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 What are the important tables for accounting


 What are the subledgers those can be handled using Global Accounting Engine

Accounts Payables
Accounts Receivable
Cost Management

 How the AX events get generated

Through the database triggers on subledger tables

 What are the steps to transfer the data to GL from the subledgers

Submit AX Posting Manager.

1. Translate Events
2. Tranfer to GL
3. Journal Import
4. Post to GL

 Which process push the data into which tables

Translate Events - Subledger tables and ax_events -> ax_sle_headers and ax_sle_lines
Transfer to GL - ax_sle_headers and ax_sle_lines -> gl_interface
Journal Import - gl_interface -> gl_je_headers and gl_je_lines
Post to GL - gl_je_headers and gl_je_lines -> gl_balances
Standalone Balance Calculation
- ax_sle_headers and ax_sle_lines -> ax_balances

 What data will be there in ax_balances

Balances related to Third Party Control Accounts

 Some Useful Notes

AX Trace 231649.1
AX Debug Profile Options 435504.1
AX Diagnostics Data Collection 200338.1
AX-INV Diagnostics Data Collection 300558.1
AX-AP Diagnostics Data Collection 148388.1
AX-AR Diagnostics Data Collection 223834.1
AX Rules 168592.1

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