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1. Water
2. Detergent
3. Hydrometer
4. Measuring Beaker
5. Density bottle and stopper
6. Glass cylinder
7. Marble
8. Stopwatch
9. Weighing balance

A) Density


1. Empty beaker measured and the mass (m1) recorded.

2. The beaker filled with water at a certain volume, read and the volume was recorded as
accurately as possible (considering meniscus).
3. The beaker with water weighed and the mass was recorded.


1. The bottle and stopper dried.

2. The bottle with stopper was weighed and the weight recorded.
3. The bottle filled with water and the stopper replaced.
4. The outside of the bottle was carefully dried with a cloth or tissue paper and excess water
from the stopper removed such that the liquid in the hole was level with the top of the
5. When the water was level with the top of the stopper, volume of water is 25ml.
6. The bottle with the stopper was weighed. The mass was recorded. The mass of the water
was calculated by subtracting mass of empty bottle with stopper.
7. The mass density calculated.
8. The above method was repeated using the detergent in place of water.
9. The specific gravity of the liquid was calculated.
B) Specific gravity

1. The tall glass cylinders placed on the flat working surface.

2. A liquid was filled on the glass cylinders and air allowed to rise to the top.
3. The hydrometer was carefully inserted and allowed to settle in the centre of the
cylinder. To avoid errors, the hydrometer was care not to let it touch the sides otherwise
surface tension effects may cause.
4. After the hydrometer was settled at the bottom of the free water surface, the scale was
5. The hydrometer was taken out and the reading was recorded.
6. The procedure (step 3 to 5) was repeated three times.
7. The above procedures for the detergent was also followed.
8. The specific gravity of the detergent was compared.

C) Viscosity

1. The cylinder was filled with liquid of approximately 1000mL.

2. The starting and ending point on the cylinder was marked to indicate the distance that
is used to determine the travelling time.
3. The ball was dropped into the cylinder and was paying attention at the starting and
ending mark.
4. The travelling time of the ball was recorded. The same size of the ball was repeated
several times and the average reading was taken.
5. Step (3) and (4) was repeated for different diameters of ball and the travelling time
6. The whole procedures repeated for different liquids.
There is not much difference between the theoretical and experimental result of water density.
There is a few factor that can caused the difference between the experimental result and the
theoretical result such as mass, size, temperature and many more. The possible source of error in
this experiment is mass. Typically, you can measure mass with a scale or balance. However, the
accuracy of your measurement will depend on the kind of scale you use. A kitchen scale, for
example, is probably less accurate than a calibrated scale in a lab. But there is also human error in
this experiment, for an example when taking the reading for the result.

The precaution actions that should be taken during the experiment is firstly, the eyes must be
perpendicular to the reading scale of the density bottle, measuring beaker and the hydrometer to
avoid the parallax error. For the density bottle, it must be held by the neck to avoid expansion and
we have to make sure that there is no air bubble in the bottle. In addition, before we put the density
bottle and the measuring beaker, we need to make sure that the outside must be wiped clean so
that any water excess left outside the apparatus does not affect the measurement and reading of
the experiment

Based on the results that we had obtain, the different value of data is because of the different
methods that use different apparatus such as measuring beaker and density bottle. We got different
results since we utilized different apparatus which have different ways of calibration and
measurement units used. Based on the results that we obtained, for the measuring beaker, we got
985 kg/m3 for the value of density of water. When we used density bottle, the value is 995 kg/m3.
Based on the observation based on the data we got, the most accurate measurement is by using the
density bottle. This is because the measurement value is the nearest to the theoretical value that is
1000 kg/m3. The value of the specific gravity that we obtained through the experiment from the
ratio of the density of water and the density of the detergent is 0.966.

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