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Analysis of Groundwater Quality of Hand-Dug Wells in Peri-Urban Area of

Obantoko, Abeokuta, Nigeria for Selected Physico-Chemical Parameters.

A.M. Taiwo*, A.O. Adeogun, K.A. Olatunde, and K.I. Adegbite

Department of Environmental Management and Toxicology,

University of Agriculture, PMB 2240, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria.


ABSTRACT turbid and brownish in color, which could last for

days before it clears.
To assess the groundwater quality in the
Obantoko community, a peri-urban area in Access to safe drinking water for every individual
Abeokuta, Nigeria, twenty-five (25) hand-dug regardless of the economic and social status is
wells were selected and analyzed for important one of the objectives of the World Health
water quality parameters using standard Organization (WHO) (Lefort, 2006). Large
procedures. Observed parameters were portions of the populace in developing countries
temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total die annually as a result of water borne diseases
dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solids such as cholera, typhoid, hepatitis, diarrhea, etc.
(TSS), total solids (TS), hardness, alkalinity, (WHO, 2008). Groundwater is a major water
- -2 3-
chloride (Cl ), sulfate (SO4 ), phosphate (PO4 ), source for rural dwellers for both domestic and
- +
nitrate (NO3 ), and ammonia (NH4 ). The results drinking purposes. However, groundwater
of water parameters analyzed showed elevated resources through hand-dug wells may be
values of pH (7.7 – 9.5), electrical conductivity contaminated by soil particles eroded during
(110 – 490 µS/cm), temperature (27.7 – 28.3 C), heavy downpours on which water-impairing
TSS (10 – 450 mg/l), phosphate (27.9 – 86.0 substances like nitrates and phosphates are
µg/l), nitrate (2.97- 40.68 mg/l) and ammonia (0.0 washed into the wells.
– 0.59 mg/l), higher than World Health
Organization standards for drinking water. The Adekunle et al. (2007) has established the
potential health risks associated with these water contamination of wells sited close to dumping
parameters have been documented. The sites in southwest, Nigeria. Similarly, Ajayi et al.
groundwater quality of these wells is thereby (2002) reported pollution of some well water
compromised and unfit for healthy consumption resources in Warri, a coastal part of Nigeria.
except when thoroughly treated.
Runoff from agricultural and human activities had
(Keywords: hand-dug well, water parameters, been found to increase water pollution indices in
groundwater, quality, standard, health risk) Epie creek in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State (Izonfuo
and Bariweni 2001). Whenever there’s a rainfall,
varieties of contaminants from the atmosphere
INTRODUCTION and land surfaces are deposited into surface and
ground waters resulting in pollution (Strahler and
Obantoko is a peri-urban community located on Strahler, 1973).
the outskirts of the ancient city of Abeokuta in the
Odeda Local Government Area, Ogun State Although most of the hand-dug wells in Obantoko
o o
(longitude 3 20’ E and latitude 7 93’ N). The are usually covered, they are not free from
residents depended absolutely on hand-dug wells contaminations from runoff. Pollutants transported
for their water supply. During the wet season due by surface runoff are deposited into these wells
to the poor drainage system of the community, via available openings and percolation. Cases of
runoff water from diverse sources finds itself water pollution by run-off have been reported by
emptied into these wells, thereby deteriorating the Inoue and Ebise (1999), Inanc et al. (1998), and
groundwater quality. This is usually evident in the Martin et al. (1998). Nitrate remains a major
rise in water levels of the wells; water becoming concern in groundwater contamination because of

The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –527– Volume 12. Number 1. May 2011 (Spring)
its high solubility and health implication (mostly on southwestern part of Nigeria. It is characterized
pregnant women and infants below six months in by a hot humid climate (28 C) with an average
age). annual rainfall of 1.19m (Okeyode and Akani,
Research also indicates that there is a potential
for phosphorus to leach into groundwater through Abeokuta is located on basement complex of
sandy soils with high phosphorus content igneous and metamorphic origin (Jones and
(Citizens Pfiesteria Action Commission, 1997). Hockey, 1964). The basement rocks are overlain
The presence of nitrates and phosphates in by various sedimentary rocks. The metropolis
groundwater may increase the microbial load of covers a geographical area of 78.57 square
the water. The objective of this study is to assess kilometers with population of about six hundred
the groundwater quality of some selected hand- thousand whose occupations are farming, trading,
dug wells in Obantoko, Abeokuta, Nigeria. textile making (Adire), pottery, and fishing
(Oyawoye, 1964). The land-use types in the city
also reveals that large portion of undeveloped
MATERIALS AND METHODS land parcels spaces between buildings are either
cultivated or used as a dumpsite, and are typically
The Study Area littered with human and animal wastes as shown
in Figure 2 (Gbadebo et al., 2010).
Obantoko is one of the peri-urban areas of
Abeokuta (Figure 1), an ancient city in the

Figure 1: Map Showing the Study Area in Odeda Local Government

(insert is Ogun state, Nigeria and Africa).

