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Adaptation to contradictory information from vision and touch

Article  in  Psychonomic science · March 2014

DOI: 10.3758/BF03343218


3 45

4 authors, including:

Arien Mack
The New School


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Adaptation to contradictory information
from vision and touch)

Is proprioceptive information the source of adaptation nately from underneath and thus, via vision and touch,
to optically distorted visual stimulation? In an experi- compared the two. It is important to be clear that since
ment where the only information as to optical minifica- both standard and comparison squares were minified
tion of size is given by touch, there is no change in the and since both were grasped tactually, the observers
visual perception of size. Rather the judgment of size had no difficulty comparing them and, by and large,
via touch undergoes a transformation. remained complet~l:v unaware that anything was amiss.
Introduetlon Yet each time he grasped either squa:ce he was being
When vision is altered by experimental means, such exposed to a new r elationship between vision and tOUCh ,
as by prisms or lenses, any physical contact the one which might have consequences for adaptation , The
Observer has with objects could be thought to inform differences in size along the comparison series wer e
him of their true nature. Touch would remain veridical. well above threshold. Several different size standards
It has therefore seemed plausible to many that visual were used over a period of approximately 1/2 hr.
adaptation is based on tactual information. Although As a first step in the measurement of possible
there are good reasons for believing this argument to adaptive Change, it was thought advisable to determine
be incorrect a direct test of the thesis is nevertheless if the cross-modality matching of size underwent any
desirable. What is required is a situation where the transformation or remained the same. If 'wuch hRd
only information available as to the optical distortion succeeded in educating vision in this situation , then th,s
is provided by touch. This can be achieved by requiring observer would have learned that a'e wh!.ch
the observer to view a single object through a lens or appeared to be 1 in long actually was 2 in bng . This
prism with nothing else visible, at the same time would be revealed by the selection <:Ii a. 2 in tactual
permitting him to touch or grasp the object. square to match a 1 in. visual square fcIlcwlr\g the
Method exposure period (a vision-touch or V- T compar;.flon)
In the experiment reported here minification of size or conversely by the selection of a 1/2 in 7isual
by a factor of two was the optical distortion studied. The square to match a 1 in tactual square (a touch-vision
observer grasped a thin wooden square from under- or T-V comparison). PresumRbly, prior to the exposure
neath, through black cloth, at the same time viewing it period, a 1 in visual square would be matched to a 1 in
from above through a minification lens system. The tactual square and vice versa. Both of these measures
method was generally similar to that previously em- were ohtained, in 8RCh by taking 4 pre-exposure
ployed by Rock &, Victor (1964). judgments a,a. l' r0E '>e;' c'('~"E"" judgments , In the case
What would be the effect of continued exposure to of th'~~; "'} ~·.t CO;:'(':9z:,}:j.8or~c ;'} .;.' a ·wa.s shovYIl a 2.7 em
this conflict situation? Initially the square appeared to be lumL~.0:~:" stand? ,~'j 8(F"':::: " :D.e aar'b; (which of course
half size when it was experienced by vision alone and he dId 1;.Ot touch) ant' !.B .b.'c:d to select a square experi-
even when simultaneously grasped it was erroneously enced by touch (La" not seen) to match the stand-
judged to be about half its true size. Would the visual ard from a cOi11.padson series of squares on the wheel
size begin to change as a result of the continual flow already referred to. In the case of the T-V comparison,
of veridical information from touch? Or would the the subject grasped a 2.7 em square (which of course he
opposite occur, namely that the signification of size could not see) and he matched it to one of a series
via touch would begin to accommodate itself to the of visually presented luminous squares which were
altered visual size? mounted along the edge of a circular wheel. The wheel
Some means of keeping the observer occupied with a was mounted on the wall at arm's length from the S.
task during the exposure to the contradictory information By turning the wheel the S caused the comparison
was sought. In the method to be described here, the squares to appear one at a time in an opening cut in a
observer was required to match the standard square black cloth covering the wheel. Both tactual and visual
to one of a series of comparison squares all of which comparison series consisted of 11 squares which in-
were seen through the minification lens. The comparison creased in size by steps of approximately 12%. Square
squares were mounted along the edge of a circular No.6, in the center oithe series , was 2.7 em thereby
wheel which the observer could turn with his other hand, matching the sta..'1uard. Ascending and descending trials
thus bringing one by one squares of varying size into the were alternated.
central region of the field. As each was moved into However, if only these two tests were employed the
place the obse.('ver gl."asped it and the standard alter- meaning of a change. if it occurred, would remain

