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JFS C: Food Chemistry and Toxicology

Frozen Stability of Fish Protein Isolate

Under Various Storage Conditions

CT:: A novel pr
nov ocess using pH-shift to rreco
process eco
ecovver fish pr oteins has been intensiv
proteins ely studied. H
intensively Hoowev er
er,, little
information of its frozen stability has been revealed. The highest gel texture was found for samples frozen at pH

C: Food Chemistry & Toxicology

5.5 (5) and 7.0 (7) with cryoprotectants (C) and without freeze/thaw (F), whereas the lowest gel texture was
obtained from frozen/thawed samples without cryoprotectants (NC). 5NC-F and 7NC-F demonstrated the low-
est surface hydrophobicity and total sulfhydryl (SH), perhaps suggesting more protein aggregation through
hydrophobic interactions and disulfide bonds. A slightly less stability of alkali-treated protein isolates (AKPI)
kept at pH 5.5 than at pH 7 was noticed. AKPI, whether kept at pH 5.5 or 7.0, requires cryoprotectants to
maintain frozen stability for longer shelf life.
Keywor ds: alkali-tr
eywords: eated pr
alkali-treated otein isolates
protein isolates,, cr
cryyopr otectant, fr
oprotectant, ozen stor
fro age
age,, sur
storage face hy
surface dr
hydr ophobicity
ophobicity,, DSC

Introduction muscle pH and/or the chelation of metal ions (Matsumoto and

M ost Pacific whiting harvested in the Pacific Northwest has

been used for surimi manufacturing since its establishment
in 1991 except for 2003 to 2005, due to market preference for fillet
Noguchi 1992). Cryoprotectant increases the surface tension of
water as well as the binding energy, preventing withdrawal of wa-
ter molecules from the protein, thus stabilizing the protein (Araka-
over surimi. Surimi is prepared with water leaching of mechanically wa and Timasheff 1982).
separated fish muscle followed by the addition of cryoprotectants The new process for fish protein isolate, where protein struc-
to improve protein stability during frozen storage (Lee 1984). The tures are intentionally unfolded/refolded by pH-shift, is nearly
leaching process removes undesirable components such as sarco- ready for commercialization. However, it is unknown whether cry-
plasmic proteins and fat. In accordance with conventional muscle oprotectant would be required or not. Our hypothesis to verify the
chemistry, denaturation during surimi processing must be avoid- need for cryoprotectant would, therefore, be critical. Moreover, it
ed. Unlike conventional surimi processing, a novel method of fish has been known that most proteins are more stable at the pI than
protein isolate chemically induces denaturation by altering pH any other pHs (Damodaran 1996). Therefore, it is also of much in-
during the process. This method has been investigated to improve terest to investigate a stability of fish protein isolate stored at the pI.
gelation properties and yield using acid- or alkali-aided treatment. Our overall goal was to investigate whether new fish proteins,
This new method unfolds fish proteins using pH-shift to maximize which were recovered as chemically unfolded/refolded proteins,
solubility. Recovery of all proteins is subsequently obtained at the were affected by freezing and frozen storage. Detailed objectives
isoelectric point (pI) by centrifugation. Unlike the conventional were (1) to determine the effect of pH on fish protein isolate during
process, sarcoplasmic proteins remain along with the myofibrillar frozen storage (pH 5.5 [pI] and pH 7.0); (2) to determine the effect of
proteins. It was noted that the acid or alkaline solubilization pro- cryoprotectant on the functional properties of the fish protein isolate.
cess with Pacific whiting yielded 20% more than the conventional
3-washing process (Choi and Park 2002). Fish proteins solubilized Materials and Methods
at alkaline pH (10 to 11) and subsequently recovered at the pI, ex-
hibited better gel quality than those prepared from acid solubiliza- Sample preparation
tion and the conventional process, respectively (Kim and others Fresh whole Pacific whiting fish (PW; 25- to 30-cm length and less
2003; Yongsawatdigul and Park 2004). than 24 h postharvest) were transported on ice from Point Adams
Structural changes occurring during frozen storage of surimi lead Packing Co. (Hammond, Oreg., U.S.A.) to the OSU Seafood Labora-
to protein denaturation and subsequent loss of gelling capacity. tory within 30 min. Fish were then filleted and ground into mince.
Therefore, the inclusion of cryoprotectants is required to ensure Mince was used as the raw material for alkali-treated protein isolate.
long-term frozen stability of conventional surimi (Lee 1984). Su- Alkali-treated PW proteins (pH 11) were prepared as detailed in
crose and sorbitol have been reported to protect against freeze- Kim (2002). Mince was homogenized with cold deionized (DI) wa-
denaturation of Alaska pollock surimi (Park and others 1988). Su- ter at a 1 to 9 ratio using a Power Gen 700 homogenizer (GLH 115,
crose is usually combined with sorbitol to reduce sweetness. The Fisher Scientific Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.A.) for 2 min at speed level
cryoprotective effect of sugar is enhanced by adding polyphos- 2. The pH of the homogenates was adjusted using 1 and/or 2 N cold
phates, perhaps by the buffering effect of polyphosphates on HCl and NaOH to pH 11.0. The pH measurement was conducted
using a pH meter (HI 9025 microcomputer pH meter, Hanna In-
MS 20050675 Submitted 11/11/05, Revised 12/15/05, Accepted 1/25/06. The struments, Inc., Woonsocket, R.I., U.S.A.) with Spear Gel Combo pH
authors are with OSU Seafood Laboratory and Dept. of Food Science & Tech- probe (Corning Inc. Life Sciences, Acton, Mass., U.S.A.). After pH
nology, Oregon State Univ., 2001 Marine Dr. #253, Astoria, OR 97103. Direct adjustment, samples were centrifuged (Sorvall RC-5B, DuPont Co.,
inquiries to author Park (E-mail:
Newtown, Conn., U.S.A.) at 8000 × g for 25 min at 4 °C to separate

