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(unlinked shot)
Camera pans from wide shot of garage door under the small gap at the bottom of the
door it moves inside to see a poorly lit room filled with bodies. The camera moves
towards the open door in the back and it slams shut as the camera reaches it – the
deliberate jarring cut into and EXT. scene.

shot camera is looking up at a character panting in the heat of the sun. character in shot
is located at the left of the screen dressed in green drab military esk clothing. Intended
to be uninspiring and blend in with the drab background

The character walks of from left to right and the camera changes to a wide shot of the
empty baron land with a broken-down car. Gavin (dressed in green) slams his hand on
the bonnet of the car and walks around to the other side. The rest of the cast are sat in
the car’s shadow - away from the sun. Gavin saunters over and slumps down by the
side of them.

Kira] guess we should do … something

The scene cuts to a dune/mound of rubble and dirt and slowly little by little the whole
cast walks out over it, heat waves emitting in front of the camera. The camera cuts to an
old rundown town with the cast emerging into frame in the bottom left of the screen.
They all proceed in a group like rabble (in silence and without any exaggerated motion).
Town street scene, the gang walks down the road and the camera follows them on their
left side as they walk.

Gavin] (process walking) do we know what we need to fix up the car… other than
mechanical knowledge and a can-do attitude?

Leroy - stares Gavin down in an aggravated manor

The camera cuts to a rooftop shot in an abandoned church and a shadow shuffles about
– overlooking the unaware convoy. The gang start to scrounge for parts to fix the car in
the town unaware of the danger they make lots of noise. This grabs the attention of the
faceless man stood in the church tower. The camera cuts a low-down shot of Kevin
searching for parts in the background of the shot (top right corner) a glint from a sniper
scope in the sunlight emits from the bell tower. The camera cuts to an over the shoulder
shot as Kevin receives a bullet wound. The camera cuts to a super close up on Kevin’s
shook facial expression the background slowly starts to become unfocused and the
other convoy members turn to sots of colour in the background. They start to sprint over
as the audio fades and a high-pitched ringing sound plays the group grab’s him and
muffled shouts are heard from the group members now in peril. The camera cuts behind
the whole group and their words are now audible.

Leroy] Good god, h.h..he’s b.b..been shot?!

Kira] who the hell is out here with us?
Gavin] Redundant! Let’s get him out of here!
Jenny] let’s get a ‘shifty’ on to some cover!

Gavin and Leroy pick up Kevin and haul him out of plain sight. Kira and Jenny look
around for the possible gunman.

The group meets in the garage of an old “abandoned” home (the look of the garage is
similar to the garage in the first scene filled with bodies) the gang starts to discuss their

Jenny] Listen UP! Leroy and Kira, I suggest you go back to the car and find some
medical supplies. Me and Gavin will stay here with Kevin, we’ll try and help him the best
we can.

Leroy + Kira] Understood!

Leroy and Kira scarper from the scene and go trek back to the car in search of
something to help Kevin. Jenny and Gavin move Kevin into the house attached to the
garage and rest him on the sofa, camera cuts to inside the house. Kira raids draws and
cupboards for something to help Kevin.

The camera cuts to a low-down shot of the stairs as a foot comes down on one of the

A farther from a family starts threatening the two as to the man they look like home
invaders. The group was unaware the house was occupied. The family upstairs are in
panic and are scared as the Gavin jumps around the farther – wielding a rather large
machete. The music escalates and the scene cuts to Leroy and Kira walking back
through the waste land back to the care to happen to find bandits have captured the
vehicle and are in the process of raiding it

Kira] What do we do?

Leroy] I got this

Leroy walks up to the bandits and explains his situation then proceeds to point out Kira.
The two are swiftly taken hostage and try to radio in for help from the other two.

The camera cuts back to the home scene with Gavin dancing around the farther trying
to convince him they mean no harm the wife spots the bullet wound in Kevin and calms
her husband down. She speaks creation to him and explains the circumstance. The
camera pans out from a used bottle of medicine along a counter top of homebrew
medical supplies and splashes of blood with the procedure involving Kevin blurred in the
background of the shot the camera cut to a close up of the old woman sewing up the
wound on Kevin. He is in no stable shape, so he whimpers and blacks out.
Old Woman] Stable…
She gestures to Kevin using four fingers and a folded thumb

The radio on the armchair buzzes and bleeps Gavin stumbles over to it and calls back.

Leroy] at the car…(static) we’re hostages (static)

The final shot is the same as the first. The garage filled with bodies but now they roll
over and their faces resemble the cast of the episode.

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