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Discussion Questions

1. What is the definition of organization structure? Does organization structure appear

on the organization chart? Explain.

2. How do rules and plans help an organization achieve vertical integration?

3. When is a functional structure preferable to a divisional structure?

4. Large corporations tend to use hybrid structures. Why?

5. What are the primary differences between a traditional organization designed for
efficiency and a more contemporary organization designed for learning?

6. What is the difference between a task force and a team? Between liaison role and
integrating role? Which of these provides the greatest amount of horizontal

7. What conditions usually have to be present before an organization should adopt a

matrix structure?

8. The manager of a consumer products firm said, “We use the brand manager position
to train future executives.” Do you think the brand manager position is a good training
ground? Discuss.

9. Why do companies using a horizontal structure have cultures that emphasize

openness, employee empowerment, and responsibility? What do you think a manager’s
job would be like in a horizontally organized company?

10. How is structure related to the organization’s need for efficiency versus its need for
learning and innovation? How can managers tell if structure is out of alignment with
the organization’s needs?

11. Describe the virtual network structure. Why do you think this is becoming a good
structural alternative for some of today’s organizations?

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