© 2006 Institute of Food Technologists Vol. 71, Nr. 3, 2006—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE C227
Further reproduction without permission is prohibited Published on Web 3/29/2006
Frozen stability of fish protein isolate . . .

Table 1—Compositions of experimental treatments before adjusted to equal pH, moisture, and cryoprotectants
Crude Moisture Sucrose + Ratio of Ratio of
Treatment proteins (%) content (%) sorbitol = 1:1 (%) water/protein protein/cryoprotectant
NCa 16.0 83.7 0 5.24 0
Cb 14.7 77.0 8 5.24 1.84
a N.C. = 0 % cryoprotectants (sucrose + sorbitol = 1+1).
b C = 8% cryoprotectants (sucrose + sorbitol = 1+1).

the insoluble parts. Soluble proteins were subsequently recovered pernatant (Sych and others 1990). Salt extractable protein (SEP) was
at pH 5.5. Protein precipitates were then collected by centrifugation reported as protein content, estimated by Bio-Rad analyses, per g
(4000 × g, 20 min) at 4 °C. The pH and cryoprotectant content of the (dried) protein.
experimental treatments was designed as shown in Figure 1. The
C: Food Chemistry & Toxicology

pellet was separated into 2 portions. One portion was adjusted to Surface hydrophobicity
pH 7.0. The pellets of both pH levels (pH 5.5 and 7.0) were subdi- Three grams of paste was homogenized with 27 mL of 20 mM
vided into 2 sets. Each set was mixed with 0% and 8% cryopro- Tris-HCl, pH 7.0, containing 0.6 M KCl. After centrifugation, protein
tectants (sucrose:sorbitol = 1:1), which was concurrently adjusted surface hydrophobicity of the supernatant was determined using
to 83.7% and 77.0% moisture contents, respectively, to obtain an a 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid (ANS) probe according to
equal ratio of water to protein ( Table 1). Samples were stored at the method of Alizadeh-Pasdar and Li-Chan (2000). Stock solution
–80 °C for 4 wk before analysis. After 4 wk, 4 treatments were sub- of 8 × 10–3 M ANS was prepared in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH
jected to 3 freeze-thaw cycles at –18 °C and 4 °C (5NC-F, 5C-F, 7NC- 7.4). Excitation/emission wavelengths of 390 nm/470 nm were
F, and 7C-F), whereas another 2 treatments containing cryopro- used. The supernatant was serially diluted with 20 mM Tris-HCl,
tectants were analyzed without being frozen/thawed (5C and 7C). pH 7.0, containing 0.6 M KCl from 0.1 to 1.0 mg/mL. Four milliliters
All samples were thawed at 5 °C for 30 min before adjusting to main- of each sample were added into 20 ␮L of ANS stock solution. After
tain equal pH (7.0) and cryoprotectants before making gels. Gels 10 min, the relative fluorescence intensity (RFI) of each solution
were prepared with 1.5% beef plasma protein (enzyme inhibitor). was measured. The initial slope (So) of the net RFI versus protein
Final moisture content was controlled at 78%. Protein isolate and concentration was calculated by linear regression analysis and used
gel preparation were conducted in a walk-in cold room (6 °C). as an index of the protein surface hydrophobicity.
