" src="~/images/icons/retract.png"
style="border-width:1px;" /></th><th class=" reportingColHeader"
colspan="10">Reporting Assessments<img title="Hide Reporting Assessment Columns"
class="hand imgExpand" onclick="showHideReportingCols()"
src="~/images/icons/retract.png" style="border-width:1px;" /></th>
</tr><tr class="freeze-header">
<th scope="col">Name</th><th scope="col">Form</th><th
scope="col">TISS KS3 TP</th><th scope="col">TISS KS3 T1 CP</th><th scope="col">TISS
T1 ATL</th><th scope="col">TISS T1 HTGB</th><th scope="col">TISS KS3 T2 CP</th><th
scope="col">TISS T2 ATL</th><th scope="col">TISS T2 HTGB</th><th scope="col">TISS
KS3 T3 CP</th><th scope="col">TISS T3 ATL</th><th scope="col">TISS T3 HTGB</th>
</tr><tr class="odd">
<td>BASRAM, Anoushka Kaur
</td><td>9I</td><td>Mastering</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>You need to take
consideration into usage affixes. You have to use correct prefixes and suffixes in
your sentence. Proper usage of prefixes and suffixes is important in Malay and if
the affixes used changes the meaning inappropriately and creates ambiguity for the
reader, marks cannot be awarded.You need to make sure you use correct pronouns. You
must not write your answer as a first person ‘Saya’ (I) or Kami (we). You need to
change the sentence and write correctly.</td><td>Developing</td><td>2</td><td>You
need to use of a wide range of complex sentence patterns and structures. You also
need to use appropriate idiomatic expressions to the context and demonstrate great
creativity in expressing ideas and
thoughts.</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>You need to use of a wide range of
structures and vocabulary in more complex language very accurately. You need to
listen to examiner’s question and restructure the question to answer. When you
rephrase the sentence, you need to do this carefully without change the meaning.
You need to have a very good pronunciation, intonation and fluency effectively. You
need to make a fair attempt at correct intonation and expression constantly. </td>
</tr><tr class="even">
<td>CHAN, Dylan Zhe Shearn
</td><td>9Y</td><td>Developing</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>You need to read
more to broaden vocabulary by reading different types of Malay materials. e.g.
short stories or magazine articles and watch Astro Awani. You need to write your
answer briefly for the comprehension part. Longer answers may include incorrect
details which invalidate an otherwise correct answer.
</td><td>Beginning</td><td>2</td><td>For a good language marks, you should
demonstrate a range of structures and vocabulary. You should add ‘additional task’
for all your ‘main task’. This is to help for you to get the full communication
mark.</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>You need to communicate essential
elements and expand your ideas occasionally. You must convey past, present and
future meaning effectively. You need to regularly develops own ideas and opinions
and provides justifications. You need to use of a wide range of structures and
vocabulary in more complex language very accurately. </td>
</tr><tr class="odd">
<td>CHIN, Zoe Zi Yi
</td><td>9Y</td><td>Mastering</td><td>Developing</td><td>2</td><td>For the
comprehension part, you need to find the precise answer in the text and, where
necessary, rephrase it in such way that it answers the question. You need to ensure
that you are reading questions carefully. This will help you to answer questions
correctly and concisely. You have to read more to expand your vocabulary so it will
help to answer the synonym part. You need to display generous use of compound and
complex sentences and excellent use of vocabulary.
</td><td>Developing</td><td>2</td><td>You need to use of a wide range of complex
sentence patterns and structures. You should add ‘additional task’ for all your
‘main task’. This is to help for you to get the full communication mark.
</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>You need to communicate essential elements and
expand your ideas occasionally. You must convey past, present and future meaning
effectively. You need to regularly develops own ideas and opinions and provides
justifications. You need to use of a wide range of structures and vocabulary in
more complex language very accurately. </td>
</tr><tr class="even">
<td>CHONG, Yee Yan
</td><td>9I</td><td>Mastering</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>You need to be
very careful when use affixes. Proper usage of prefixes and suffixes is important
in Malay and if the prefix used changes the meaning inappropriately and creates
ambiguity for the reader, marks cannot be awarded. You are advised to read
comprehension texts several times before answering the questions, to be sure that
you understand the text well. When answering the questions, it is important to
answer precisely.
