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PADOLINA 38 April 16, 2019



The title of the article that had been chosen to feature for the project is Decoding Earth’s
rhythms: Modulation of supercontinent cycles by longer superocean episodes. The modulation of
supercontinent cycles is concerned with the assembly of supercontinents through two principal
mechanisms: (1) introversion; and (2) extroversion. These mechanisms, most expecially
extroversion, leads to a new subduction girdle formation and mantle structure complete
reorganization. As we all know, mantle is one of the three major parts of the geosphere (assigned
general topic) aside from crust and core.

On the other hand, the group decided to present the project in a digital output called
Inforgraphics. With this medium, the group will present the chosen topic in a concise and easily
relatable manner. The generation of infographics would include the following tasks with
corresponding point persons:
(1) information collection (All)
(2) summarization of collected information (Palattao, Pascual)
(3) making design layout (Prudencio, Pantoni)
(4) proofreading of the output (Pilapil, Padolina)
(5) finalization of output (All)
The generated infographics will be posted online and printed in tarpaulin for the class

As of April 16, the information collection regarding the said topic was already
accomplished. Moreover, the summarization of the collected information (includes looking for
principal concepts, paraphrasing, etc) is on-going and supposed to be completed on April 19
(Friday). In terms of the layout (includes editing of graphics and texts, etc.), the preliminary design
for the infographics (as shown in Figure 1) has already started conceptualizing and drafting. It is
expected to finish the first draft 3 days after the summarization of collected information.
Furthermore, a series of proofreading and editing (includes checking of typographical error, layout
revision, etc) will be done to finalize the project.

Figure 1. Preliminary layout for the infographics

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