Pastes were analyzed for salt extractable proteins, surface hydro-
phobicity, total sulfhydryl content, and thermal denaturation (dif- Total sulfhy dr
sulfhydr yl content
ferential scanning calorimeter, DSC). Gels were evaluated for tex- Total sulfhydryl (SH) group content was determined using Ell-
tural properties. man’s reagent (5, 5⬘-dinitrobis [2-nitrobenzoic acid]; DTNB) as de-
scribed by Hamada and others (1994) with slight modification. Paste
Salt extractable proteins was solubilized in a solution of 0.6 M KCl in 20 mM Tris-HCl buffer
A total protein extraction of protein paste was carried out in du- (pH 7.0). Protein content of the supernatant was adjusted to 1.0 mg/
plicate using 0.6 M KCl, buffered at pH 7.0 with 20 mM Tris-HCl. mL using the same buffer. The diluted sample (0.5 mL) was mixed
Samples were centrifuged for 10 min at 10000 × g and the Bio-Rad with 2 mL of 8 M urea in 0.2 M Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.0) and then with
protein assay with bovine serum albumin as a standard (Bradford 50 ␮L of 10 mM DTNB solution. Samples were then incubated at 40
1976) was performed to estimate protein concentration in the su- °C for 15 min before measuring absorbance at 412 nm. The SH con-
tent was calculated based on the absorbance using the molar extinc-
tion coefficient of 13600/M/cm (Riddles and others 1979).

Thermodynamic properties
Alkali-treated protein pastes obtained from various storage con-
ditions were subjected to a micro-differential scanning calorimeter
(Micro DSC III, Setaram Inc., Lyon, France). The instrument was cal-
ibrated for temperature accuracy using double deionized water
(DDI) water and naphthalene. The reference calibration for all sam-
ples was performed to calculate the amount of DDI water required
in the reference vessel. Sample pastes weighing around 480 ± 5 mg
were sealed in a hastelloy sample vessel. Samples were then heated
over a temperature range of 20 °C to 90 °C at 1 °C/min. Transition
temperatures and enthalpy measurements were compared among
sample treatments.

Gel analysis
Figure 1—Diagram of experimental design. aAll treatments The sample pastes were tightly extruded into stainless tubes
were adjusted to an equal cryoprotectant content and pH
7.0 before testing (C = cryoprotectants [sucrose + sorbitol (20-mm inner dia) and then cooked at 90 °C for 15 min. Cooked gels
= 1 + 1]; P = 0.3% sodium tripolyphosphate; MC = mois- were cooled in iced water for 15 min and then refrigerated over-
ture content). bAbbreviations of treatments: 5 = frozen stor- night. The chilled gels were set at room temperature for 2 h before
age at pH 5.5; 7 = frozen storage at pH 7.0; NC = without fracture analysis. Gels were cut into 30-mm length and then sub-
cryoprotectants; C = with 8% cryoprotectants; F = with 3
freeze/thaw cycles (freezing at –18 ± 2 °C, 18 h; thawing jected to the punch test using a Texture Analyzer (, Tex-
at 4 ± 2 °C, 6 h). ture Technologies Corp., New York, N.Y., U.S.A.). A 5-mm-dia spher-