</td><td>Beginning</td><td>2</td><td>You have to try answer some points in the
questions to the best of your ability, enabling you to score some marks. You should
read more to expand your vocabulary. You need to demonstrate your ability in using
past, present and future tense in your essay. Example: ‘telah’, ‘sedang, ‘akan’ and
etc.</td><td>Beginning</td><td>1</td><td>When you rephrase the sentence, you need
to do this carefully without change the meaning. You need to make a fair attempt
at correct intonation and expression constantly. You need to have a good
pronunciation and fluency. You must convey past, present and future meaning
effectively. You need to use of a wide range of structures and vocabulary in more
complex language very accurately.</td>
</tr><tr class="odd">
<td>GIRSANG, Rebecca Priscilla
</td><td>9B</td><td>Developing</td><td>Mastering</td><td>2</td><td>You have to read
more books and keep a vocabulary journal that can help you learn new words. This
will help you to answer the synonym section 1 and 2 for paper 2. By reading more
books, it will improve your understanding of the language. Sometimes, you need to
rephrase the sentence and answer the questions. By copy out long phrases from the
passage, including irrelevant or contradictory extra material will invalidates
(INV) the answer and the mark cannot be awarded.
</td><td>Developing</td><td>2</td><td>To develop your essay, you have to
demonstrate good grasp of grammar and write reasonably good sentences; mainly
simple, with few compound, sentences and occasional complex sentences. You need to
use connectives to connect the sentences. This will help you to reduce the word
counts and you will be able to write more.</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>You
need to use of a wide range of structures and vocabulary in more complex language
very accurately. You need to listen to examiner’s question and restructure the
question to answer. When you rephrase the sentence, you need to do this carefully
without change the meaning. You need to have a very good pronunciation, intonation
and fluency effectively. You need to make a fair attempt at correct intonation and
expression constantly. </td>
</tr><tr class="even">
<td>KONG, Ee Lynn
</td><td>9B</td><td>Mastering</td><td>Mastering</td><td>2</td><td>You need to be
very careful when use affixes. Proper usage of prefixes and suffixes is important
in Malay and if the prefix used changes the meaning inappropriately and creates
ambiguity for the reader, marks cannot be awarded. You are advised to read
comprehension texts several times before answering the questions, to be sure that
you understand the text well. When answering the questions, it is important to
answer precisely.
</td><td>Developing</td><td>2</td><td>You need to use of a wide range of complex
sentence patterns and structures. You should add ‘additional task’ for all your
‘main task’. This is to help for you to get the full communication
mark.</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>You need to communicate essential
elements and expand your ideas occasionally. You must convey past, present and
future meaning effectively. You need to regularly develops own ideas and opinions
and provides justifications. You need to use of a wide range of structures and
vocabulary in more complex language very accurately. </td>
</tr><tr class="odd">
<td>KOW, Nicole Tze Xuan
</td><td>9B</td><td>Developing</td><td>Mastering</td><td>2</td><td>For the
comprehension part, you need to find the precise answer in the text and, where
necessary, rephrase it in such way that it answers the question. You need to ensure
that you are reading questions carefully. This will help you to answer questions
correctly and concisely. You have to read more to expand your vocabulary so it will
help to answer the synonym part. You need to display generous use of compound and
complex sentences and excellent use of vocabulary.
</td><td>Developing</td><td>2</td><td>You need to display generous use of compound
and complex sentences and excellent use of vocabulary. You should remember to use
affixes and classifiers correctly and selected specific time phrases to indicate
past, present and future. E.g, telah, sudah, sedang, sekarang, akan, kadang-kala,
mahu, hendak.</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>You need to use of a wide range
of structures and vocabulary in more complex language very accurately. You need to
listen to examiner’s question and restructure the question to answer. When you
rephrase the sentence, you need to do this carefully without change the meaning.
You need to have a very good pronunciation, intonation and fluency effectively. You
need to make a fair attempt at correct intonation and expression constantly. </td>
</tr><tr class="even">
<td>LAU, Isabel Kai Zi
</td><td>9I</td><td>Mastering</td><td>Mastering</td><td>2</td><td>For the
comprehension part, you need to find the precise answer in the text and, where
necessary, rephrase it in such way that it answers the question. You need to ensure
that you are reading questions carefully. This will help you to answer questions
correctly and concisely. You have to read more to expand your vocabulary so it will
help to answer the synonym part. You need to display generous use of compound and
complex sentences and excellent use of vocabulary.
