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Latin mottos and epigrams

1) labor omnia vīcit. (Virgil)

2) īra furor brevis est; animum rege. (Horace.—furor, -rōris, madness.—

brevis, -e, brief.—animus, -ī, spirit, mind)

3) ad maiōrem deī glōriam (motto of the Jesuit order)

4) per ardua ad astra (motto of RAF.—arduus, -a, -um, high, steep,

difficult.—astrum, -ī, star)

5) Lūsitānia tesserā omnī armātūrā fortior (motto of a Portuguese

cavalry regiment.—Lūsitānia, -ae, Roman name for Portugal.—tessera,
-ae, banner.—armātūra, -ae, armor, soldiers)

6) sub lēge libertās (motto of Portugal.—lēx, lēgis, law.—lībertās, -tātis)

7) dum spīrō spērō (motto of St Andrews.—spīrāre, to breathe.—spērāre,

cf. spēs)

8) Rōma, caput mundi, regit orbis frena rotundī (inscribed on the crown
of the emperor Diocletian.—caput, -pitis, head.—mundus, -ī, world.—
orbis, -is, globe.—frēna, n. pl. reins.—rotundus, -a, -um)

9) numquam enim temeritās cum sapientiā commiscētur. (Cicero.—

temeritās, -tātis, rashness.—commiscēre, join)

10) malum est cōnsilium quod mūtārī nōn potest. (Publilius Syrus.—
cōnsilium, ī, plan, judgment.—mūtāre, change)

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