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Water is life. Individual’s existence is dependent to water - the most essential

natural resources needed for daily living. Clean water is hard to find nowadays
because of natural elements that can contaminate the water source. Water has
many different uses. It can be used in indoor and outdoor household activities.
Further, anyone can get a supply of water since the Earth mostly consists of water.

Potable water is a basic necessity in daily uses, like when preparing food,
drinks, and other intakes. Today ground water is not considerable as clean or potable
source of water. It is not advisable for ingestion. Filthy water is a natural
phenomenon which has been a problem to residences when storms and rains occur.
It can contaminate the water pipes in the household. When blackouts happen, water
pumps of the residences stop working which can cause water shortage

Together with the evolution of mankind, innovation of technology must cope

up to get an alternative source of clean water that is potable when there is water
shortage. The proponents come up with the idea of designing and fabricating a
machine that cleans waste water, specifically filthy water. Treated water can be
consumed by individuals without risking their health. Filthy water becomes a vast
issue in areas usually affected by typhoons or heavy rains, putting the health of the

residences at risk. With Philippines as being a tropical country, a solar powered

machine is ideal to be designed, to save electricity cost as well (Hammer & Hammer
Jr., (2012). Water and Wastewater Technology, 7th Edition).

Background of the Study

Ancient Greek and Sanskrit writings stated that water treatment methods
were recommended way back in 2000 BC. The Greeks knew that by heating the
water, it could be purified and consumed. Water was also cultured using the sand
and gravel filtration. Straining removed unwanted materials from the water before
drinking. During this age, differentiating filthy water from fresh water was difficult. It
was turbidity that drove the earliest forms of water treatment and not much is
known about microorganisms and other contaminants.

Researchers in Thailand’s National Nanotechnology Center (NANOTEC) have

built the first locally made prototype which is solar powered water purification unit
called “SOS water”. This combined the use of antimicrobial Nano-coating to ceramic
filters that increase an extra security by killing bacteria left in the water and
preventing the growth of mold and algae in the body of the filter. The project was
implemented in a lake as a result of the need to provide drinking water to
communities that are affected by the calamities in 2011 that causes mega flooding.

The proponents will analyze the condition for some zones that are usually
prone to dirty water from calamities like floods and other water sources. The sources
of clean water were contaminated because of filths that reach the pipelines. There

are deep-well and hand pump to be used for bathing or washing clothes and dishes
but the water from deep-well are not as clean as the water that they use for drinking.
Subsequently, diseases such as skin irritations are caused by consuming raw water.
The sufficient information to be gathered will help the proponents to conduct a study
and execute different water tests for the design of the water-treatment machine

Statement of the Problem

Filthy water has been one of the biggest problems in the country for the past
years. Some causes of filthy water are the storms and typhoons that the country has

The proponents aim to design and fabricate a filthy water-treatment machine

powered by solar energy using photo voltaic cells. This study will answer the
following questions:

1. What is the most suitable design for the fabrication of the machine to provide
enhanced cleaning of water than existing water treatment?
2. What is the maximum capacity of the water treatment machine to produce
potable water in a single process?
3. How much would be the capital investment needed to implement the project

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study is to design and fabricate a solar-powered

machine that can turn filthy water to potable water. The proponents also aim to:

1. Identify the most suitable design for the fabrication of the machine to provide
enhanced cleaning of water than existing water treatment.
2. Determine the maximum capacity of the water treatment machine to
produce potable water in a single process.
3. Find out the capital investment needed to implement the project design.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study will focus on the design and fabrication of a machine that is capable
of treating filthy water specifically flood water, into clean and safe to drink water in
areas usually affected by calamities causing the water source to be contaminated.
The machine is designed for emergency and calamity situations, that is why the
system will use solar energy and batteries as its power source.

However, once the solar energy is consumed and there is no other energy
source that can be used, the machine will not be able to work. Also, the machine will
not be able to clean water that is too much polluted or contaminated by solid waste,
animal waste, human waste, and some dangerous chemicals.

Significance of the Study

This project will benefit the following:

People experiencing water shortage. Water is definitely the most essential element
for survival. A free, clean, and safe source of usable water will be more beneficial in
maintaining good health of the citizens affected by natural calamities. The electrical
energy cost for the operation of the machine is not expensive because it is solar-
powered and can store power through batteries.

Environment. The project study will be significant to the environment. The machine
will treat harmful chemicals or toxic substances that may affect the surrounding such
as humans, plants, animals, and other living organisms.

Researchers. The proponents will apply the technical knowledge and principles they
have learned for five years of studying the Mechanical Engineering program by
designing and fabricating a prototype. This will help the proponents to have an idea,
information, and knowledge regarding the different treatment processes or the
removal of contaminants of the filthy water.

The Government. The study will benefit the government when there is water
shortage due to storms and calamities. Waters may be contaminated making it dirty
and unsafe to drink by the general public.

Future Researchers. The project study will motivate the future researchers to come
up with the enhanced study in the future. They will also learn and gain organized
additional information from the conducted research.

Research Methodology

The main purpose of the study is to design and develop a machine to get a
supply of clean and safe water. This section discusses the methodologies used in the
study including the research design, sources of data, instruments, and the
procedures in gathering the data to achieve the optimum concept in designing and
fabrication of the machine.

Research Design

The proponents used both experimental and developmental research design

in the study to attain an appropriate design of the project.

The experimental research design includes gathering of data through testing

which helps them determine the different ways to improve the project. On the other
hand, the developmental research design method helps the proponents to easily
determine the components that will be appropriate for project. This also helped the
proponents understand the advantages and disadvantages of the project over the
existing related projects.

Sources of Data

The proponents preferred to have a primary and secondary source of data for
the study.

Primary Sources of Data

These are data obtained through consultation with the research

adviser, moderator, and other professionals that are knowledgeable
regarding the water treatment methods or processes. The summation of
information helped the proponents develop a prototype that can help the
study determine if the actual device is more rational and relevant to the
mechanical engineering theories and principles.

Secondary Sources of Data

Secondary data will be gathered from engineering books, journals, and

online articles. The books and engineering journals contain the substantial
laws, theories, and principles needed while the necessary relevant
information and innovation significant for the study were provided by other
online sources as references.

Research Instruments

The proponets used online references, engineering book, journals and

articles, and prototyping as the research instruments. An online reference helped the
researchers gain knowledge and data of the existing related projects, engineering
books, journals, and article also helps to increase the proponents’ idea to develop the
prototype. It is helpful in building a prototype of the proposed project and testing it
continuously to attain the desired function of the project.

Data Gathering Procedures

The primary and secondary sources will be gathered and filtered to get the
most suitable information for design considerations. This will be used in calculations
and testing of the prototype. The testing of the prototype will include a comparison
to the computation that will lead the proponents in achieving the preferred

Definition of Terms

This section discusses the definitions of unfamiliar words that are present on
this research paper for better understanding.

Backwash. It is a preventive maintenance method of pumping the water backwards

through the series of filters to be used, sometimes it uses compressed air.

Biocide. A simple definition accepted by many groups is “any substance that kills a
living organism” (IICRC 2006, ACGIH 1999). EPA uses the term “antimicrobial
pesticide” to refer to the spectrum of chemical germicides, biocides, and

Contaminant. Biological, chemical, physical, or radiological substance that is

normally absent in the environment which, in appropriate concentration can have a
negative effect in living organisms through air, water, soil, and/or food. (Retrieved

Dl (Deionization). The use of ion exchange resin to remove salts from water. DI
removes both anions and cations.

Filthy. A foul condition of a matter that tends to corrupt or defile. It also means, very
Microorganisms. It is an extremely small living thing that is invisible to the naked

Pathogen. An agent that causes infection or disease, especially a microorganism,

such as a bacterium or protozoan, or a virus.

Potable. Safe to drink; Potable is drinkable substance which is free of pathogens

(disease causing organisms) and can be used for food preparation without the risk of
health problems.

Treatment. The act or process of making water more potable or valuable, as by

purifying, clarifying, softening, filtering or deodorizing.

Turbidity. Muddy, clouded, stirred-up sediment, silt, clay, etc.