</td><td>Developing</td><td>2</td><td>You should read more to expand your
vocabulary. You need to use of a wide range of complex sentence patterns and
structures. You need to demonstrate your ability in using past, present and future
tense in your essay. Example: ‘telah’, ‘sedang, ‘akan’ and etc.
</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>You need to communicate essential elements and
expand your ideas occasionally. You must convey past, present and future meaning
effectively. You need to regularly develops own ideas and opinions and provides
justifications. You need to use of a wide range of structures and vocabulary in
more complex language very accurately. </td>
</tr><tr class="odd">
<td>LAW, Wei Zhe
</td><td>9Y</td><td>Mastering</td><td>Mastering</td><td>2</td><td>You should build
up a good base of vocabulary, including common verbs. Careful with your spelling.
Simple spelling errors are tolerated, those spelling which create new meanings are
not. Make sure you don’t make any spelling mistakes in future. For the
comprehension part; it is up to you to find the precise answer in the text and,
where necessary, rephrase it in such way that it answers the question. Sometimes,
if you copy the whole sentence, it will invalidate (INV) your answer.
</td><td>Developing</td><td>2</td><td>To develop your essay, you have to
demonstrate good grasp of grammar and write reasonably good sentences; mainly
simple, with few compound, sentences and occasional complex sentences. You need to
use connectives to connect the sentences. This will help you to reduce the word
counts and you will be able to write more.</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>You
need to use of a wide range of structures and vocabulary in more complex language
very accurately. You need to listen to examiner’s question and restructure the
question to answer. When you rephrase the sentence, you need to do this carefully
without change the meaning. You need to have a very good pronunciation, intonation
and fluency effectively. You need to make a fair attempt at correct intonation and
expression constantly. </td>
</tr><tr class="even">
<td>LEE, Kai Rong
</td><td>9Y</td><td>Mastering</td><td>Mastering</td><td>2</td><td>You need to take
consideration into usage affixes. You have to use correct prefixes and suffixes in
your sentence. Proper usage of prefixes and suffixes is important in Malay and if
the affixes used changes the meaning inappropriately and creates ambiguity for the
reader, marks cannot be awarded.You need to make sure you use correct pronouns. You
must not write your answer as a first person ‘Saya’ (I) or Kami (we). You need to
change the sentence and write correctly.
</td><td>Developing</td><td>2</td><td>You need to use of a wide range of complex
sentence patterns and structures. You also need to use appropriate idiomatic
expressions to the context and demonstrate great creativity in expressing ideas and
thoughts.</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>You need to use of a wide range of
structures and vocabulary in more complex language very accurately. You need to
listen to examiner’s question and restructure the question to answer. When you
rephrase the sentence, you need to do this carefully without change the meaning.
You need to have a very good pronunciation, intonation and fluency effectively. You
need to make a fair attempt at correct intonation and expression constantly. </td>
</tr><tr class="odd">
<td>LEE, Ryu Sing Yi
</td><td>9B</td><td>Mastering</td><td>Mastering</td><td>2</td><td>For the
comprehension part, you need to find the precise answer in the text and, where
necessary, rephrase it in such way that it answers the question. You need to ensure
that you are reading questions carefully. This will help you to answer questions
correctly and concisely. You have to read more to expand your vocabulary so it will
help to answer the synonym part. You need to display generous use of compound and
complex sentences and excellent use of vocabulary.
</td><td>Developing</td><td>2</td><td>You should read more to expand your
vocabulary. You need to use of a wide range of complex sentence patterns and
structures. You need to demonstrate your ability in using past, present and future
tense in your essay. Example: ‘telah’, ‘sedang, ‘akan’ and etc.
</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>Sometimes, you need to use of a wide range of
structures and vocabulary occasionally. You need to listen to examiner’s question
and restructure the question to answer. You must respond to what the examiner says,
and not simply carry out the tasks supplied as though the examiner were not there.
You need to have a very good pronunciation, intonation and fluency effectively. You
need to make a fair attempt at correct intonation and expression constantly. </td>
</tr><tr class="even">
<td>LIAO, Michelle Jia Xing
</td><td>9Y</td><td>Developing</td><td>Mastering</td><td>2</td><td>You should build
up a good base of vocabulary, including common verbs. Careful with your spelling.
Simple spelling errors are tolerated, those spelling which create new meanings are
not. Make sure you don’t make any spelling mistakes in future. For the
comprehension part; it is up to you to find the precise answer in the text and,
where necessary, rephrase it in such way that it answers the question. Sometimes,
if you copy the whole sentence, it will invalidate (INV) your answer.