C228 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 71, Nr. 3, 2006 URLs and E-mail addresses are active links at
Frozen stability of fish protein isolate . . .

ical probe was used as a measuring tool and the test speed was set and Park 2004) refolded to a neutral pH were greater than those
at 1 mm/s. Breaking force (g) and deformation (mm) required to treated at pH 7.5 and the conventional surimi, respectively. As a
penetrate the surface of the gel were recorded. result, when fish protein isolates were exposed to freezing condi-
tion, its structure probably became more susceptible to freeze-
Statistical analysis denaturation even at –80 °C and short periods of time (4 wk for 7C
At least 2 replications of all treatments were performed. Data were and 5C treatments). This led to more protein aggregation, which
analyzed using an analysis of variance (ANOVA) procedure. General resulted in less SEP than native proteins.
linear model was applied with further analysis using Tukey’s test to Altering the pH of samples kept frozen at pH 5.5 to 7 considerably
determine differences (P ⱕ 0.05) between treatment means (SPSS increased its SEP (P ⱕ 0.05), except the 5NC-F sample. This was
for Windows, version 10.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, Ill., U.S.A.). probably due to an increase in protein charges resulting from NaOH
and sodium tripolyphosphate addition during pH adjustment. How-
Results and Discussion ever, this effect was less predominant in 5C-F and 5NC-F treatments
(Figure 2). This may suggest that the freeze/thaw process (5C-F)

C: Food Chemistry & Toxicology

Salt extractable protein and/or the absence of cryoprotectants (5NC-F) cause a significant
Salt extractable protein (SEP) of the alkali-treated protein isolates degree of protein denaturation for samples kept frozen at the pI.
(AKPI) kept frozen at pH 7 was 43 to 45 mg/g dry basis regardless of
cryoprotectants and freeze/thaw cycles. In our preliminary study, Surface hydrophobicity
conventional surimi showed approximately 7 times higher solubility Extrinsic fluorescence ANS probe has been commonly used to
in 0.6 M NaCl than the AKPI (data not shown). We also reported that study surface hydrophobicity in fish proteins. An increase in fluo-
the protein solubility of PW protein isolate at pH 11 and IS 150 mM rescence is an indication of denaturation of a protein, with the ex-
and conventional surimi in 0.6 M NaCl were 35 and 309 mg/g dry posure at the surface of hydrophobic groups (Mackie 1993). After FT
basis, respectively (Thawornchinsombut 2004). Kim (2002) also re- cycles, the surface hydrophobicity (So) of sample kept at pH 7 with
vealed substantially low solubility of Alaska pollock proteins isolated cryoprotectants (7C) increased (Figure 3). It has been suggested
at pH 11 in Tris buffer containing 0.6 M NaCl. A similar trend was also that the initial increase of surface hydrophobicity of frozen actomy-
observed in rockfish by Yongsawatdigul and Park (2004). osin is due to a greater exposition of hydrophobic groups when ac-
Protein denaturation during frozen storage typically causes a tomyosin is denatured by freezing (Niwa and others 1986). Subse-
decrease in protein solubility due to intermolecular hydrogen or quent evolution depends on the balance between denaturation
hydrophobic bonds, as well as disulfide bonds and ionic interac- and aggregation of the proteins.
tions among protein molecules (Matsumoto 1980; Akahane 1982; Del Mazo and others (1994) reported a slight increase in So of
Badii and Howell 2002). It has also been recognized that gadoid natural actomyosin from hake upon freezing, which subsequent-
species (that is, hake, cod, or whiting) tend to be more susceptible ly tended to diminish slightly during frozen storage. Denaturation
to protein denaturation during frozen storage (Haard 1992; and aggregation of hake actomyosin, as a consequence of freezing
Careche and Li-Chan 1997). However, in this study, it should be and frozen storage, occurred essentially through direct aggregation
noted that no significant difference (P > 0.05) was observed when of actomyosin molecules without dissociating into actin and myosin
severe conditions (without cryoprotectants addition and/or FT cy- (Cofrades and others 1996). The partly unfolded tertiary structure,
cling) were applied (Figure 2). The molecular structure of AKPI, probably from the head region but a native secondary structure of
which were chemically unfolded and refolded, might be reorient- acid- and alkali-treated proteins as evidenced by an increase in
ed. Thus, they no longer behave like a native protein. surface hydrophobicity (Kristinsson and Hultin 2003b) and the cir-
Kristinsson and Hultin (2003a) reported that acid and alkali con- cular dichroism study (Kristinsson and Hultin 2003a), may have
ditions each partially unfolded myosin in a different manner. facilitated the intermolecular interactions leading to protein aggre-
These treatments led to the almost complete loss of myosin ATPase gation during frozen storage. Formation of formaldehyde in certain
activity and exposure of more reactive sulfhydryl groups. Hydro- gadoid species, including whiting, is known to increase the rate of
phobicity of the acid- and alkali-treated cod myosin (Kristinsson protein denaturation during frozen storage (Haard 1992; Tejada
and Hultin 2003b), and PW muscle proteins (Thawornchinsombut and others 1996; Careche and Li-Chan 1997). The denaturation
would be mainly due to increased exposure of hydrophobic groups

