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Galapagos Writing ​10/3/19

BY:Chelsea Carrillo 

One of the Galapagos Mockingbird lives on Floreana Island these mockingbirds can be a

little. Different for some instance they don't mimic like other mocking birds but other then that

there are so many islands in the Galapagos Islands. Most of them are Floreana Island,Isabela,

Santa cruz, Santa Fu, and Hood Island just to name some. The Galapagos Island were discovered

in 1535 by ​Fray Tomás de Berlanga. There are almost more than two hundred species that live

on the galapagos island animals.

The Galapagos Mockingbird is one of the 29 many birds that live on the island. The

Galapagos Mockingbird lives on Floreana Island which is next to Isabela, Santa cruz, Santa Fu,

and Hood Island. The Galapagos Mockingbird can be quite different from normal mockingbird

to like their habits. Other then the Galapagos finches the Galapagos Mockingbird also help start

the thought about peculiar distribution of species. They are known to be four species of

mockingbirds on the Galapagos Islands .

Some of the mockingbirds in the Galapagos Islands is that not all mockingbirds like to

mimic. Mockingbirds like to ride on the backs of iguanas and they say that iguanas are one of the

species.That can tell when a mockingbird is setting off theft alarm calls and another cool thing is

that iguanas and. Mockingbird have a lot of similar predators, Florida's mockingbirds are almost

identical to Galapagos mockingbirds except the red-brown eyes and the. Dark patches on their

eyes and beak that make them look like a bird racoon.

The diet can consist of mostly insects, fruit, nectar, pollan, centipedes, crabs, and lizards.

Mockingbirds can form gangs between two to ten. Individuals they are highly territorial and can
be inquisitive. Most mocking birds love to mimic but once you get to the Floreana Island

mockingbird don't mimic. They now exist on two small islands off the coast with the population

to be several hundred individuals .

To summarize the galapagos island is a wonderful place to have a rondevu with a friend.

With its unique animals like the Galapagos Mockingbird and many more and not to mention the.

Many little island that create Galapagos Island as a hole! And to review some of those are.

Floreana Island,Isabela, Santa cruz, Santa Fu, and Hood Island!. So would you go to the

wonderful Galapagos Islands and what animal are you hoping to see?.

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