</td><td>Developing</td><td>2</td><td>You need to use of a wide range of complex
sentence patterns and structures. You should add ‘additional task’ for all your
‘main task’. This is to help for you to get the full communication
mark.</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>Sometimes, you need to use of a wide
range of structures and vocabulary occasionally. You need to listen to examiner’s
question and restructure the question to answer. You must respond to what the
examiner says, and not simply carry out the tasks supplied as though the examiner
were not there. You need to have a very good pronunciation, intonation and fluency
effectively. You need to make a fair attempt at correct intonation and expression
constantly. </td>
</tr><tr class="odd">
<td>LIM, Li Jian
</td><td>9I</td><td>Developing</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>You should build
up a good base of vocabulary, including common verbs. Careful with your spelling.
Simple spelling errors are tolerated, those spelling which create new meanings are
not. Make sure you don’t make any spelling mistakes in future. For the
comprehension part; it is up to you to find the precise answer in the text and,
where necessary, rephrase it in such way that it answers the question. Sometimes,
if you copy the whole sentence, it will invalidate (INV) your answer.
</td><td>Developing</td><td>2</td><td>To develop your essay, you have to
demonstrate good grasp of grammar and write reasonably good sentences; mainly
simple, with few compound, sentences and occasional complex sentences. You need to
use connectives to connect the sentences. This will help you to reduce the word
counts and you will be able to write more.</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>You
need to use of a wide range of structures and vocabulary in more complex language
very accurately. You need to listen to examiner’s question and restructure the
question to answer. When you rephrase the sentence, you need to do this carefully
without change the meaning. You need to have a very good pronunciation, intonation
and fluency effectively. You need to make a fair attempt at correct intonation and
expression constantly. </td>
</tr><tr class="even">
<td>LOW, Jin Eu
</td><td>9B</td><td>Mastering</td><td>Mastering</td><td>2</td><td>You need to read
more to broaden vocabulary by reading different types of Malay materials. e.g.
short stories or magazine articles and watch Astro Awani. You need to write your
answer briefly for the comprehension part. Longer answers may include incorrect
details which invalidate an otherwise correct answer.
</td><td>Developing</td><td>2</td><td>To develop your essay, you have to
demonstrate good grasp of grammar and write reasonably good sentences; mainly
simple, with few compound, sentences and occasional complex sentences. You need to
use connectives to connect the sentences. This will help you to reduce the word
counts and you will be able to write
more.</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>Sometimes, you need to use of a wide
range of structures and vocabulary occasionally. You need to listen to examiner’s
question and restructure the question to answer. You must respond to what the
examiner says, and not simply carry out the tasks supplied as though the examiner
were not there. You need to have a very good pronunciation, intonation and fluency
effectively. You need to make a fair attempt at correct intonation and expression
constantly. </td>
</tr><tr class="odd">
<td>LUN, Tong Shuen
</td><td>9I</td><td>Mastering</td><td>Mastering</td><td>2</td><td>You need to take
consideration into usage affixes. You have to use correct prefixes and suffixes in
your sentence. Sometimes usage of affixes might change the meaning of the sentence
and this will invalidate (INV) your actual answer. For the comprehension part; it
is up to you to find the precise answer in the text and, where necessary, rephrase
it in such way that it answers the question. Sometimes, if you copy the whole
sentence, it will invalidate (INV) your answer.
</td><td>Developing</td><td>2</td><td>To develop your essay, you have to
demonstrate good grasp of grammar and write reasonably good sentences; mainly
simple, with few compound, sentences and occasional complex sentences. You need to
use connectives to connect the sentences. This will help you to reduce the word
counts and you will be able to write
more.</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>Sometimes, you need to use of a wide
range of structures and vocabulary occasionally. You need to listen to examiner’s
question and restructure the question to answer. You must respond to what the
examiner says, and not simply carry out the tasks supplied as though the examiner
were not there. You need to have a very good pronunciation, intonation and fluency
effectively. You need to make a fair attempt at correct intonation and expression
constantly. </td>
</tr><tr class="even">
<td>NGE, Zi Kit
</td><td>9B</td><td>Beginning</td><td>Mastering</td><td>2</td><td>You have to read
more books and keep a vocabulary journal that can help you learn new words. This
will help you to answer the synonym section 1 and 2 for paper 2. By reading more
books, it will improve your understanding of the language. Sometimes, you need to
rephrase the sentence and answer the questions. By copy out long phrases from the
passage, including irrelevant or contradictory extra material will invalidates
(INV) the answer and the mark cannot be awarded.