Figure 2—Salt extractability of alkali-treated fresh whole

Pacific whiting fish (PW) protein isolates (alkali-treated pro- Figure 3—Surface hydrophobicity of alkali-treated protein
tein isolates [AKPI]) at various storage conditions. Differ- isolates (AKPI) at various storage conditions. Different let-
ent letters denote significant differences among treatments ters denote significant differences among treatments
(P ⱕ 0.05). Abbreviations for treatments are as in Figure 1. (P ⱕ 0.05). Abbreviations for treatments are as in Figure 1.

URLs and E-mail addresses are active links at Vol. 71, Nr. 3, 2006—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE C229
Frozen stability of fish protein isolate . . .

and this would lead to subsequent aggregation by non-covalent er 1991). The data suggested that the refolded proteins obtained
forces (Ang and Hultin 1989). through the pH-shift also need cryoprotectants to preserve their
The pH of the storage conditions did not seem to significantly molecular structures during frozen storage. However, no significant
affect (P > 0.05) the So regardless of FT cycle and cryoprotectant in- difference of So of 5C-F and 5NC-F treatments was observed.
clusion (Figure 3). In the absence of cryoprotectants, samples stored
at pH 7 (7NC-F) represented lower So (P ⱕ 0.05) compared with 7C- Total sulfhy dr
sulfhydr yl content
F sample perhaps suggesting greater protein aggregation. It is well Another way to elucidate protein aggregation is to monitor
established that the inclusion of cryoprotectant is required to im- changes in sulfhydryl (SH) groups (LeBlanc and LeBlanc 1992). A
prove long-term stability of fish myofibrillar proteins during frozen change in total SH is attributed to oxidation of SH, reduction of dis-
storage (Takayoshi 1977; Yoon and Lee 1990; MacDonald and Lani- ulfide bonds (S-S), and S-S/SH interchange reactions. Several stud-
ies provided evidence for the loss of SH groups and for the forma-
tion of S-S bonds during frozen storage (Lim and Haard 1984;
LeBlanc and LeBlanc 1992; Sultanbawa and Li-Chan 2001). Fur-
C: Food Chemistry & Toxicology