The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –528– Volume 12. Number 1. May 2011 (Spring)
3°11 ' 3°12 ' 3°13 ' 3°14 '
R iv e
6°57 '
r Igbi 6°57 '
3°18' 3°21' U
% n 3°24'

7°12' ko ro 7°12'
we Lapele ke
er E
R iv

N 6°56 ' Ita Ele g a 6°56 '


Ce m e n t fa c tory Fa jol Oba n tok o

Ase ro #
# # #
Ewe koro
Ak inbo Ilu gun #
6°55 ' Ik ere k u # # #
# Ok e- Areg ba 6°55 ' # Som orin

% W e l ls s a m p l e d
Ada ta n

Itok o # D ra i n a g e s y s t e m


Ro ad s
Ada ta n ##

# Ake Ew e k o ro L a n d -u s e / l a n d c o v e r

Olu m o # # Sam p le dC e
e n t fa c to ry K i ln
# ##
La nto ro Fa c to r y p re m is e s
Ago Ik a # Ik ija Ije m o
# #
## # # Drain a ge system
G ra sslan d
Is al e Ije u n # # ## Itok u Elebute La n d-u se ty pe Rs a i n fe d A g ric ul tu re
# ## #
Ke m ta # Ago Ok o U
Ad m in istrQu a rr y s i te s
La fen w a #
# # Sap on
6°54 ' 6°54 ' Barr acks R e s e r v o ir
_m ilitar y z o n e
Sab o# R i p a ria n v e g e ta t io n
7°9' Am ola s o## # Cem eterSe y t tl e m e n t 7°9'

# # Ija y e

# ## # Olo runs o go
Mar kets

# ## #
Papala nto Is ab o # NU D ke m ta ##

Go ve 0rn0.3
m en 0.6
t ho 0.9
u se Kilo met er s

U Ije ja

Ku to # # Am ola s o
# Ho sp ital
Ita' Iy a lod e
## Abi ola W ay Ho te ls_Re stau ran ts_ Piz z as
3°11 3°12 ' #
## 3°13 ' 3°14 '
# In di ge n ou s res id en ti al
## Om id a
In du s tr ial
Ok e Il ew o # La n d un d er co n stru c tio n
Mo rd er n re sid en tial
Iba ra ho us in g # Mo to r p ar k
Sam E wa n g Es ta te Pala ce
Par ks a nd g a rd en s
Adi gbe #
# Pri so n _Rem a nd h o m e
# Relig io u s
# # Ro ck o u t cr op
Adi gbe Sch o o l
Sp o rts
Un de velo p ed la n d
Wa te r b o d ies
1 0 1 Ki lom e te rs

7°6' 7°6'

3°18' 3°21' 3°24'

Figure 2: the Land-use map of Abeokuta Metropolis (basement complex terrain section of the study area.
Inset location in Nigeria) (Source: Gbadebo et al., 2010).

Sample Collections and Analysis have effects on other parameters like dissolved
oxygen and also toxicity of metals (Awofolu et al.,
Water samples were collected randomly from 25 2007).
hand-dug wells in Obantoko, Abeokuta. Samples
were collected during the rainy in 2008. The water Th pH of the hand-dug wells anged from 7.7-9.5.
samples were subjected to various laboratory WHO pH standard for drinking water is 6.5-8.5
analyses using standard procedures (APHA, (WHO, 1993). Most of the pH values obtained
1989). The below listed parameters were from this study were higher than this standard.
determined: temperature, pH, electrical The alkaline nature of the well water could alter
conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), total the toxicity of other pollutants. For instance,
suspended solids (TSS), total solids (TS), ammonia is more toxic in high pH water (i.e.,
hardness, alkalinity, chloride, sulfate, phosphate, pH>8.5) than at low pH water (Wilcock et al.
nitrate, and ammonia. Temperature, pH, EC, TDS 1995). pH may also affect the solubility and
were determined by probe methods, TSS was bioavailability of other substances (heavy metals)
analyzed gravimetrically while TS was measures in water (EPA, 2003).
by addition of TSS and TDS. Alkalinity, chloride
and hardness were determined titrimetrically Electrical conductivity (EC) is a measure of total
while sulfate, phosphate, nitrate, and ammonia salt content in water (Morrison et al., 2001). It’s a
were measured via colorimetric methods. Data determination of levels of inorganic constituents in
are presented in Table 1. water (Awofolu et al., 2007). In drinking water,
WHO standard for EC is 250 S/cm (WHO, 2003).
About 76% of the well samples have their EC
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS values greater than this permissible standard.
High EC in water may result into adverse
Table 1 shows the values of various physico- ecological effects on aquatic biota (Fried, 1991).
chemical parameters determined from the
sampled hand-dug wells. Water temperature The total dissolved solids (TDS) values obtained
shows no variation in all the wells sampled, with from this study were less than 500 mg/l, the WHO
values generally greater than 27 C. The standard for drinking water (WHO, 1993). TDS is
Commission of European Community (1988) a measure of total inorganic and organic
maximum standard for temperature for drinking substances dissolved in water (ANZECC, 2000).
water is 25 C. The temperature results obtained TDS concentration in natural water is generally
from the sampled groundwater was greater than less than 65 mg/l (Garrison Investigative Board,
this standard. Temperature has been known to 1977).