</td><td>Beginning</td><td>2</td><td>You should read more to expand your
vocabulary. You need to demonstrate your ability in using past, present and future
tense in your essay. Example: ‘telah’, ‘sedang, ‘akan’ and etc.
</td><td>Beginning</td><td>2</td><td>When you rephrase the sentence, you need to do
this carefully without change the meaning. You need to make a fair attempt at
correct intonation and expression constantly. You need to have a good pronunciation
and fluency. You must convey past, present and future meaning effectively. You need
to use of a wide range of structures and vocabulary in more complex language very
</tr><tr class="odd">
<td>OH, LeWen
</td><td>9I</td><td>Mastering</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>For the
comprehension part, you need to find the precise answer in the text and, where
necessary, rephrase it in such way that it answers the question. You need to ensure
that you are reading questions carefully. This will help you to answer questions
correctly and concisely. You have to read more to expand your vocabulary so it will
help to answer the synonym part. You need to display generous use of compound and
complex sentences and excellent use of vocabulary.
</td><td>Developing</td><td>2</td><td>You need to use of a wide range of complex
sentence patterns and structures. You also need to use appropriate idiomatic
expressions to the context and demonstrate great creativity in expressing ideas and
thoughts.</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>You need to use of a wide range of
structures and vocabulary in more complex language very accurately. You need to
listen to examiner’s question and restructure the question to answer. When you
rephrase the sentence, you need to do this carefully without change the meaning.
You need to have a very good pronunciation, intonation and fluency effectively. You
need to make a fair attempt at correct intonation and expression constantly. </td>
</tr><tr class="even">
<td>RUMPA, Carol Randa
</td><td>9I</td><td>Developing</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>You should build
up a good base of vocabulary, including common verbs. Careful with your spelling.
Simple spelling errors are tolerated, those spelling which create new meanings are
not. Make sure you don’t make any spelling mistakes in future. For the
comprehension part; it is up to you to find the precise answer in the text and,
where necessary, rephrase it in such way that it answers the question. Sometimes,
if you copy the whole sentence, it will invalidate (INV) your answer.
</td><td>Developing</td><td>2</td><td>You need to display generous use of compound
and complex sentences and excellent use of vocabulary. You should remember to use
affixes and classifiers correctly and selected specific time phrases to indicate
past, present and future. E.g, telah, sudah, sedang, sekarang, akan, kadang-kala,
mahu, hendak.</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>Sometimes, you need to use of a
wide range of structures and vocabulary occasionally. You need to listen to
examiner’s question and restructure the question to answer. You must respond to
what the examiner says, and not simply carry out the tasks supplied as though the
examiner were not there. You need to have a very good pronunciation, intonation and
fluency effectively. You need to make a fair attempt at correct intonation and
expression constantly. </td>
</tr><tr class="odd">
<td>SIM, Zhe Yu
</td><td>9B</td><td>Mastering</td><td>Mastering</td><td>2</td><td>You need to take
consideration into usage affixes. You have to use correct prefixes and suffixes in
your sentence. Proper usage of prefixes and suffixes is important in Malay and if
the affixes used changes the meaning inappropriately and creates ambiguity for the
reader, marks cannot be awarded.You need to make sure you use correct pronouns. You
must not write your answer as a first person ‘Saya’ (I) or Kami (we). You need to
change the sentence and write correctly.
</td><td>Developing</td><td>2</td><td>You need to display generous use of compound
and complex sentences and excellent use of vocabulary. You should remember to use
affixes and classifiers correctly and selected specific time phrases to indicate
past, present and future. E.g, telah, sudah, sedang, sekarang, akan, kadang-kala,
mahu, hendak.</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>Sometimes, you need to use of a
wide range of structures and vocabulary occasionally. You need to listen to
examiner’s question and restructure the question to answer. You must respond to
what the examiner says, and not simply carry out the tasks supplied as though the
examiner were not there. You need to have a very good pronunciation, intonation and
fluency effectively. You need to make a fair attempt at correct intonation and
expression constantly. </td>
</tr><tr class="even">
<td>TAN, Celeste Huey Synn
</td><td>9Y</td><td>Developing</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>You need to take
consideration into usage affixes. You have to use correct prefixes and suffixes in
your sentence. Sometimes usage of affixes might change the meaning of the sentence
and this will invalidate (INV) your actual answer. For the comprehension part; it
is up to you to find the precise answer in the text and, where necessary, rephrase
it in such way that it answers the question. Sometimes, if you copy the whole
sentence, it will invalidate (INV) your answer.
