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I am sorry thou wilt leave my father so.Our house is

hell, and thou, a merry devil,Didst rob it of some
taste of tediousness.But fare thee well, there is a
ducat for thee.5And Launcelot, soon at supper shalt
thou seeLorenzo, who is thy new master’s
guest.Give him this letter.10[gives LAUNCELOT a
letter]Do it secretly.And so farewell. I would not
have my fatherSee me in talk with thee.
I am sorry that you are leaving my father's service
like this. Our house is hell, and you, a joking little
devil, made life here a little less boring. But I wish
you well. Here is a ducat for you. And Launcelot,
you will soon see a man named Lorenzo at dinner, a
guest of your new master's. Give this letter to him.

[She gives LAUNCELOT a letter] Do it secretly.

Goodbye, now. I don't want my father to see me
talking with you.
Adieu! Tears exhibit my tongue. Most beautiful
pagan,15most sweet Jew! If a Christian do not play
the knave andget thee, I am much deceived. But
adieu. These foolishdrops do something drown my
manly spirit. Adieu.
Goodbye! I am speaking through my tears. You
most beautiful pagan, you sweet Jew! I'll bet some
Christian will figure out a way to get you. But
goodbye. These silly tears aren't very manly.
Farewell, good Launcelot.
Farewell, good Launcelot.
Alack, what heinous sin is it in me20To be ashamed
to be my father’s child!But though I am a daughter
to his blood,I am not to his manners. O Lorenzo,If
thou keep promise, I shall end this strife,Become a
Christian and thy loving wife.
Alas, what a heinous sin it is for me to be ashamed
to be my father's child! I am his daughter by blood,
but I have not inherited his manners. Oh, Lorenzo, if
you keep your promise I will end this pain by
becoming a Christian and your loving wife.
JESSICA exits.

Act 2, Scene 2

Act 2, Scene 4

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About the Translator: Matt Cosby

Matt Cosby graduated from Amherst College in
2011, and currently works as a writer and editor for
LitCharts. He is from Florida but now lives in
Portland, Oregon, where he also makes art, plays the
piano, and goes to dog parks.
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