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Self-Learning Map

-by Andrew Price

This document will give you the concrete steps you need to achieve any skill or goal, by
yourself. It will help you turn vague ideas into a properly mapped out journey.

It can be altered to fit any skill. Whether you want to learn realistic 3D rendering, PHP coding or
horseback archery.

Your Template to Fill in:

I want to learn [skill or software] so that I can create [subject or theme], like this:
[paste 3-5 images that match your desired goal]

I will create [project goal] and publish [location] by [date].

If I do not do this, I will give [1% of your yearly salary] to [undesirable organization/person].

To help me achieve my goal by the deadline, I will publish a new artwork every [frequency;
weekly, fortnightly] to [site or social media platform] on [day or date].

To help me stay accountable, I have already announced this to my friends and family on
[platform] who are now expecting this.

To fit this learning into my schedule, I will work at least [# hours] per day, from [time frame] or
[time frame].

To achieve this, my planned course of action is:

1. Specific focus, subject, tutorial or course
2. etc.

My Example
I want to learn Zbrush so that I can create stylized 3D character portraits like this:
I will create 5 characters of this style, and publish to my ArtStation, by December 30th 2017.

If I do not achieve this, I will give $500 to my old classmate.

Leading up to the deadline, I will publish a new artwork every week each Tuesday. I have
announced this to my friends and family on Facebook.

To reach this I will aim to work at least 2 hours per day, from 8-10am or 5-7pm.

To achieve this, my planned course of action is:

1. Learn the basics of Zbrush
2. Create an anatomically correct skull
3. Memorize the important muscle and fat groups from Scott Eaton’s class
4. Create a realistic male and female face that is anatomically correct
5. Create my first stylized character
6. Get critiques
7. Attack my weaknesses
8. Create a total of 5 stylized characters

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