This chapter discusses the general principles, mechanical components, and

other existing studies that will help the proponents to design and fabricate a machine
that will turn the filthy water into potable hot and cold water using the solar energy.
Literatures indicated will also help the readers or future researchers to gain ideas for
possible improvements and innovations of the existing project.

Renewable Energy

Kothari, D.P., Ranjan, R., & Singal, K.C. (2012) stated that life on the planet is
the manifestation of energy. The origin of fire, heat, and light is energy. It is required
to grow food grains which enable humans and animals to survive and work. Energy
may be referred as "the capacity to do work". In early ages, humans used their own
strength and energy to gather foods and resources in order to survive until they
learned to depend on the natural sources of energy like the power of falling water to
grind corn and the wind to transport by boat. While wood and fire is used in
industries for steam, it subsequently became a source for coals. Fossil fuels came into
the scene. The widespread of petrol began in 20th century for vehicles and for the
modern industries.

Solar Energy as Energy Source

The sun supplies energy to all of the living and non-living creatures on earth
through the process of photosynthesis. Scientists and engineers today pursue to
utilize solar radiation directly to be converted into a useful electricity or heat. As
traditional sources of energy rapidly decrease and having large cost to our money,
searching for other energy source is one of the best ways in the modern industries to
invest. Among the most infinitely available, capable, and clean source is solar energy.

Sun is probably the most important source of renewable energy available

today. It is everyone’s life. Without its energy, the past, present and future would not
be the same way. Solar energy is considered as the cleanest and easiest way of using
renewable energy. Solar radiation can be used through the employment of devices
that can harness the power of the sun and convert it to electricity like solar panels.

Collection of Solar Energy

Collection of energy from the sun is not impossible in today’s generation.

There are lots of equipment, gadgets, and materials to be used to gather it. They
often called it, “solar cell”.

Solar energy can be collected by photovoltaic (PV) cells or solar cells. The word
“photovoltaic” is derived from the words “photo” which means light and “voltaic”
which means voltage. The output of these cells is direct current electricity. The light
from the sun is converted into electrical energy using a semiconductor material
(normally silicon). However, even if there are unlimited and clean source of energy,

the installation cost of PV panels is high and still has relatively low conversion

Sources of Water

Every community has its own source of water to be used in everyday life
because water is an element that is needed in residences, industries, household and
many more. The daily supply of safe drinking water is the most important factor that
affects people in deciding whether to stay and live in a community. Constant and
abundant freshwater sources are not usually as clean as others thought it was but it is
the most practical and free sources of water.

River Water. River water is mainly contaminated by physical and biological impurities
consist of totals suspended solids, turbidity, bacteria, virus, algae, etc. which are
needed to be removed before it can be distributed for various uses.

Springs. Spring water or spring is where the water from the ground slowly leaks or
goes up from under. It is occasionally goes through fissures in the bedrock or moves
downhill through soils and small cracks on the ground. Spring water is generally
considered as high quality before it reaches the surface, by which depends on the
surrounding soils and bedrocks. This source of water can be easily contaminated
when it reaches the surface of the ground which is cause by different activities
present in a particular area like crop fields, livestock, forestry activities, wildlife, and
septic systems (Boulware, 2013).

Water gathered from clouds. Gathering water from rain is one of the innovative
methods to gain freshwater. The rainwater is free and somehow clean because it is
from the above and does not have contact to other contaminants but it still is not as
safe as the purified water. There is still microorganism from the clouds where it came

Lakes. Lakes is a body of water that is not continuously changing because it is place
only in a part of a land that enables it to regenerate and become clean, only rainwater
can fill and give the lake its water. Due to its stable condition, some organisms live
and multiply in the lake, like algae and other water species.

Types of Water

Clean Water. From the word Clean, which is a sanitary source of water, it does not
harm or infect the body of the human body when it ingested. Some examples of clean
water are tap water, melted ice or snow, water from rains, etc.

Grey Water. This type of water carries unwanted microorganism and nutrient for
microorganism with bacteria present in the water, but no solid waste included. Grey
water have the potential to cause the individual that intakes the water to have
discomfort, virus or risk of health, it may contain chemicals, bio-contaminants, and
other forms of contamination. Some examples of Grey water are the discharge water
from the dishwashers and washing machines, water overflows from the toilet bowl,
flood water, sewer, etc.

Black Water. This type of water is the most dangerous and deadly type of water.
Black water is highly contaminated, contains pathogens and can cause severe illness

and also can lead to death. Some examples of black water are toilet backflow from
beyond trap, flood water that contains poisonous chemicals, and body of water that is
contaminated by some human and animal waste.

Filthy Water Quality

Filthy water is basically the water that is too dirty, contaminated by other
organism like river, lakes, or ocean due to circumstance like blockage of drainage,
storms or too much rain water. Terrestrial soil, grass, trashed, plastic, or animal
manure can be part of the flood water. Since they are filled with water and different
from each other, it is possible that the soil porosity and bulk density of each cannot
easily be determined. Filthy water carries many contaminants that can cause
sickness, like bacteria, viruses and parasites.

Table 1. Initial result of analysis for filthy water

Parameter Method Unit Result

pH (Potential of Electrometric -- 6.82
COD (Chemical Oxygen Reactor Digestion mg/L 1315
Color Visual -- Brownish
Conductivity Electrometric µS/cm 293
Iron Photometric mg/L 3.65
Manganese Photometric mg/L 0.61
TSS (Total suspended Gravimetric mg/L 714
Turbidity Photometric NTU 18

Figure 1. Filthy water sample


Water Quality Characteristics

Water quality parameters help to study characteristics. This includes several of

features that make water potable and convenient which also ensure that it is safe to
the environment and especially to humans with a wide range of possible water uses.

Physical Water Qualities

Solids in Water. Solid particle removal of particles that are suspended in water to
supply absorption sites for biological and chemical contaminants is needed for the
treatment of drinking water. They provide microorganisms a place for protection
against disinfectants like chlorine. Suspended solids degrade biologically; they can
create objection by- products (Drinan & Spellman, 2013).

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). Some objects remain in the liquid even after going
through evaporation and filtration. The residue are called total dissolved solids or
TDS. These are solid particles that appear in water either by solution or suspension.
These can be removed from water by electro dialysis, reverse osmosis or by ion
exchange (Drinan & Spellman, 2013).

Alkalinity. Alkalinity refers to the capability of water to deactivate acids. Alkalinity of

fluid has components such as bicarbonates and carbonates of sodium, calcium,
magnesium, and potassium, and hydroxyl ions (Drinan& Spellman, 2013).

Hardness. According to Drinan & Spellman (2013), hardness is the parameter of

water that indicates the amount of minerals present. Minerals, like calcium and

magnesium, cause scales to form, affecting soap efficiency and inside hot water pipes
which makes them not suitable for public use. Table 1 below illustrates the
classification of hardness of water.

Table 2. Classification of Hardness


Soft Less than 1.0 Less than 17
Slightly hard 1.0 to 3.5 17 to 60
Moderately hard 3.5 to 7.0 60 to 120
Hard 7.0 to 10.5 120 to 180
Very hard Greater than 10.5 Greater than 180

Fluorides. Fluorides are harmful for human and animals, but at the same time, when
used in moderate amount, can be beneficial especially for good dental health. These
mineral is very rare that only small part of the regions and few igneous rocks have it
and only in small amounts. This is sometimes found in small measures in surface
water. Fluoride is added to potable water in other places (Drinan& Spellman, 2013).

Metals. Metals are classified as toxic and harmful in small amounts in water, while
other metals are nontoxic. Natural water is one of the sources of metal composed of
closure from natural deposits and wastes of some plants. Another source is Leachates
from improper design and construction or management landfills. Metals present in
groundwater like Iron (Fe) and Manganese (Mn) causes water an unpleasant taste

even at small amounts but do not cause any health problems. They, however, cause
black and brown stains in laundry and plumbing fixtures (Drinan& Spellman, 2013).

Organics. Many of these compounds are dissolved in water, and they are divided to
biodegradable and non-biodegradable. Organic matter is the reason for the
halogenated compounds buildup in the water itself that undergoes chlorine
disinfection, also causes changes in color, smell, taste, and more problems. Originally,
they came from trees and decaying leaves.