Psychon. Sci.. 1965. Vol. 3 435

ambiguous. The same result would be predicted if vi sion condition the post-exposure test was conducted by
had educated touch, namely to the effect that a square touch alone guarantees that we are measurin:;;' e size
which felt to be 2 in on a side was actually only 1 in. perception via that modality. The "before" and "after"
Hence a method was needed which would indicate tests both entail matChing by touch alone.
whether vision had undergone a change or whether Re8ult8
touch had changed. It was decided to expose the observer The results of all experiments are considered in
to an object of a specific length and measure adaptation terms of difference scores derived by comparing the
in terms of memory for that length. It has already mean of a S's first two post-exposure trial matches
been shown that this method is quite reliable (Rock, with the mean of his pre-exposure matches, the units
1965). In the case of vision, the method consists in being the steps along the comparison series. Two
first presenting a · 2.7 cm square with lights on for a difference scores were computed, one based on the
brief period, then requiring the observer to select mean of the S's last two pre-exposure selections (01)
a luminous square in the dark to match the standard, and one based on the mean of all pre-exposure selections
from immediate memory. The visual comparison series (° 2), For the V-T cross-modality procedure the average
described above was used. The sequence is repeated 01 was +1.0 and the average 02 was +1.05, both of which
eight times, alternating ascending and descending :tre significantly different from O. An increase in the size
presentations of the luminous comparison squares. of the tactual square selected is predicted. For the
This procedure serves to provide ample experience T-V procedure the average 01 was -1.05 and the
with the standard and a baseline against which to average D2 was -.78, 01 being significantly different
measure post-exposure judgments. Following the ex- from 0 and 02 falling just short of significance at the
posure period, in the dark, and without seeing the .05 level. A decrease in the size of the visual square
standard square again, the observer must select a selected is predicted.
luminous square which he believes is the size the We turn now to the more direct measures of size
standard square had been. The reason for obtaining the perception in each modality. For vision, the average
size measures in the dark is that otherwise the 01 was +.25 and 02 was +.16, a nonsignificant change
relative size of the square to all other visible objects in the opposite direction from what would be predicted
would serve as a possible basis for judgment, thus if size as signified by vision had been affected. For
working against an adaptive change. If visual size touch, the average 01 was +.55 and the average 02
has undergone a tranformation in the predicted direc- was +.55, these values differing significantly from 0
tion (and assuming memory for the phenomenal size of in the predicted direction. Since, however, the result
the standard is reasonably accurate) then the observer was not as striking as in the V-T or T-V cross-
should select a smaller square after than before the modality comparisons (four Ss showing no c~ange). the
exposure period. Four post-exposure judgments were experiment was replicated with 10 new Ss . A virtually
obtained but because of a possible wearing off of an identical outcome was obtained, the mean difference
adaptation effect only the average of the first two of scores (01 =+.60; 02 =+.64) being Significantly different
these judgments will be considered. from 0 at approximately the .05 level. The combined
A similar method was employed to study the fate data are convinCing because for the 01 scores 11 Ss
of touch perception. A 2.7 cm standard square was show a change in the predicted direction as compared to
presented to the S and he was allowed to see it while only 3 in the opposite direction (or 15 to 4 using the
grasping it. Immediately thereafter he had to select 02 scores).
a comparison square by touch alone which equalled DI8cu881on
the standard. The tactual comparison series described The results of the four different tests support the
above was used. This sequence was repeated eight times. conclusion that an adaptive change in the relationship
Following the exposure period he had to select a square of the tactual and visual modality to each other has
by touch only. from memory, which he believed was taken place, and that that change is based on an altered
equal in size to the previously felt standard square. signification of size via touch. Hence it would seem that
If tactual size has undergone a change in the predicted in studies where an observer is exposed to optically
direction, then the observer should select a larger created distortion of the visual image, it is not the
square after the exposure period than before it. The case that adaptation is based on veridical information
reason why in this case the observer was initially via touch.
allowed to see as well as grasp the standard was that in
preliminary work it was discovered that memory
for tactual size alone was quite imprecise and variable Rock , I., & Victor, J . Vision and touch: an expe riment ally created
thus tending to obscure an adaptive change. By permitting conflict between the two sense s . Science, 1964, 143 , 594.
vision of the standard the memory trace was apparently Rock , I. Adaptation to a minified image. Psychon. Sci., 1965, 2,
105-106 .
more definite and hence more stable. Since, however,
the issue is not one of memory, but of perception via 1. This research was supported by Grant GB-3410 from the National
a given modality after exposure, thj:l fact that in this Sci ence F oundation.

436 Psychon. Sci., 1965, Vol. 3

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