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A mobile game is a video game played on a component telephone

and additionally cell phone/tablet. The most punctual known amusement on

a cell phone was a Tetris variation on the Hagenuk MT-2000 gadget from

1994. In 1997, Nokia propelled the fruitful Snake. Snake (and its

variations), that was preinstalled in most cell phones produced by Nokia,

has since turned out to be a standout amongst the most played computer

games and is found on in excess of 350 million gadgets around the world. A

variation of the Snake diversion for the Nokia 6110, utilizing the infrared

port, was likewise the initial two-player amusement for cell phones.

Today, mobile games are typically downloaded from the Play Store

just as from versatile administrator's entrances, yet now and again are

likewise preloaded in the handheld gadgets by the Original gear producer

(OEM) or by the portable administrator when obtained, by means of

infrared association, Bluetooth, memory card or side stacked onto the

handset with a link

Figure 1. Number of video gamers worldwide in 2016, broken down

by region.

The statistic shown in figure 1 presents the quantity of video gamers

worldwide in 2016, separated by area. As indicated by the assessments

there were 912 million gamers in Asia Pacific in 2016, and 200 million

individuals playing recreations in North America in the meantime. That year

in China, gamers burned through 15 percent of their recreation time playing

amusements, the most among estimated nations, trailed by Brazilians and

U.S. gamers. In light of the measurements appeared in figure 1 the

scientists settled on building up an android amusement that can fulfill the

primary reason of why they play recreations which is to be engaged yet in

addition to boost this "diversion" such that they are engaged just as

learning subjects with respect to the BSIT program.

Project Context

The main problem of the research is that most of the young people

nowadays would rather play games than to study, according to Berkely

(2009), playing online computers can be thought of as time spent on the

computer, playing video games, or cruising the web in which achieves a

point of disturbance in a person's common reality. Its extending

arrangement of systems turns into a virtual network and reality other than

physical reality, which incredibly modifies a student’s view of life. The virtual

world, in a way, becomes indistinguishable from its aggregate structure.

From certain students, this immateriality from this present reality turns out

to be so crazy, that it hurts social connections just as upsetting school work.


The game replaces friends and family, like other addictions as the source of

a person’s emotional life.

In this manner, the developers therefore proposed the role playing

game for selected I.T. subjects. The design and development of the system

consists of two platforms. The first platform is the RPG Maker MV which is

responsible for the overall compilation of the application, The RPG maker’s

function is to compile the design and process of the lessons and quizzes

for the application. The second platform would be Android Studio which is

responsible in the development of the application as an APK which is

supported by android phones.


The main objective of this project is to design and develop an

android based game that provides a challenging game with interactive

learning about the basic subjects of the BSIT program.

Specifically the project aims to:

1. Design a class in game that can display written discussions for some

of the BSIT subjects.

2. Create a Role Playing Game (RPG) that has Quiz battles to test the

knowledge of the players regarding the subjects.

3. Design levels with different levels, level 1 being I.T fundamentals,

Level 2 being Networking 1 and 2, level 3 being DBMS and level 3.5

being Programming 1.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 2. Conceptual Framework

Figure 2 shows the process where the player is allowed to create a

character where the application then saves the players data in the RPG

maker MV’s database which is kept in MySQL. After the development of the

character the player is then given quests, while finishing the quests the

player is given lessons and quizzes related to some of the BSIT subjects.

Project Purpose

The Foundation for Information Technology (FIT) for BSIT students

focuses on Programming1, IT Fundamentals, Data Base Management

System and Networking1. It can be beneficial because it can provide the

students with the unlimited access using Android/IOS Phone. It can also

benefit the students to have a way to review basic BSIT lessons anytime

they want within the game using the lessons given in the game.

The developers intend to show that the Foundations for Information

Technology can be an alternative tool to educate students by giving out

lessons and quizzes based on the subjects tackled in the game. The result

of the study is expected to help to the following:

The Students

Using the developed application, the students can have unlimited

access to lessons and reviewers. It can be a good option for students who

want to review lessons in a more entertaining way.

The Future Developers

The study may serve as reference for the future developers who

take up the same topic or concept for their research.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The Foundation for Information Technology (FIT) Role Playing

Game for Selected I.T Subjects, is to know what is the lesson about basic

computer knowledge of IT topic, where what is the important while

combined it to the Foundation for Information Technology (FIT) RPG from

this student know about the Introduction of Networking, the IT

Fundamentals, DBMS, Programming 1 and the most important is the game

quizzes through battles. Modules of the game involve different levels and in

each level the quizzes will focus on specific topics, Level 1 would contain

topics related to Networking 1 and 2 then so on and so forth.


Selecting a character or avatar: The player can select his/her avatar

based on his/her preference each with name and gender which will be
included in the game.

In-game Classes: The game also includes in-game classes where the
player attends classes held by NPCs and they are given “books” after the
discussion so the player can review the lessons. Classes that are tackled is
as follows, level 1 is I.T Fundamentals, level 2 is Networking 1, level 3 is
DBMS and level 3.5 is Programming 1. In addition to this the player will not
be given the option to skip the dialogues to ensure that they will read the
dialogues and learn the lessons.

“Books”: Items acquired in game which can be used by the players to

review the lessons and learn answers for possible enemies and puzzles

In-game Quizzes: The player encounters enemies but instead of fighting;

the fight sequence is replaced with a Quiz-type battle.

Quiz Evaluations: The player is rated according to the number of turns

and number of successful hits done, and this will serve as their evaluation
for how much knowledge they’ve acquired. The player’s grades are also
visible at the load screen of the game.

In-game Quiz Puzzles: The game also has puzzles they have to solve in
order to progress in the quests; the puzzles are also IT subject related.

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