Inorganic. Inorganic elements or compounds can be possessed by natural water and

is very important to water treatment processes. Rocks and other minerals are
dissolved with the natural water, which makes it to become inorganic water. This
water property can be removed with two different methods: 1) Corrosion Control
Method and 2) Removal Technique. Corrosion Control is used to reduce corrosion
while whole Removal Techniques uses reverse osmosis and ion exchange.

Nutrients. Natural water contains nutrients. Phosphorus and Nitrogen are the biggest
concern in water reservoir or supply. Nutrients are essential for the growth of
animals and plants. Boron, Cobalt, Potassium, Manganese, Iron, Calcium, Sulfur, and
Carbon are the other nutrients.

Chlorides. These are not harmful to the human body but it generates a strong salty
taste. Lakes, groundwater, and streams are where you can find Chlorides but sewage
contamination in freshwater shows concentration of 500mg/L.

pH. pH is also referred as Hydrogen Ion Concentration. It is the severity and alkalinity
and acidity in water. The chemical balance of water is also affected by this.

Fluid Properties

Density is the mass per unit volume of a substance (Francisco, 2003).

Viscosity is the resistance to flow of a fluid; it may be distinct as a force between

adjacent layers of fluid to the rate of change of change of velocity perpendicular to
the direction of motion (Francisco, 2003).

Absolute Viscosity or Dynamic Viscosity is defined as the unit of force required to

move one layer of the liquid at the element distance from the first; a ratio of the fluid
layer shearing stress to that of the shear stress rate (Francisco, 2003).

Specific Weight is the force of gravity in a unit volume of a substance (Francisco,


Specific Volume is the volume of a unit mass of a substance or the reciprocal of

density (Francisco, 2003).

Specific Gravity is the ratio of the specific weight of any substance to that of water or
the ratio of density of any substance to that of water (Francisco, 2003).

Biological Water Qualities

Bacteria. Bacteria can be found in many sources like air, water, manure, soil, rotting
vegetation, and human and animal intestines. Most of these microorganisms are not
harmful. However, pathogenic bacteria that are water-borne cause serious health
problems and diseases that could cause gastrointestinal disorder. These pathogens
can be eliminated through chemical treatment (Drinan& Spellman, 2013).

Viruses. Viruses are microorganisms that need a horde for survival. They carry the
information for reproduction but lack the required machinery for it. Waterborne
viruses tend to infect not the gastrointestinal parts but the nervous system of the
human body. Viruses occur in low concentrations and exist in different varieties; they
are unstable in behavior and small in size. This makes viruses hard to test (Drinan&
Spellman, 2013).

Algae. Algae exist in wastewater, freshwater, polluted water, and saltwater that is
microscopic. Most algae are found where there is direct sunlight since they need it to
survive so they tend to occur in surface water. Algae play an important role in Lake
Eutrophication (aging). In general, algae are still considered an inconvenience since it
creates taste and odor problems in water and removing them causes extra expenses
(Drinan& Spellman, 2013).

Protozoa. Protozoa are single-celled animals and are completely self-contained. Few
of them are parasitic but most are free. They can be pathogenic or non-pathogenic,
microscopic, or macroscopic. Rare protozoa are widely spread most in natural water.
Protozoa are harmless but some causes illness in humans – Entamoebahistolytica
(amebiasis), Cryptosporidium parvum, and Giardia lamblia (giardiasis) are the
important exceptions (Drinan& Spellman, 2013).

Worms (Helminths). Other microbes cannot degrade but worms can do because they
have aerobic requirements and can metabolize solid organic matter. Generally, they
are a danger to people who have directly contacted untreated water. Tubiflix worms
are the common organisms that indicate pollution in watercourses (Drinan&
Spellman, 2013).

Indicator Organisms. Due to the troubles in testing and identification, a method for a
strong identification of the liquid’s current quality is very essential. The common
practices of treatment of water cannot test for every single pathogen that may be
present in water thus, retesting is a requirement. This in turn is very time consuming
and costly. Hence, indicator organisms are used. A positive test from these indicator
organisms will indicate the presence of contamination in water. Coliforms are used as
indicator organisms (Drinan& Spellman, 2013).

Water Purification

Water Purification is a process in which the undesirable chemicals, biological

contaminants, suspended solids, and gas from water are removed. It aims to produce
water that is suitable for specific needs. Most water is disinfected for human
consumption and safe to drink, but water purification may also be designed for a
variety of other purposes.

Biological Treatment System

It is the most effective way to remove some organic matter from wastewaters.
The living system is relying to mixed microbial principles that decompose and
eliminate colloidal and disbands organic substances. The treatment chamber holding
the microorganisms provides a controlled environment. For example, activated
sludge is supplied with sufficient oxygen to maintain an aerobic condition.
Wastewater contains the biological food, growth nutrients, and inoculum of 27
microorganisms. Individuals that are not familiar to wastewater operation often ask

that where special biological cultures are came from. It came from a wide range of
wastewater flows is to process the pollutants or undesirable organism by
recirculation. (Hammer & Hammer Jr., 2012)

Common Chemical Water Treatment

Caustic. Caustic is a chemical process that can burn organic tissues, acids and bases in
the water.

Coagulation. Coagulation is the process in which the water is subjected to filtration,

forming them into a larger particle from small particles which makes it easier to be
removed from the water.

Flocculation. Flocculation is a physical process which involves addition of polymer

that collects the tiny; destabilized particle and suspends it to the ground surface.
Flocculation is also transporting the destabilized particles that will cause collisions
with floc or sludge.

Common Water Treatment

Filtration. Filtration is a process of removing the microorganisms and particles from

suspension in water. It is also a physical process that screens the small objects from
the water that can contaminate the water making it not potable. It may be sand,
cloth, fibers, membranes, etc. reducing the suspended material and unwanted

Filter. Filter is a device or material used to remove the unwanted materials; it can be
gas, liquid, light or sound.

Microfiltration and Nano-filtration. Microfiltration and Nano-filtration are methods

used to treat the water surface to reduce Nano and microorganism and to produce
potable water. These are membranes that are often hollow fibers bundled into a
pressure vessel. It can also be constructed with hollow-fiber membranes that filter
water from outside-in in a transverse flow from the pressure vessel through the walls
to the inside of the membranes (Hammer & Hammer, Jr., 2012).

Reverse Osmosis. Reverse Osmosis is a multi-filtration system merging Active Carbon

and particle filtration. It uses a membrane with microscopic holes that require four to
eight times the volume of water processed to wash in order to remove minerals and
salt, but not necessarily chemicals and bacteria.” Reverse osmosis (often abbreviated
R/O, and also called ultrafiltration) is a process where external pressure is applied to a
semipermeable membrane that offsets the hydrostatic pressure resulting in pure
water on one side of the membrane and the unwanted mineral content concentrated
on the other. Reverse osmosis is commonly used to removed salinity in briny ground
water but it is also used in aesthetic contaminants. It can also remove unwanted off-
tastes cause by chlorides or sulfates, and is also used to treat for arsenic, asbestos,
atrazine, fluoride, lead, mercury, nitrate, and radium. When paired with carbon pre-
filtering, reverse osmosis processes are used to remove volatile contaminants that
include benzene, trichloroethylene, trihalomethanes, and radon. The performance of
reverse osmosis is greatly affected by water parameters” (Drinan & Spellman, 2013).

UV Sterilization. Ultra-Violet (UV) Sterilization works on the principle that DNA and
proteins absorb UV radiation (typically around 254nm). This cause the bacterial DNA
to render them inactive. It is a good bactericide but has no residual kill and works only
in clearly filtered water. This is a huge benefit as disinfectants over chlorine and
ozone; it sterilizes the water by activating them. This is because the genetic make-up
of these microorganisms absorbs UV energy rendering their reproduction to cease
and in turn interferes with the survival of viruses and bacteria.

Water Parameters and Regulation

Quality Parameters for Water

Drinan & Spellman (2013) stated that the process of treating raw water for
public use can be controlled and determined by following the water quality
parameters. These regulations are designed by federal regulations and fortified by the
law. Each facility that disposes or distributes water must meet the requirements
stated by the law in order to remain operational.

