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p.m. this afternoon," trial.

if the jury can understand the testimony of his next

expert witness, they will undoubtedly find
the defendant not guily when it s all said and done, he s also aware that the
entire aids industry
is based on the stateements he is about to challenge; and if he can do this right
he can bring
down their whole house of cards. armand knows this too, and although he tried to
engage dr. tanner with it
this morning in his cross-examination, he knows he didn t do a very good job. sarah
is even aware that
something big is about to happen, she can feel it the make-or-break point like that
ace of spades that she
thought armand must have up his sleeve last week, funny thing, though; it s
campbell that s going to pull
it out, i d like to call do judith burgess, a young woman looks like she s in her
twenties with short-cropped blonde hair and a stylish light-blue pants Hlit makes
her way to the wiress stand when she
s settled in campbell begins his questions. dr, burgess, your doctorate is a ph,d,
and not an m,d,?" " courect, i
received my ph,d, through the philosophy department at michigan state university. "
"and you are teaching at the moment,? " "yes i
teach logic ethiar and science and values at demson university, just down the wad
from here " campbell grabs some papers
from his table. "dr. burgess, i d like to read you a couple statements being made
by various people in
the aids industry, if i could, and then i want to ask you some questions about the
logic behind those
statements, more so than the science. " "go ahead, mr, campbell, " he looks at his
notes. "here s a quote from
one of the leading aids doctors on the internet, dr, becky kuhn, that she emailed
me one day. it says,
an error or false tositive on one of the hiv tests will be corected on one or more
of the
other tests, making the tests 99% accurate when combined together. okay. apparently
that s all burgess is about to
say at this point so campbell continues. "the other comes from the cdo the centers
for disease control and prevention
who say, ...the use of repeatedly reactive eneyme immunoassay followed by
confirmatory westerr blot or immunofluorexent assay renains the standard
method for diagnosing hiv-1 infection, " "alright," campbell had anticipated a
little more of a response from this witress. did
i make a mistake choosing burgess for this job? too late now. "dr burgess we ve
heard a lot of
testimony over the past couple of weeks about a myriad of problems with the hiv
elisa test and the hiv
westerr blot test and there has been very littli if any, dispute about the the
facts that have been presnted.
in fact, the only real response anyone in the aids industry seems to have is what i
just read you;
that any problems that we have brought up are all solved when the elisa and western
blot tests are combined
together that a positive western blot after two positive elisas confirms that a
person is hiv-positive. in your expert opinion,
would that be true?" "that depends, mr, campbell. to put this into logical terms,
their condusion is that the western
blot test is able to confirm the elisa test, have i got that right?" "yes, i would
say so. " "ther
it depends on what comes before this statement, on which the premise relies. for
example has the elisa test been
proven to be accurate by some independent tests other than the western blot?" "no,
it hasn t, according to our
expert witnesses. " "well, has the western blot been proven to be accurate by some
independent tests other than the elisa?"

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