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There were animals in the forest. These characters help animals to feel good and healthy. Vicuole helps
storing more water; Mitochondrion protects the animals from danger and makes sure they’re safe. Golgi
Apparatus organizes the food for the animals. Ribosomes gives/serves food to the animals. Nucleus tells
the animals/helpers what to do. They are the animals’ helpers. One time, a goat was very hungry, and
then Nucleus called Ribosomes to serve food for the goat, then Ribosomes served the food to the goat.
The goat ate his food, and then he was so thirsty so Nucleus called Vicuole to serve water to the goat,
then Vicuole served water to the goat and the goat drank his water. Minutes later, the monkey, the tiger,
and the lion were very hungry so Nucleus called Ribosomes again to serve food to the 3 animals, then
Ribosomes told Golgi Apparatus to organize the food for the 3 animals. After Golgi Apparatus organized
the foods, he gave the food to Ribosomes, and then Ribosomes served the food to the 3 animals. The 3
animals ate their food, and after that they were thirsty and Nucleus told Vicuole to serve them water,
then Vicuole served them water. Another minute later, the monkey, the goat, the tiger, and the lion had
their fun time walking around somewhere else outside of their place. They like walking outside after their
meal as usual for a long time. When they went back to where they were, their food was prepared and
served by Golgi Apparatus and Ribosomes. Then the 4 animals got their food and ate them, and then
Vicuole served them water as well. An hour later after the animals enjoyed their meal; they went to their
own places and went to sleep. In the morning, they all woke up, and there were other animals who tried
to harm them, and then Mitochondrion stopped the problem and he sent the other animals back to
where they belong, so the problem was solved and it was a relief for the 4 animals. Minutes later, they
spent their time again walking around outside. This is what they did when they get bored to enjoy their
time. When they got back home after a few hours, their next meal was served by Ribosomes and the
water was served by Vicuole. When the animals saw them, they went to their places and ate their food.
After they ate their meal, they went to another place and played with each other, and then
Mitochondrion came by to watch over them and make sure they’re safe. So that’s how the animals lived
in a safe home where they can get protected.

Moral of the story: Take good care of your animals and let them
enjoy their life playing as long as their happy with it.

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