Purpose of Water Treatment

Drinan & Spellman (2013) mentioned that treating water removes harmful
contaminants making it safe for human consumption. The treatment is done by a
series of steps that ensure its usability or safe to drink. The goal of filthy water
treatment is to remove any pollutant, unwanted molecules, and contaminant that will
affect the water quality and ensure safe, potable water delivered for the consumption
of humans.

Water Quality: Federal Regulation

Drinan & Spellman (2013) said that the standards of water quality are
regulated and controlled by federal regulations which are applied on all levels. In the
1970s, the application of the law for water quality standards caused the dramatic
increase in the quality of drinking water. The regulations responsible for the increase
are the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) passed by Congress in 1974, and the Water
Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 or also known as the Clean Water Act.

Water Quality Standards

Listed are the standards values for Physical and Chemical Quality for
acceptability aspects (refer to tables on the succeeding pages).

Table 2. Standards values for physical and chemical quality

Constituent Maximum Level Remarks Methods of Analysis

(mg/L) or
Taste No Objectionable The Cause of taste must be Sensory Evaluation
Taste determined. Technique
Odor No Objectionable The cause of odor must be Sensory Evaluation
Odor determined. Technique
Decomposition of Organic Visual Comparison
Apparent 10 Color Units Material such as leaves or Colorimetric.
woods usually yield coloring
substances to the water; Tannic.
Color humic acid. And humates from
the decomposition of lignin;
Insoluble form of Iron and
True 5 Color units Manganese; colored suspended

Turbidity 5 NTU Turbidity increases with the Turbidimetry

quantity of suspended matter in

Aluminum 0.2 Aluminum Sulfate is used in FAAS, EAAS, ICP

water Colorimetry Method

Chloride 250.0 Chloride in drinking water Argenometric

originates from natural sources. Method
Sewage and Industrial Effluents, , IC
Urban Runoff, and sea water
Copper 1.0 Copper in drinking water occurs FAAS, EAAS, ICP
primarily as corrosion of interior Neocuproine Method
of copper plumbing especially Bathocuproine
with acid pH or High-Carbonate Method
Waters with alkaline pH.

Hardness 300 as CaCO3 Hardness is due to the presence FAAS, EAAS, ICP
of naturally occurring divalent Colorimetry Method
cations, such as Calcium,
Magnesium, and Strontium
resulting from contact of acidic
groundwater with rocks such as
limestone and dolomites.
Hardness beyond the Standard
Value maybe acceptable for
drinking by the consumers in
certain areas.

Hydrogen Sulfide 0.05 Hydrogen Sulfide may be Methylene Blue

generated by microorganisms Method, Iodometric
under anaerobic condition in Method
bottom of swamps, marshes,
eutrophic lakes and

Iron 1.0 Applicable for existing and new Phenanthroline, AAS,

water supply systems. Iron is ICP, Colorimteric
found in natural fresh waters. It Method
may be present in drinking

water as a result for the use or

iron coagulants or the corrosion
of steel and cast Iron Pipes
during water distribution.
Manganese 0.4 Applicable for existing and new Persulfate Method,
water supply systems. AAS, ICP, ICP/MS
Manganese is naturally
occurring in many surface and
groundwater sources,
particularly in anaerobic or low
oxidation conditions
pH 6.5-8.5 The pH range is based on Electrometric
aesthetic consideration only. Method
5-7 The acceptable range may be
For product broader in the absence of a
water that distribution system. pH is
undergone important as operational water
reverse osmosis quality parameter.
or distillation

Sodium 200 Sodium is usually associated AAS (Flame

with chloride, thus, it may have absorption mode).
the same sources in drinking ICP/MS, Flame
water as chloride. Water photometry
softeners can add significantly
to the sodium content in
Sulfate 250 drinking water especially from Turbidimetric
water refilling stations. Method, Ion
Total Dissolved 500 TDS in drinking water originate Gravimetric Method
Solids (TDS) from natural sources, sewage, Gravimetric, dried at
urban runoff and industrial 180℃
<10 wastewater.
For product
water that
reverse osmosis
or distillation

Zinc 5.0 Zinc may occur naturally in FAAS, ICP, ICP/MS

groundwater. Concentration in
tap water can be much higher as
a result of dissolution of zinc
from pipes.


Pumps are machines used to transfer the liquid from low to high point level.
Pumps are widely used in different locations such as homes, commercial buildings,
hospitals, schools and colleges, and mostly in industrial locations. In early uses,
pumps are powered by windmill or watermill. Nowadays, pumps are usually used for
water supply, irrigation, refrigeration and air conditioning systems, sewage
movement, chemical transfer, controlling of flood, marine services, gasoline supply,
etc. (Francisco, 2003).

Classification of Pumps

1. Dynamic Pumps
These are pumps in which energy is continuously added to rise the
fluid velocities within the machine to values greater than those occurring at
the discharge so subsequent velocity reduction within or beyond the pump
produces a pump pressure increase (Francisco, 2003).

Classification of Dynamic Pumps

a. Centrifugal Pumps. They are machines in which the pumping action is

accomplished by informing kinetic energy to the fluid by high speed
revolving impeller with vanes and next converting this kinetic energy

into pressure energy either by passing the fluid over a volute casing or
diffuser vanes (Francisco, 2003).

b. Special Effect Pumps. These pumps still uses kinetic energy, increase in
velocity, the difference is that the effects employ compared to centrifugal
pumps are different. There are six types of special effect pumps that exist.
This includes regenerative, induced vortex, reversible, viscous drag, impact,
and partial emission

2. Displacement Pumps
These are pumps used to directly rise the pressure up to the
value required that will able to move the fluid through valves into the
discharge line in which energy must be added by applying force to one or
more boundaries that can be moved to any desired number of enclosed
(Francisco, 2003).

Classification of Displacement Pumps

a. Reciprocating Pumps. These are pumps with single acting cylinder
pump and air vessel. Reciprocating pump is a positive displacement
pump; it can be used for higher heads but less discharge (Francisco,
b. Rotary Pumps. These are pumps used for low discharge, low head, and
pumping viscous liquid like oil (Francisco, 2003).

Bernoulli’s Energy Equation

Bernoulli’s equation is an equation used to determine the head of fluid. Applying the
first law of thermodynamics for steady flow, open system and considering the energy
losses are negligible.

Bernoulli’s Energy Equation = Pressure Head + Velocity Head + Static Head = 0



Water is one of the most significant elements for human and other living
organisms to survive. It is essential for hydration and food production. Lack of potable
and clean water is a major problem which needs a solution. The proponents aim to
design and fabricate a machine that treats dirty water to make it safe for human

The dirty water will be poured into a mixing tank with chemicals as a
primary station for treatment to eliminate the hazardous components of the water.
The pump of the system pushes the dirty water into series of filters to remove solid
wastes (rocks, sand, mud, etc.). Ultra Filtration Membrane and Reverse Osmosis
Process will be used to water that would eliminate the remaining bacteria in the
water. If necessary, an ultra-violet process will be added to the system to sterile the
water and clean the remaining bacteria and micro bios until clean water is produced
and be safe to drink. Because the project is conceptualized for calamity uses, backup
power sources, such as solar panels and batteries will be present.

The theories, principles, and researches stated in the review of literatures will
help the proponents in determining the proper design, components, and solutions
that must be considered after analyzing and finding out what problem is needed to be
addressed in the locale.



This section provides a brief introduction of the design considerations to be

used in the fabrication of the project, the parts and their functions, and the general
working principle of making the design project.

Project Design

As population continues to grow, the waste on the water also increases. In

addition, the global warming that the country is experiencing makes the source of
water dirty and contaminated. The proponents come up to an idea of designing a
filthy water treatment machine to remove or lessen the impurities of the dirty water
from areas that are frequently experiencing natural calamities. The first
considerations they will make in determining the design of the machine is to
determine how dirty the water to be treated.

The design of the prototype also considers the materials and treatment
processes to be used in fabricating the machine for its effectiveness, durability, and
the cleanliness of the water output. Because the water to be treated is dirty, it is a
must to carefully select the materials to be used to ensure the safety and cleanliness
of the water output.

