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The Harelip old man giggled in spite of the drops of tears in his face.

continues to express that he already transacted an attorney who will
process his Last Will and Testament that was signed by him a moment
ago- if he is really the one whom Mrs. Chu was having sex with, the
night when Junior was conceived, Mrs. Chu and Junior Chu will inherit
the two million pesos and all of his wealth; If he is not, so… (and Mr.
Chu can’t stop himself to whine like a horse, and laugh like a demon
that is full of despisement )… all of his wealth that will left, will go to
the Bantay Bata 163- a project of ABS-CBN!

The people in studio have no reaction. Everyone was shocked and

troubled with great surprise to what Mr. Chu expressed. Mr. Chu
suddenly asked Kris, “Mis Klis, kon mah-himo, eh-kaw ah-kon luyak
mak-takot san elek-tlods sa ah-kon.”

It seems that Kris Aquino’s feeling was pinched because according to

what they have witnessed, the loved ones in life of the first two
contestants are the ones who put the electrodes. For Kris, it is a sign
that Mr. Chu knows her; Kris Aquino-a good and a true loving woman.
And finally, Kris fully changed her feeling towards the contestant,
whom she considered bothersome, disturbing, and a nuisance
candidate during her first week of show.

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