The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –529– Volume 12. Number 1. May 2011 (Spring)
Table 1: Physico-Chemical Parameters of the Hand-Dug Wells from Obantoko, Abeokuta.

Sampled T TDS TSS TS EC PO43- NH4+ SO42- NO3- Cl- Hardness Alkalinity
wells (s/n) pH (oC) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (µS/cm) (µg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l)
1 7.8 28.0 270 280 550 530 30.0 0.03 197.5 13.32 90 210 160
2 8.4 28.2 240 270 510 460 28.2 0.15 115.0 28.41 - - -
3 8.8 27.9 50 10 60 110 27.9 0.0 5.0 25.01 18 80 80
4 8.9 28.0 160 260 420 330 40.0 0.59 120.5 28.23 50 113 40
5 7.7 28.0 140 200 340 280 28.0 0.0 195.0 10.38 40 113 120
6 8.8 28.0 170 360 530 340 46.0 0.0 155.0 30.42 56 72 80
7 9.3 27.9 170 260 420 350 36.0 0.01 155.0 21.69 46 112 40
8 8.6 27.5 70 - - 140 54.0 0.0 207.5 6.15 - - -
9 8.9 27.9 250 330 580 490 64.0 0.47 340.0 6.72 64 168 120
10 9.1 28.1 170 270 540 350 28.0 0.0 145.0 25.68 44 76 80
11 9.4 27.8 170 350 520 330 40.0 0.19 115.0 23.4 58 136 40
12 8.9 27.9 160 360 520 330 30.0 0.0 120.0 30.18 56 108 40
13 8.6 27.8 250 - - 520 44.0 0.01 275.0 3.6 - - -
14 9.1 28.1 140 380 520 - 66.0 0.01 225.0 15.09 26 144 80
15 7.6 28.1 160 - - 330 42.0 0.0 115.0 14.52 - - -
16 7.6 28.2 70 290 360 140 30.0 0.0 2.5 2.97 30 48 120
17 8.3 27.9 170 400 570 340 68.0 0.02 240.0 15.99 26 40 120
18 9.0 27.7 50 380 430 110 44.0 0.0 37.5 10.26 28 12 120
19 9.5 27.7 130 330 460 280 36.0 0.0 52.5 25.74 158 80 80
20 9.2 28.2 230 450 680 490 40.0 0.0 130.0 40.68 74 176 40
21 8.6 27.7 250 280 530 490 56.0 0.0 207.5 17.04 - 140 -
22 8.7 28.2 170 240 410 350 86.0 0.27 100.0 9.27 40 100 80
23 8.1 28.3 200 190 390 420 58.0 0.29 225.0 27.84 48 84 80
24 7.3 28.0 130 200 330 270 50.0 0.38 22.5 4.38 102 124 80
25 8.9 28.1 100 440 540 210 80.0 0.35 130.0 4.77 - 108 -

TDS levels have been found to be higher in for this high TSS values. High TSS in these wells
regions of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary could be dangerous to human health when the
rock, ranging from 195 to 1100 mg/l (Garrison water is consumed without filtering. TSS has
Investigative Board, 1977) because of the tendency to shield harmful microorganisms. Total
presence of carbonates, chlorides, calcium, solids (TS) are the sum of TDS and TSS. The
magnesium and sulfates (Rainwater and highest value of TS in this study was 680 mg/l,
Thatcher, 1960). According to TDS panels of which was below the WHO standard given as
tasters, the palatability of these hand-dug wells 1000 mg/l (WHO, 1993).
could be rated excellent being less than 300 mg/l
(Bruvold and Ongerth, 1969). There’s no health The well water samples were moderately alkaline
effect of TDS but when greater than 500 mg/l and buffered against sudden pH change, with
could results into corrosions (USEPA, 1998). alkalinity values varied between 40 mg/l and 120
mg/l. Nevertheless, this is within the WHO limit of
The total suspended solids (TSS) of the well 200 mg/l for drinking water. Run-off has been
samples ranged between 10-450 mg/l. This value reported by Phiri et al. (2005) to increase water
was absolutely high when compared to Robert alkalinity. For protection of aquatic life the
(1978) TSS standard for aquatic life in fresh water buffering capacity should be at least 20 mg/l
habitat given as 25-80 mg/l. The influx of run-off (
into these hand-dug wells might have responsible