The designed machine will mainly focus on water treatment of filthy water.
To attain clean water that is safe for intake and human health, the raw water or filthy

water must go through a chemical water mixing tank where the filthy water will be
mixed with caustic, coagulant, and flocculants to eliminate the substance in the water
that the filtration cannot be done. Ultra-Filtration, Reverse Osmosis, and Ultraviolet
system are the most important processes to be used to eliminate the microorganisms
in the water.

The project design intends to create an excellent and environment friendly

water treatment machine which will significantly help the community sources of
water that needs treatment. The machine will be designed to produce two hundred
liters of clean water for intake and domestic uses per day.

In designing the project, some factors are considered for the attainment of a
realistic design of filthy water treatment machine. The prototype’s components and
design considerations include the following:

Parts and Functions

The following parts and functions in the proposed project are presented below:

Battery. This is where the energy will be stored and it will be used to distribute power
to the pump.
Body or Frame. It serves as the frame and structure of the machine which supports
all of the components.
Caster Wheel. It is used to transport the prototype easily and to secure its
Dispenser. It is used to produce desired temperature of the water needed.
Flow meter. It will serve as an indicator of the volume flow rate.

Gate Valve. Use to control the flow of water in the system.

Inverter. It is used to convert direct current to alternating current to meet the pump’s
energy requirement.
Manual Mixer. It is used to mix liquids together.
Manual Switch. It is used to bypass the operation of the float switch.
Mixing Tank. It is used as storage of water while mixing chemical treatments.
Pipe. It will carry the water throughout the system.
Pressure Gauge. It serves as an indicator for the pressure of the fluid.
Pump. It will transport liquid throughout the system.
Reverse Osmosis System. It is used to remove dissolved inorganic solids in a solution.
Solar Panel. Used to generate electricity from sun’s radiation that will be used for
battery charging
Storage Tank. It serves as the storage of potable water.
Ultra-Filtration System. It is used for removal of particulates and macromolecules
from raw water to produce potable water.
Ultra-Violet Sterilizer. It is used to protect against water-borne viruses, bacteria,
molds, and pathogenic disease-causing microorganisms.
Water Tank. It is used as storage of the chemical treated water before going to
filtration system.

Design Calculations

This section discusses the theoretical computations in determining the proper

specifications of materials to be used.

Pump Water Power or Pump Work

The pump work is the energy needed to lift the water to product storage tank.

TDH = (0) + (0) + (0.55) (3.33 ft. +.917 ft.) = 2.336 ft.
Qtheoretical = 9.5 liters per minute = 0.335489 cubic foot per minute
WP = [(Qtheoretical) (Std. Specific weight of water) (TDH)]/33000
WP = [(0.335489 ft^3/min) (62.4 lb/ft^3) (2.336 ft.)]/33000 = 0.00148 hp = 1.1 Watts

Theoretical Brake/Motor Power

The brake power is the motor or the prime mover power needed to drive the
BP = WP / Efficiency
For Centrifugal Pumps, Use = 0.78 %
Then, BP = 0.00148 hp/0.78
BP = 0.0019 hp = 1.42 Watts
Use: 0.55 Horsepower (410.135 Watts) centrifugal pump.

Solar Power (Power Source)

The required Solar Power must be at least equal or greater than Brake Power.
Brake Power = 1.42 Watts
Say, Solar Power: Use 100 Watts Solar Panel.

Charge Controller Required Specification

For 100 Watts Solar Panel, 12 Volts.

Power = Current / Voltage
Current = Power / Voltage = 100 Watts / 12 Volts = 8.333 Amperes
For safety margins, use: 20-Ampere Charge Controller

Battery Capacity Required

The preferred system voltage system is 12 Volts.

Battery Capacity = Energy to be consumed divided by System Voltage Assigned

time of operation is 1 hour.
Battery Capacity = (410.135) (1 hour) / 12 Volts = 34.18 Ampere-hour

Consider adding margin so battery will stay up to 50% Depth of Discharge,


Total Battery Capacity = Battery Capacity x 2 = 68.36 = 70 Ampere-Hour

Inverter Power Required

From the pump specification considered/used:

0.55 horsepower, 12 Volts, 220V AC, 1.1 Ampere

Then, Power = 242 Watts
Multiply the power by 3 for surge power during starting.
242W x 3 = 726W

Therefore, a 1000-watt power inverter is recommended for safety use.




Figure 2. Front view of the water filtration system



Figure 3. Orthographic view of the water filtration system



A. Manual Mixer K. Caster Wheel with Lock

B. Check Valve L. Filtration System (UF, R/O, UV)

C. Solar Panel M. Filtration Manual Switches

D. Storage Tank N. Pressure Gauge/Flow meter/Battery

E. Body/Framing O. Motor/Pump/Float Switches

F. Dispenser P. Power/Energy Box

G. Battery Q. Aluminum Sheet

H. Inverter R. Pipe

I. Pump S. Mixing Tank

J. Propeller T. Water Tank


Figure 4. Isometric views of the water filtration system


Block Diagram

The figure below represents the block diagram of the water filtration system.







Figure 5. Block diagram of the water filtration and system regeneration process

The black arrow signifies the filtration process of the machine. For the
machine to operate, it needs a power source which will be the solar panel placed at
the top of the system. Then the power or energy collected from the sun through the
solar panel will be reserved inside the battery for backup power source to distribute

the energy in a proper manner. Inverter is used for conversion of energy to be used in
the system. The water's first station/filtration process will be the chemical filtration
which is continuously mixing by a manual mixer for about minutes to eliminate
unwanted compound in water that the UF and RO cannot filtrate. The energy from
the battery is then directed to the pump to get the water moving to the other
filtration processes, Ultra Filtration Process, Reverse Osmosis, and UV treatment.
Water goes through Ultra Filtration Process then the water proceeds to the process of
Reverse Osmosis.

Green arrow signifies recirculation of process. If the water is not cleaned by

the UFP, it goes back through the process of filtration. Untreated water will be
discharged from the machine, symbolized by a red arrow. Now the water will get past
the Reverse Osmosis to remove minerals and salt, but not necessarily chemicals and
bacteria. But then again, waters that did not pass the standards of Reverse Osmosis
will be then discharged off the machine/system, which the red arrow signifies. The
treated water will once again pass through the final process using UV treatment and
proceeds to the supply which will be available for safe consumption uses.

Electrical System Block Diagram






Figure 6. Block diagram of electrical system

The block diagram of the Electrical System (in Figure 5) represents the
components needed in regulating the electricity required for the system. Electrical
system starts with the gathering of radiant heat energy through solar cells which will
be converted into electrical energy through photovoltaic effect. Electricity will pass
through the charge controller to maintain the flow of the current before going to the
battery. This will prevent the battery from damage due to fluctuation of voltage.
Then, the stored electricity in the battery will be supplied to the pump and to the

Process Flow

Conceptualizing A
and Designing of
the Prototype

Bill of Materials
(BOM) with Determining the possible
design problems, limitations and
benefits of the prototype to be

Water Filtration

Determining of all materials

needed for the prototype
Electrical System

Angle Bar for


Preparing of all
materials needed for
the prototype

List of Materials

Fabrication of Framing of the


Amount of
Laboratory testing of water
Chemical to
samples for filtration system
be used

Installing and Testing of water

filtration system B

Assembling and Testing of

electrical system

Does the
water B
system work?


Record of Conducting an experiment and

Data collect water sample

Laboratory water quality test

Does the
quality of water
meet the


Painting of the framing


Final Testing of the whole



Does the water

system meet
the desired



Figure 7. Illustrates the procedure the researches followed in constructing the design

Process Flow Symbols and Definitions

Symbols Definitions

Start of the Process

End End of the Process






A Connector


Materials and Specifications

The table below contains the list of all the materials, components specification
based on the design considered by the researchers.

