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Personal Statement

“At this moment I knew that my life would be different. I'm stepping one more foot into

adulthood no more depending on mom for money . I can buy things that I want to know

my myself.”

It was a week after my birthday January 8th,2018. I've been searching for a job day

and night . I called everywhere, but from some reason I was getting no responses. So I

just gave up .Thinking “ Who would want to hire a sixteen years old first time worker “ Of

course I felt like nothing was going planned how I thought it would a few months ago . It

wasn't like I was in need of a job . I have a stable home, a mother who feeds and

provides with our needs. But when you are in highschool you see the things that others

have and you want to keep up with them and the trends . I just wanted to be able to be

able to provide the things that I want and need . So my mom wouldn't have so much on

her plate. After a couple days after school on a Monday around 5 p.m me and my mom

went to Mcdonalds on Central Ave. I saw in the drive thru window that they were hiring

new employees and that they had open interviews on monday. This is the day my work

career started.

I took note in my phone to remind me about the interview so a week has went past

and today is Monday . I'm in 4th block Thinking about what they are going to ask me.

Am I going to reach the requirements? What should I wear ? Time flies past its 2:14 p.m

the ringing of the bell hits my ears so hard. I rush out into the crowded halls trying to get

to my bus . Thankfully I was the first person that made to the bus. Now it's about 2:30

p.m. My mom is not home the interview start at 3 p.m. I try throwing on a collar polo
shirt and black denim jeans with some flat shoes. *Honk Honk* the sound of my mom

horn goes off she patiently waiting for me . Mind you I live on central I have

approximately 6 mins to make it to the McDonalds. Nerves as I am I end up making it on

time. Sitting waiting I can just hear my heart pounding . Then a black african american

lady sits down.I introduce myself she gives me her name . We started to click very well

felt as if I was talking to one of my friends being myself. She asked very basic questions

like “ what do I like to do with free time ?” why do I want to work there ? , and what

school I attend . I strictly told the truth and she saw me as a very good candidate for the

job . She told me to orientation on February 16 on Milton rd. I was so relieved. My first

job I was so excited .

This moment in my life changed me for the better. I'm finally learning the ways of life

so I can do things on my own when I get into the real world . Meeting different people,

doing different things.

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