The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –530– Volume 12. Number 1. May 2011 (Spring)
Temporary loss of buffering capacity can permit drinking water is 0.5 mg/l (WHO, 1993). In
pH levels to drop to level that could be harmful to uncontaminated surface or groundwater, the
life in the water. Drop in pH of drinking water value of ammonia is usually less than 0.1 mg/l
could be harmful for consumption because metal (Wilcock et al., 1995). About 20 % of the
dissolves more in low pH water. sampled wells in this study have ammonia values
greater than this value (0.1 mg/l). Ammonia is
Water hardness is usually due to the presence of toxic to aquatic organisms (Richardson, 1997).
multivalent metal ions, which come from minerals The toxicity however depends mainly on pH and
dissolved in the water. Water hardness standard temperature (Wilcock et al., 1995).
for drinking water is 10-500 mg/l CaCO3 (Marier
et al., 1979). Tyson and Harrison (1990) classified The phosphate range of the well water samples
hardness in drinking water in terms of its calcium was 12-86 g/l. More than one-third of the well
carbonate concentration as follows: soft, 0 -60 samples had their phosphate values higher than
mg/l; medium hard, 61 to 120 mg/l; hard, 121 to Ministry of the Environment and Energy, Canada
180 mg/l; and very hard, 181 mg/l and above.
(1994) permissible limit of 30 g/l normally found
Based on this classification, three of the sampled
in natural water. The major concern of phosphate
hand-dug wells have hardness that could be
in water is eutrophication (Environmental Manual
described as soft (12-48 mg/l), eleven as medium
for Poultry Practice, 2003). Phosphate is toxic to
(72-113 mg/l), six as hard (124-176 mg/l) while
animals and humans at extremely high levels and
only one is very hard (210 mg/l). No health effect
could cause digestive problems (D’Amelio, 2007).
has been associated with hardness in drinking
water. However, Dzik (1989) has reported an
The nitrate level of about 68 % of the well water
inverse relationship between water hardness and
samples was greater than WHO standard of 10
cardiovascular disease.
mg/l for drinking water (WHO, 2003). Nitrate is
harmful when it is above this concentration as it
Chloride concentration in these well water
causes methemoglobinemia in infants less than
samples ranged from 18-158 mg/l, these values
six months. Other ailments associated with high
were below the WHO standard of 250 mg/l for
nitrate concentration are diarrhea and respiratory
drinking water. Department of National Health
diseases (Ward et al., 2005). In an unpolluted
and Welfare, Canada (1978) reported that
river nitrate is usually less than 1.0 mg/l
chloride in surface and groundwater may result
(Meybeck, 1982). The observed high nitrate from
from both natural and anthropogenic sources
this study might have resulted from lawn fertilizer
such as run-off containing salts, the use of
run-off, leaking septic tanks and cesspools,
inorganic fertilizers, landfill leachates, septic tank
manure from farm livestock, animal wastes and
effluents, animal feeds, industrial effluents,
discharges from car exhausts (USEPA, 1986;
irrigation drainage, and seawater intrusion in
Knepp and Arkin, 1973). A high nitrate value had
coastal areas. Chloride is not harmful to human at
been reported in wells close to poultry farm in
low concentration but could alter the taste of
Oyo state (Ajayi et al., 2002). Similarly, high value
water at concentration above 250 mg/l (Hauser,
of nitrate (124 mg/l) had been observed in a
groundwater in parts of southwestern Nigeria
(Malomo et al., 1990).
Sulfate is a non-toxic anion that is present in
natural water, but ailment like catharsis,
dehydration and gastrointestinal irritation have
been linked with it when concentration is above
500 mg/l (Bertram and Balance, 1996). By and
The values of parameters such as temperature,
large, the concentrations of sulfate obtained from
EC, phosphate and nitrate are higher than WHO
this study varied between 5.0 - 340 mg/l and fell
standards are major threats to the groundwater
within WHO limits of 250 mg/l.
quality in the study area. Similar observation has
been reported by Orebiyi et al. (2010) who
The range of ammonia (in the form of ammonium
studies the pollution hazards of shallow wells in
nitrate) in this study was 0.00-0.59 mg/l. With the
Abeokuta and environs. High values of nitrate,
exception of well number 4, the concentration of
TSS, phosphate and EC were generally
ammonia was less than 0.50 mg/l. However, over
observed. Drinking these well waters is
half of the well sampled had zero value of
dangerous to human health, although, WHO has
ammonia. WHO standard for ammonia for

The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –531– Volume 12. Number 1. May 2011 (Spring)
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8. CEC (Commission of European Communities).
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Pacific Journal of Science and Technology

The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –534– Volume 12. Number 1. May 2011 (Spring)

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