Table 3. Type of Materials and Specifications

NO. Item Material Specification

1 Water Pump -- CHL-2-20, 0.55hp
2 Manual Mixer Carbon steel and PE 30” (h), 14” (dia)
3 Mixing PE Tank Polyethylene 110 Liters, 18" (dia) x
32.5" (h)
4 Storage PE Tank Polyethylene 110 Liters, 18" (dia) x
32.5" (h)
5 Water Dispenser -- Hot and Cold
6 Sediment Filter -- Size: 20 mic x 10" long,
15gpm (max)
7 Activated Carbon -- Size: 10 mic x 10" long,
Cartridge Filter 15gpm (max)
8 UF Membrane FRP (Fiberglass Size: 4"(dia) x 40"(h), 2.5
Pressure Membrane) lpm
9 RO Membrane FRP (Fiberglass Size: 4"(dia) x 40"(h), 2.5
Pressure Membrane) lpm
10 UV Sterilizer -- 1 lpm
11 Pressure Gauge Black steel case 1 ½" dial face, 0-100 psi

12 Flow Meter Glass ½" NPT connection,

0-5 gpm
13 PVC pipe Polyvinyl Chloride Size: ½"Ø
14 PVC Gate Valve Polyvinyl Chloride Size: ½"Ø
15 PVC Elbow Polyvinyl Chloride Size: ½"Ø, 90 deg
16 PVC Tee Polyvinyl Chloride Size: ½"Ø
17 MS Angle Bar -- Size: 1-½” x 1-½” x 4 mm
18 PVC Plate Polyvinyl Chloride Size: 4” x 8” x 1.3”
19 Solar Charge -- 20A
20 Battery -- 12V
21 Solar Panel -- 100 W
22 Inverter -- 1000 W full sine wave

Assembly, Testing and Commissioning

This section discusses the step by step procedure of the construction and
testing of the prototype. The procedures involved are also used to determine the
goodness of the design in terms of portability, fitness to its application, structure
stability and quality of the product.

Prototype Assembly

The following procedures were the processes used in constructing and

assembling the prototype of the Filthy Water Treatment System.

1. Fabrication of the body.

a. Conceptualize the design of the body that can support the weight of
the prototype and assign the desired location for every component.
b. Construct the framing using angle bars.
c. Drill the angle bars leaving holes for the electrical components.
2. Installation of the water filtration system. (Figure 4)
a. Install all the filters in the system; this includes the Sediment Filter,
Activated Carbon Cartridge Filter, UF Membrane, RO Membrane and UV
b. Position the storage tank and the mixing tank to its ideal location
where the pipes can be easily connected.
c. Install the pump to its proper location considering the inlet and
outlet of the pump.
d. Connect the components using the PVC pipe and fittings. e. Install
the pressure gauge, flow meter, float switch, check and solenoid valve to its
designed location and make sure that there are no leakages present in the
prototype especially on the pipes and fittings to prevent pressure drop and
head loss.

Figure 8. Schematic diagram of water filtration system

3. Installation of electrical system.

a. Position the solar panel at the top of the prototype as a roof for the
electrical components and secure the connection of the screws to the frame.
b. Install the inverter, battery, and charge controller to its proper
location and fasten all the components to the frame using a screw.
c. Install the float switch and set the desired range of operation.
d. Install the manual switch bypassing the function of the float switch.
e. Connect the components with a wire. (Figure 6)

Figure 9. Wiring assembly of electrical components

Testing of prototype

The following procedures were used by the proponents to determine the

functionality of the prototype.

1. Test the stability of the framing.

2. Test the functionality of the pump and check the volume flow rate for
comparison and data analysis.
3. Test the connection of the pipes for leakages.
4. Test the functionality of the electrical components.
a. Average energy stored per day.
b. Time required to fully-charge the battery.
c. Maximum running time of pump.

5. Test the quality of the water.

a. Hardness kit test.
b. Laboratory test.

Operation Guide

1. Pour raw water (filthy water) into the chemical mixing tank.
2. Drop the specified amount of Caustic Soda, Coagulant and Flocculants, Mix
after each chemical (Fast phase for Caustic soda and Coagulant, and Slow
phase for Flocculants). Settle the sludge to the bottom of the tank for about
3. Open the gate valve that connects the chemical mixing tank and the storage
tank to transfer the chemical treated water.
4. Before starting up the system, make sure to do the following:
- Check all the valves make sure they are opened or turned properly.
- Check all the couplings and see if they are all tightened.
- Place the product tank properly under the product feed hose to avoid
- Check if the UV, Pump and Dispenser are plugged into the system’s
power outlet.
5. After those precautions, start the system.
6. If the product tank is full, shut down the system down and transfer the tank
to the water dispenser.

Maintenance and Safety

This section discusses certain troubles that might occur in the project during
operation, and appropriate solutions for the problem.

1. Air can build up in the impeller, in the event that this will occur, use a flat
screwdriver to loosen and tighten the large screw in the pump.

Sediment and Carbon block filters and cartridges:

1. Check for discolorations in the cartridges.

2. To clean cartridges, unscrew the filter casing and remove the cartridge.
Flush off silt from cartridge using running water. Fine particles wedged in the
screen may be removed with the use of a small brush.
3. Replace cartridges when it drops approximately 20% of the inlet pressure,
or sooner if the production rate is not sufficient.
4. Replace cartridges after 4-6 months.
5. When the filters are bloated with air, press the relief button (red button)
located at the top of the filter casing to release trapped air.
6. Ensure casing is tightly placed to avoid leaks.

Ultrafiltration and Membrane:

1. Close completely the control valve on the flow meter labeled UF

CONCENTRATE TO DRAIN. Open completely the control valve on the flow
2. Fill the Raw Water Tank with fresh water (preferably RO permeate water).
3. Confirm that all the water in the Raw Water Tank is circulating from the
Raw Water Tank through the UF membrane and back into the Raw Water
Tank for about 20-30 minutes.
4. Drain the contents of the Raw Water Tank. Drain the UF membrane
modules by opening the Drain Outlet valve.
5. After the Raw Water Tank is emptied, close any Raw Water Tank Drain
6. Refill the Raw Water Tank with fresh or RO Permeate water and add the
active cleaning chemical (acid for inorganic scale, caustic for organics, silt,
and biofilms). If both acid and caustic cleaning is to be performed, it is
recommended that the acid cleaning be performed first. Mix the chemical
completely into solution.
7. Repeat steps 3-5.

Reverse Osmosis Membrane:

1. Shut off the main valve completely.

2. Next dispense all of the water from your RO faucet.
3. Remove the sediment and carbon filters from their housing.
4. Remove the RO membrane from housing.

5. Keep the filters out of their housings, but screw the housings back in place.
6. Pour about 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide into the stage one housing.
7. Reattach all connections.
8. Turn the main valve back on.
9. Allow the system to run (without the filters, the storage tank will refill
10. Let the system run at least through 2 cycles.
11. Shut off the main valve again.
12. Install the new filters.
13. Let the tank fill back up and then drain one more time.


1. Avoid direct contact of battery to water to avoid short circuit.

2. In case of draining the battery, it can be charged using a battery charger.
3. In case of battery malfunction, check the connections or the battery charge.
4. Keep battery terminals free from corrosion and rust. If the terminals get
corroded pour hot water and baking soda solution on the corrosive area or
use a tooth brush for cleaning. Apply petroleum jelly on the terminals, nuts
and bolts to prevent future corrosion.

Solar Panel & Charge controller:

1. Avoid direct contact of solar panel and charge controller to water to

prevent short circuit.

2. Always secure the connection of the panel to the charge controller and
3. In case of solar panel and charge controller malfunction, check the
connections or consider repairing or replacement of solar panel.
4. When the panel gets too hot, spray with water to cool. Do not use cold
water to avoid cracking.


1. Keep the inverter from getting wet.

Gantt Chart

As engineering students, the researchers must know how to set a timetable

in making a prototype to check if there is progress. The table 5 illustrated the actual
timetable or Gantt chart of the study in water treatment system.



This chapter presents the computation and economic study of overall

expenses of the water treatment system. It consists of the project cost which the
material cost, fixed investment, and contingency cost.
The total project cost was computed to be PHP 70,433.76. It consisted of the
summation of the fixed investment and contingency cost. Shown in Table 5 is the
total and breakdown of the cost of each material that was used in the prototype.