</td><td>Developing</td><td>2</td><td>You need to display generous use of compound
and complex sentences and excellent use of vocabulary. You should remember to use
affixes and classifiers correctly and selected specific time phrases to indicate
past, present and future. E.g, telah, sudah, sedang, sekarang, akan, kadang-kala,
mahu, hendak.</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>You need to communicate essential
elements and expand your ideas occasionally. You must convey past, present and
future meaning effectively. You need to regularly develops own ideas and opinions
and provides justifications. You need to use of a wide range of structures and
vocabulary in more complex language very accurately. </td>
</tr><tr class="odd">
<td>TAN, Wei Fatt
</td><td>9B</td><td>Developing</td><td>Mastering</td><td>2</td><td>You need to take
consideration into usage affixes. You have to use correct prefixes and suffixes in
your sentence. Sometimes usage of affixes might change the meaning of the sentence
and this will invalidate (INV) your actual answer. For the comprehension part; it
is up to you to find the precise answer in the text and, where necessary, rephrase
it in such way that it answers the question. Sometimes, if you copy the whole
sentence, it will invalidate (INV) your answer.
</td><td>Beginning</td><td>2</td><td>You have to try answer some points in the
questions to the best of your ability, enabling you to score some marks. You should
add classifiers in your essay and at the same time you need to show that you are
able to use past, present and future tense in your essay.
</td><td>Beginning</td><td>1</td><td>When you rephrase the sentence, you need to do
this carefully without change the meaning. You need to make a fair attempt at
correct intonation and expression constantly. You need to have a good pronunciation
and fluency. You must convey past, present and future meaning effectively. You need
to use of a wide range of structures and vocabulary in more complex language very
</tr><tr class="even">
<td>TER, Zhen Ying
</td><td>9B</td><td>Mastering</td><td>Mastering</td><td>2</td><td>You need to be
very careful when use affixes. Proper usage of prefixes and suffixes is important
in Malay and if the prefix used changes the meaning inappropriately and creates
ambiguity for the reader, marks cannot be awarded. You are advised to read
comprehension texts several times before answering the questions, to be sure that
you understand the text well. When answering the questions, it is important to
answer precisely.
</td><td>Developing</td><td>2</td><td>You need to use of a wide range of complex
sentence patterns and structures. You also need to use appropriate idiomatic
expressions to the context and demonstrate great creativity in expressing ideas and
thoughts.</td><td>Mastering</td><td>1</td><td>Sometimes, you need to use of a wide
range of structures and vocabulary occasionally. You need to listen to examiner’s
question and restructure the question to answer. You must respond to what the
examiner says, and not simply carry out the tasks supplied as though the examiner
were not there. You need to have a very good pronunciation, intonation and fluency
effectively. You need to make a fair attempt at correct intonation and expression
constantly. </td>
</tr><tr class="odd">
<td>YONG, Kei San
</td><td>9I</td><td>Mastering</td><td>Mastering</td><td>2</td><td>You have to read
more books and keep a vocabulary journal that can help you learn new words. This
will help you to answer the synonym section 1 and 2 for paper 2. By reading more
books, it will improve your understanding of the language. Sometimes, you need to
rephrase the sentence and answer the questions. By copy out long phrases from the
passage, including irrelevant or contradictory extra material will invalidates
(INV) the answer and the mark cannot be awarded.
</td><td>Beginning</td><td>2</td><td>You should read more to expand your
vocabulary. You need to demonstrate your ability in using past, present and future
tense in your essay. Example: ‘telah’, ‘sedang, ‘akan’ and etc.
</td><td>Beginning</td><td>1</td><td>When you rephrase the sentence, you need to do
this carefully without change the meaning. You need to make a fair attempt at
correct intonation and expression constantly. You need to have a good pronunciation
and fluency. You must convey past, present and future meaning effectively. You need
to use of a wide range of structures and vocabulary in more complex language very
</tr><tr class="marksheetFooter center">


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