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Gait Report

By: Alexis Bishop, Reema Heydari, Wilson Perry, Hayden Shaffer

We will be able to tell a person’s height based on their
gait data. We believe that people who are taller take
longer strides and walk with more force.
1. Decided to figure out lengths of our bodies
2. Measured out five meters and lined it with tape
3. Measured out steps
4. Taken the G-force of the stepping motion
5. Analyze data
Hayden Reema Alexis Wilson

Height 180cm 168cm 172cm 190cm

Leg Length 109cm 96cm 97cm 108cm

Shoe length 30.48cm 27cm 27cm 28.3cm

Calf Length 57cm 50cm 54cm 55cm

Knee to Hip 57cm 48cm 52cm 55cm

Steps over 6 meters 9,9,9 11,9,9 9.5,9.5,9.5 8,7,7

Stride Length 57cm 42cm 46cm 55cm

Predictive Model
Height in relation to stride length:
height=1.15(stride length)+120
Test the model
Actual Height Predicted Height (based on stride length)

180cm 185cm

168cm 168cm

172cm 172cm

190cm 183cm

Average residual: .0025cm

Tallest and shortest people
in our data set
Our data seems to show that taller people have the
longest stride length and take fewer steps than shorter
people. Also, as you can tell from our graph, people who
are taller tend to walk with more force than shorter
Thank you!

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