Table 5. Bill of Materials


Water Pump CHL-2-20, 1 pc. 6,100.00 6,100.00
Manual Mixer 1 pc. 2,300.00 2,300.00
Mixing PE Tank 110 1 pc. 4,592.00 4,592.00
Liters, 18" x 32.5"
Storage PE Tank 110 1pc. 4,592.00 4,592.00
Liters, 18" x 32.5"
Sediment Filter 20 mic x 1 pc. 645.00 645.00
10" long, 15gpm
Activated Carbon 1 pc. 690.00 690.00

Cartridge Filter 10 mic x

10" long, 15gpm
UF Membrane 4"x40” 1 pc. 9,999.00 9,999.00
RO Membrane 4"x40” 1 pc. 9,800.00 9,800.00
UV Sterilizer 1 pc. 2,300.00 2,300.00
Pressure Gauge 1 ½" 5 pcs. 450.00 2,230.00
dial face, 0-100 psi
Flow Meter ½" NPT 2 pc. 1,200.00 2,400.00
PVC pipe ½"Ø 1 pc. 946.82 946.82
PVC Gate Valve ½"Ø 7 pcs. 970.54 6,793.78
PVC Elbow ½"Ø 90 deg 12 pcs. 73.34 880.08
PVC Tee ½"Ø 4 pcs. 206.52 826.08
MS Angle Bar 1-½” x 1- 2 pc. 560.00 1,120.00
½” x 4 mm
PVC Plate 4” x 8” x 1.3” 1 pc. 520.00 520.00
Battery 1 pc. 2,000.00 2,000.00
Solar Panel 100 watts 1 pc. 2,500.00 2,500.00
Inverter 1000 watts 1 pc. 3,200.00 3,200.00
Solar Charge Controller 1 pc 1,000.00 1,000.00
Water Dispenser 1 pc. 2,500.00 2,500.00

The cost of materials used was derived from availability of the materials from
the supplier of the fabricator. To summarize the material cost, the total cost of the
materials used for the project was PHP 67,934.76.

Total Material Cost = PHP 67,934.76

Labor cost was an indirect cost which was associated with support of the
fabricator. The Labor cost was based on the agreement between the fabricator and
client regarding the labor and installation cost in fabricating the project.

Mechanist, PHP 14,050/month (3 days) = PHP 1,405
Welder, PHP 14,050/month (3 days) = PHP 1,405
Electrician, PHP 16,158/month (2days) = PHP 1077.22
Plumber, PHP 13,190/month (3 days) = PHP 1391
Fabricator Cost = 3000
Total Labor Cost = PHP 8,278.22

Fixed investment was computed using the Total Material cost added by the
Labor cost.

Fixed investment = Total Material cost + Labor Cost

Fixed investment = PHP 76,212.98

Contingency cost was computed using 10% of the Fixed Investment.

Contingency cost = (10%) x Fixed investment
Contingency cost = (10%) x PHP 76,212.98
Contingency cost = PHP 7,621.3

Total project cost was the sum of Contingency cost and fixed investment.
Total project cost = Contingency cost + Fixed Investment
Total project cost = 7,621.3+ 76,212.98
Total project cost = PHP 83,834.28

Cost and Benefit Analysis

a. Savings

Cost of Water Refilling Station

No. of operator in Water Station = 1 person

1 yr = 313 working days
PHP 9.66/kWh

Salary = PHP 350 x 313 =PHP 109,550/yr

2 1hp pump = 1.492 kW = 14.92 kWh/day x 9.66 x 313 = PHP 45,111.82/yr
1 UV = 0.01 kW = 0.1 kWh/day x 313 = PHP 313/yr
Water bill PHP1251.08/month = PHP 15,012.96/yr
Cost WRS= PHP 169,987.88/year

Water Treatment Machine

No. of operator in Water Treatment Machine = 1 person

1 yr = 313 working days

Salary = PHP 350 x 313 =PHP 109,550/yr

Cost WTM = PHP 109,550/year

Savings = Cost WRS – Cost WTM

Savings = PHP 169,987.88 - PHP 109,550
Savings = PHP 60,437.88/year

Rate of Return

ROR = (Saving / Total Project Cost) x 100

ROR = (PHP 60,437.88/ PHP 83,834.28) x 100

ROR = 72.09%

Return of Investment

ROI = Total Project Cost / Saving

ROI = PHP 83,834.28 / PHP 60,437.88

ROI = 1.38 or 1.5 year




This chapter presents the information, testing results and data gathered
through prototyping. The presentation and analysis of the results are constructed in
parallel with the objectives of the study.

A. Battery capacity stored for 8.2 hours full sunlight daily effective charging.

Battery Capacity = Energy to be consumed divided by System Voltage

The current of the Solar Panel is 8.333 Amperes.
Battery Capacity = Current of Solar Panel x 5.5 hours
Battery Capacity = 8.333 A x 8.2 hours = 68.33 Ampere-hour

 The daily stored energy in the battery is 68.33 Ampere-hour

B. Time of operation when the battery is not fully-charged.

For the Current of Battery:

Using P=IV
Power of Pump = Power of Battery
(220 Volts) (1.1 Ampere) = (Current of Battery) (12 Volts)
Then, Current of Battery = 20.16 Amperes

Time of Operation (not fully charged) = 34.18 Ah / 20.16 A

Time of Operation = 1.7 hours = 101.72 minutes

 The operation can last for 1.7 hours. The target theoretical design for time of
operations has been met.

C. Amount of water produced when the battery is not fully-charged.

The time of operation when the battery is not fully-charged is 101.72 minutes.
Volume of Water Produced = Time of operation x Actual volume flow rate
Volume of Water Produced = (101.72 minutes) (1.5 liters per minute)
= 152.58 liters

 The volume flow rate of the product decrease to 1.5 from 9.5 due to large
volume of waste water discharge to fulfill the capacity requirement of the UV

 The amount of water produced sufficed the filthy water requirements. The
operation of the machine when the battery is not fully charged can produce
152.58 liters.

D. Charging time for the battery to be fully-charged.

Solar Panel Specifications: 100 Watts, 12 Volts, 8.333 Amperes

Battery Specifications: 34.18 Amperes, 12 Volts, 70 Ah
Battery Charging Time (Full) = Battery Capacity / Solar Panel Current

Battery Charging Time (Full) = 70 Ampere-hour / 8.333 Ampere

Battery Charging Time (Full) = 8.2 hours

 The time needed for the battery to be fully-charged is 8.2 hours.

E. Time of operation when the battery is fully-charged.

For the Current of Battery,

Using P=IV
Power of Pump = Power of Battery
(220 Volts) (1.1 Ampere) = (Current of Battery) (12 Volts)
Then, Current of Battery = 34.18 Amperes
Time of Operation (not fully charged) = 70 Ah / 34.18 A
Time of Operation = 2.05 hours = 123 minutes

 The operation can last for 2.05 hours. The target theoretical design for time of
operations has been met.

F. Amount of water produced when the battery is fully-charged.

The time of operation when the battery is not fully-charged is 101.72 minutes.
Volume of Water Produced = Time of operation x Actual volume flow rate
Volume of Water Produced = (123 minutes) (1.5 liters per minute) =184.5 liters

 The amount of water produced daily is 2160 liters


G. The specific speed, type, and efficiency of the pump based on actual.
The specification of pump: 0.55 horsepower, N=2900 rpm
The actual volume flowrate, Qactual = 1.5 liters per minute = 0.4 gpm
The specific speed, Ns = [(rpm)(gpm1/2)]/TDH3/4= [(2900) (0.4^1/2)]/(2.336^3/4)
The specific speed, Ns = 970.67 rpm
Then, the pump is Francis-Type Impeller Pump.
For the actual efficiency, use the Specific Speed vs. Efficiency Chart,
The actual efficiency is 42%

Table 6. Amount of Chemical per liter of raw water used.

