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Clarence Billheimer ▶ Simple Sermon Outlines & Quotes


Text: Acts 19

Introduction: The title for this lesson was chosen because in this chapter we read of the third city Paul
visited on this journey which was prominent in that day, unique in some aspects and common with the
others. The city of Athens was focused on education, “ever learning and never able to come to the
knowledge of the truth.” The city of Corinth was famous for its entertainment, pleasures of almost any
kind an individual could want. Finally, in this chapter, we come to Ephesus, which is known for its fashion
and shopping. I guess you who like flea markets and malls would like living in Ephesus in that day.
Knowing this will help us understand better some of the events that we’ll read about here.

All three cities were steeped in some form of religion also. In the case of Athens, it was the many, many
gods they had lining the broad streets. Corinth’s religion was sensual in nature. Finally, Ephesus was
noted for the great temple of Diana, which historians tell us took 220 years to build! It was spectacular in
beauty, built at the expense and investment of many rulers.

In this chapter, we will also encounter some statements which some groups today have built doctrines
and entire churches on. You must remember it is never wise to build your faith or a doctrine on an
isolated verse of Scripture and add insult to injury by ignoring its context. Yet I’m sure as we look at these
verses, you’ll recognize something you’ve heard these groups use these verses for.

I. The miracles (1-13)

A. The twelve disciples (1-7)

These may have been influenced by the ministry of Apollos before he had the word of God expounded
more clearly to

him (16:24-26). The Bible calls them disciples; this does not necessarily mean they were saved or
followers of Jesus—they

were just disciples of someone; in other words, people who were taught by someone, the basic
definition of the word. I

believe the fact they state they had not heard of the Holy Ghost and only knew of John’s baptism
indicates they had not heard
of the fulfillment and ministry of Christ, His death, burial, and resurrection, and the fact that John’s
baptism was unique and

only meant for a very short time. Paul hastens to explain this very fact to them, which, we are told, once
they hear, they

believe his message and are baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then, since they had not been
aware of the ministry of

the Holy Spirit, they were given the unique evidence of speaking in another language. Certain groups
rely very heavily on this

passage as proof that everyone today needs this evidence of the Holy Spirit. Yet this is the only time it is
built around a

circumstance like this.

B. The special miracles (8-12)

Again, note very importantly the words “special miracles” in verse 11. A special miracle is not one we
would expect to

see often nor even today. It would not be special then. Again, certain groups rely on verse 12 to build
their entire health and

wealth gospel on. “Send us your name and X amount of support, and we will send you one of our miracle
hankies,” or


II. The men of Sceva (13-16)

Here is another passage showing the ironic sense of humor God has. It goes to show what power
demonic forces have! It’s sad that someone trying to mimic what Paul did had to suffer. Isn’t God’s grace
and mercy amazing, though, that some of these similar charlatans today don’t suffer like treatment!!

III. The manifestation of true faith (17-20)

Maybe this is where we get the influence to sometimes have rallies where people can burn things they
shouldn’t have as Christians!

IV. The mob in the city (23-41)

A. The concern of the craftsmen (24-27)

Their first concern was not the religion, but the money. They added the concern about their religion as
an afterthought.
B. The commotion in the theater (28-41)

1. Many did not even know why they were there! (32)

2. Those who were there with a purpose made their cause known vocally (34)--what if we could be like
that about our

salvation that we would shout for two hours, “Great is the God of the universe!” or something like that!!

Conclusion: As with some other places where uproar grew close to out of control, the officials realized
the danger they were going to be in if it got more out of hand, so they quickly calmed everyone down
and told them to go

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