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Psych 171 Questions, Round 2

1. How long does the preoperational stage last?

a. 2 to 7 years
2. According to Vygotsky, these people serve as mentors or guidance to developing children.
a. More Knowledgeable Other
3. A teaching strategy where mentors explain the problem and allow the student to solve it
themselves, occasionally stepping in to give any knowledge or guidance related to the problem.
a. Scaffolding
4. The developmental stage when children can now represent their surroundings with words and
a. Preoperational Stage
5. What do we call the action of focusing mental resources on select information?
a. Attention
6. Type of attention that concerns with planning and analysis.
a. Executive Attention
7. Type of attention that is focused and extended for a long period of time.
a. Sustained Attention
8. In Information Processing, this phenomenon explains why the short-term memory capabilities of
children develop overtime.
a. Memory Retention
9. What is the area between what a learner can do without help and what a learner can’t?
a. Zone of Proximal Development
10. What Theory attempts to explain how one becomes aware of one’s own and others’ mental
a. Theory of Mind

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