Trial Caustic Soda (50%) Coagulant Flocculants

mL/L water mL/L water mL/L water
Standard 0.02-0.05 0.5-0.8 0.5-0.8
1 0.03 0.5 0.5
2 0.02 0.7 0.5
3 0.02 0.6 0.6
4 0.02 0.7 0.5

Table 7. pH level after each chemical

Trial Initial pH pH after pH after pH after pH after the

Caustic Coagulant Flocculants Filtration
Soda System

Standard -- 8.5-9 7.5-8.5 7.5-8.5 6.5-8.5

1 6.82 8.92 7.66 7.23 7.29
2 7.50 8.52 7.50 7.45 7.82
3 7.14 8.27 7.74 7.68 7.98
4 7.36 8.58 7.80 7.71 8.14

Table 8. Time frame per system process

Trial Caustic Soda Coagulation Flocculation Settling Filtration

Sludge System
1 10 min 10 min 5 min 10 min 5 min
2 10 min 9 min 5 min 9 min 4 min
3 9 min 9 min 6 min 12 min 3 min
4 10 min 10 mind 5 min 12 min 3 min

Physical Tests of Raw and Treated water:

Table 6 shows the results of the physical tests before and after treatment. It
shows that hardness, conductivity, turbidity, iron and manganese levels dropped after
the treatment as well as the pH levels getting close to neutral (based on pH scale).

Table 8. Physical tests of raw and treated water

Parameters Unit Method Raw Product Standard: Philippine

Water Water National Standards
for Drinking Water
pH -- Electrometric 6.82 8.14 6.5 – 8.5 for product
water that
undergone reverse
osmosis or
distillation process
Conductivity µS/cm Electrometric 293 2x TDS
Iron mg/L Photometric 3.65 1.0
Manganese mg/L Photometric 0.61 0.4
TSS mg/L Titrimetric 714 300 (as CaCO3)*
Turbidity NTU Photometric 18 5

Table 9. Microbiological tests of raw and treated water

Sample Code/Description

Parameter Method Standard:

MIC – 0443 Philippine
Water National
Testing/Filtered Standards for
Water Drinking
Water 2007
Heterotrophic Pour Plate Method
Plate Count, (Plate Count Agar, 48h, 733 <500
cfu/mL 35deg C)
Total Coliforms Fermentation Technique Positive <1.1
MPN/100mL (LST Broth, 35deg C, 48h; (<2.0)
BGBB, 35deg C, 48h)
Fecal Coliforms Fermentation Technique Positive <1.1
MPN/100mL (LST Broth, 35deg C, 48h; (<2.0)
BGBB, 44.5deg C, 24h)




Water is life. Water is a transparent and nearly colorless substance which is

significantly needed by every individual in order to survive. If water becomes
insufficient, this will pose a significant problem not just for us humans, but for every
living organism. Without water, life on earth would not exist.
Due to the continuous contamination of water sources, it is not advisable for
ingestion and can make the life at risk. Filthy water is a phenomenon which is caused
by storms and other natural calamities which greatly affects and contaminates our
daily source of water and can lead to water shortage.
Some cities in third world countries have fewer infrastructures built to
promote a natural process of water treatment. Water purification needed, depends
on how dirty or contaminated the raw water that enable to reduce the suspended
unwanted matter and microorganism to the treated into a level that it does not need
another treatment process.
Chemical process includes the use of Caustic Soda, Coagulant and Flocculants.
And then, the Filtration process, which is the process of removing the unwanted
organisms and also screens the small objects which can contaminate the water
making it not potable. Our filtration process includes Ultra-Filtration, Reverse
Osmosis, Ultraviolet sterilization and addition of sediment filter and carbon block

The researches intended to find the answer on the following problems: What
is the most suitable design for the fabrication of the machine to provide enhanced
cleaning of water than existing water treatment? What is the maximum capacity of
the water treatment machine to produce potable water in a single process? How
much would be the capital investment needed to implement the project design?
With the descriptive type of research method, the researchers gathered
theories and valuable information needed that answers every questions and
problems they’ll run into throughout the development of the project study. The data
where gathered from books, magazines, engineering journals, trusted internet sites
and with the help of the adviser, moderator, Mechanical engineers who are
knowledgeable with the study.


In this study, the proponents introduced a water treatment system that is

used to treat filthy water to become potable water. As a result of the findings, the
following conclusions were constructed in line with the objectives of the study:

1. The prototype was designed to produce a clean and safe to drink water out of
the filthy water to give another source of potable water. The treatment
process for this problem is chemical process and filtration process. The
needed components for the water treatment system of the prototype are a
pump, a Ultra-Filtration Membrane, a Reversed Osmosis Membrane, a 20
micron sediment filter, a 20 micron carbon block filter, and an a Ultra-Violet
Sterilizer. The machine’s electrical system consists of a 100 watt solar panel, a
70 AH battery and a 1000 watt inverter.

A flow meter is placed after the pump to check the volume flow rate of
water in the system. A Pressure switch is also placed after the pump to
regulate the pressure created to prevent cavitation as well as to indicate the
pressure. A gate valve is also placed after the pump and each membrane to
control the volume flow rate of water in the system. Pressure gauges are
placed before each stage of filtration to check the pressure level.

The proponents determined the maximum capacity of each component to be:

a. the pump has a maximum capacity of 9.5 liters per minute and has a 0.55
HP motor. On the actual run, the pump delivers 2.5 liters per minute of
b. the sediment and carbon filters have a pore size of 20 microns and is 10”
long. Their maximum flow rate capacity is 15 gpm which can handle the
designed flow rate.
c. the UF and RO membrane has a maximum capacity of 2.5 gpm which
meets the designed flow rate of the system.
d. the storage tank has a maximum capacity of 110 liters.
e. the solar panel has a maximum output of 100 watts that suffices the
needed energy for storage in the battery.
f. the battery has a maximum storage capacity of 70 Ah. The daily stored
energy is 34.18 Ah which is enough to operate the system for 1.7 hour.
When the battery is fully-charged, it can power up the system for 2.05
g. the charge controller can handle or regulate 20 Amperes of current and is
suitable for the 8.3 Amperes solar panel output current.

h. the inverter can handle a maximum of 1000 watt which is suitable for the
pump. The surge power of the pump motor is 410.135 watts which is three
times its power input.

2. The daily amount of water produced is 2160 liters which can be another
source of drinkable water.

3. After prototyping, the researchers concluded that the total investment cost
needed in designing and fabricating solar-powered filthy water to potable
water treatment system was PHP 83,834.28 including the contingency cost.
The said amount was below the expected amount; therefore, the total cost
varies in relation to materials to be used.


The project was a complete success. Though the design has been reduced to
its minimal cost and yet efficient on its purpose. Minimalizing costs would mean to
better or greater improvements and would also give the machine its better efficiency.
We reduced the project to its minimal cost, due to the lack of allotted time to
complete the project and the availability of some high cost materials, we are also
keeping track in our expenses which has been high compared to others.

The following recommendations were specified for the greater efficiency of

the design and for further innovation of the project.

1. Pump

 Replace pump with a larger one to increase the capacity as long the
filtration system can handle the pressure of the system.

2. Chemical Mixer

 Replace the Manual mixer to a motor (Agitator Motor) on the mixing

tank to attain higher and more constant speed in the Chemical Mixing.
 Add Chemical Injectors at the top of the mixing tank, which can easily
drop a more precise amount of chemical needed to treat the Filthy

3. Water Filtration System

 To improve the capacity of the filtration system, the filters can be

replaced with larger sizes. This in turn can produce larger amounts of
treated water, reduced frequency of maintenance.
 Provide a cartridge with a smaller pore size for better filtration on the
second stage.

4. Storage Tank

 Improve a dispenser that can handle a greater pressure other than

household dispensers, to have direct feed of the Hot and Cold clean
water that is ready for ingestion.
 Provide a larger tank for larger storage.

5. Electrical System

 Modify the system by providing a larger capacity of every component that

will meet the requirements of the pump.
 Create a much better and visible elevation for the solar panel. A better
energy output from the panel will make a give a bigger capacity for the
system’s pump and dispenser.

6. Framing

 Use a lighter material that can handle the load of the components and
more portable.
 Attach a handle bar to the body frame for convenience.

We greatly recommend to be Mentally, Physically, and financially prepared to

attain the potential improvements that the machine can offer. Study every side and
possible outcomes for every modification to be made on the machine before
implementing because unsupervised improvements can lead to machine malfunction.

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