thermore, a number of studies have reported a decrease in SH con-

tent of alkali-treated proteins (Monahan and others 1995; Kim and
others 2003; Thawornchinsombut 2004; Yongsawatdigul and Park
2004) and proposed that disulfide linkages play an important role
in gelation of alkali-treated proteins.
In this study, total SH contents relatively corresponded to So
values (Figure 3 and 4). The highest and lowest SH contents were
found in the 7C-F and 7 NC-F treatments, respectively (P ⱕ 0.05).
S-S formation has been implicated as a causative agent in protein
aggregation during frozen storage (Buttkus 1970; Matsumoto 1980;
LeBlanc and LeBlanc 1989). It is possible to hypothesize that S-S
formation also plays a meaningful role in protein aggregation of
Figure 4—Total sulfhydryl (SH) content of alkali-treated pro- alkali-treated PW protein isolate during FT treatment when proteins
tein isolates (AKPI) at various storage conditions. Different were not preserved by cryoprotectants. However, surface hydropho-
letters denote significant differences among treatments bicity and total SH content measurements of samples stored under
(P ⱕ 0.05). Abbreviations for treatments are as in Figure 1.
pH 5.5 with and without cryoprotectants revealed insignificantly
different results. These probably recommended that alkali-treated
protein isolate stored at pH 5.5 could not be refolded as much as
that stored at pH 7 regardless of the presence of cryoprotectants.

Thermodynamic properties
The thermogram of PW conventional surimi contained 4 endot-
hermic transitions. The temperatures at which maximum heat input
occurred (Tm) were 35.4 °C, 41.2 °C, 51.1 °C, and 68.8 °C, respective-
ly. The 1st 3 and the last transitions were assumedly assigned to
myosin domains and actin denaturation, respectively (Esturk 2003).
Depending on species (Howell and others 1991; Ogawa and others
1993), the environment (pH, ionic strength) (Wright and Wilding
1984; Howell and others 1991), as well as scanning rate, isolated
myosin may show various peaks at different Tm.
AKPI, which were determined after adjusting to an equal amount
of cryoprotectants and pH (at 7.0), showed different thermograms
as influenced by the various storage conditions (Figure 5). All sam-
ples with cryoprotectants with and without freeze/thaw treatments
showed 3 endothermic peaks with Tm about 33.5 to 34.7 (P1), 46.2 to
47.8 (P2+P3), and 66.5 °C to 68 °C (P4), respectively (Table 2 and Fig-
ure 5). The 1st peak perhaps consisted of the myosin domain and
sarcoplasmic proteins. Collagens and connective tissues would also
be exhibited in the 1st peak (Hastings and others 1985) if they were
not removed through centrifugation. Badii and Howell (2003) ob-
served the transition temperature of cod connective tissue at 34.9 °C.
Peak 2 actually resulted from 2 endothermic transitions, as clearly
visualized in treatments without cryoprotectants (7NC-F and 5NC-
F) at Tm ~ 47 to 48 and 53 °C to 54 ° C, respectively (Figure 5).
The Tm of P1 and P2 of fish protein isolates stored at pH 5.5 were
slightly lower than those of samples kept at pH 7.0. The pH at stor-
age, however, seemed to insignificantly affect the heat input for pro-
Figure 5—Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) thermo-
tein denaturation except treatments without cryoprotectants. A low-
grams of alkali-treated protein isolates (AKPI) at various
storage conditions. Abbreviations for treatments are as in er endothermic transition of P2 for 5NC-F compared with 7NC-F was
Figure 1. noticeable (Table 2). Generally, a decrease in Tm or ⌬H is interpreted

C230 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 71, Nr. 3, 2006 URLs and E-mail addresses are active links at
Frozen stability of fish protein isolate . . .

as a decrease in protein stability. Our results suggested that regard- Table 2—Peak maximum temperatures and enthalpies for
less of cryoprotectant inclusion and/or FT cycling factors, AKPI kept denaturation of protein components in experimental samplesa
frozen at pH 5.5 were relatively less stable than those stored at pH P1 P2 and P3
7.0. Interestingly, the thermogram of 7NC-F samples demonstrated Treatments b Parameters Means SD Means SD
slightly greater Tm and enthalpy than 7C. Moreover, a 3rd myosin
Tmc 34.4 0.4 47.4 0.4
transition was distinguishable. Davies and others (1994) studied 7C
⌬Hd 0.180 0.008 0.200 0.013
changes of the total area under the myosin peaks of red snapper and
Tm 33.5 0.1 46.2 0.1
cod muscles (a warm and a cold water species, respectively). The area 5C
⌬H 0.189 0.005 0.180 0.005
under the red snapper thermogram decreased with frozen storage
Tm 34.7 0.1 47.8 0.2
time, while the area of the cod thermogram appeared to increase to 7C-F
⌬H 0.185 0.002 0.212 0.019
a value similar to that of unfrozen sample after storing between 10
Tm 33.9 0.2 46.3 0.7
and 30 wk at –20 °C. The total area of the myosin peak for cod mus- 5C-F
⌬H 0.185 0.018 0.194 0.039
cle continued to increase during 30 and 54 wk of frozen storage.

C: Food Chemistry & Toxicology

Tm 35.2 0.3 48.2 0.3
Actin was highly sensitive to the pH-shift method particularly 7NC-F 53.2 0.4
samples without cryoprotectants. Thermograms of actin (Peak 4 in ⌬H 0.204 0.006 0.303 0.005
Figure 5) appeared at Tm ~66 to 68 °C with very small endothermic Tm 33.9 0.1 46.7 0.3
transition (<0.04 J/g) in the samples with cryoprotectants and disap- 5NC-F 54.0 0.4
peared in the samples without cryoprotectants. This perhaps sug- ⌬H 0.188 0.008 0.231 0.002
gests that cryoprotectants certainly minimize the freeze-induced a Means and standard deviations (SD) were calculated based on at least 2
denaturation of actin. Howell and others (1991) reported that Tm of b All treatments were adjusted to equal cryoprotectant content and pH 7.0
actin was similar in all fish species, regardless of habitat tempera- before analysis.
cT = Peak maximum temperature.
ture, and was destabilized by increasing both pH and ionic strength. m
d ⌬H = Enthalpy in Joules/g total protein.

Gel texture
Texture properties of AKPI with cryoprotectants (7C, 5C) exhibit-
tral pH, more proteins were extracted due to the change of the net
ed superior quality followed by samples with cryoprotectants and FT
protein charge. However, salt-extractable protein did not seem to be
cycling (7C-F, 5C-F), and sample without cryoprotectants with FT
related to others protein functionalities observed in this study. Sur-
cycling (7NC-F, 5NC-F), respectively (Figure 6). Nevertheless, the pH
face hydrophobicities of AKPI corresponded with total SH content,
of the storage condition did not affect the fracture properties of gel
suggesting that freeze-induced aggregation of protein molecules dur-
texture. The lowest breaking forces were noted in treatments without
ing frozen storage was facilitated by hydrophobic interactions and/
cryoprotectants with FT cycling (7NC-F and 5NC-F). These results
or disulfide bonds, particularly samples without cryoprotectants.
were perhaps associated with low surface hydrophobicity and the
The factors responsible for decreased texture quality were freeze/
appearance of P 3 at 53.2 (7NC-F) and 54.0 °C (5NC-F) (Table 2 and
thaw cycles and/or the absence of cryoprotectants. Like conventional
Figure 5). Gel elasticity decreased significantly after FT cycling was
surimi, alkali-treated protein isolate also needs cryoprotectants to
applied (P ⱕ 0.05). Freeze-induced denaturation followed by aggre-
prevent freeze-induced aggregation during frozen storage. In the
gation probably contributed to the considerable decrease in gel
present study, DSC analysis detected that alkali-treated protein iso-
quality. However, no significant difference of deformation values was
late kept frozen at pH 5.5 was less stable than at pH 7.0. Further find-
found between FT treatment with and without cryoprotectants.
ing is required to elucidate changes of these pH-shift proteins under
various storage conditions at the molecular level.
U nlike conventional surimi, salt-soluble proteins extracted from
fish protein isolates prepared using the pH-shift method were
very low. When pH of the AKPI stored at pH 5.5 was adjusted to neu-
This research was partially funded by the Natl. Sea Grant College
Program of the U.S. Dept. of Commerce’s Natl. Oceanic and Atmo-
spheric Administration under NOAA grant number NA76RG0476
(project nr R/SF-24) and by appropriations made by the Oregon
State Legislature. The views expressed herein do not necessarily
reflect the views of any of those organizations.

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