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10/24/2019 List of sovereign states - Wikipedia

List of sovereign states

The following is a list providing an overview of sovereign states around the world, with information on their status and
recognition of their sovereignty.

The 206 listed states can be divided into three categories based on membership within the United Nations system: 193
member states,[1] two observer states and 11 other states. The sovereignty dispute column indicates states whose
sovereignty is undisputed (190 states) and states whose sovereignty is disputed (16 states, of which there are six member
states, one observer state and nine other states).

Compiling a list such as this can be a difficult and controversial process, as there is no definition that is binding on all the
members of the community of nations concerning the criteria for statehood. For more information on the criteria used to
determine the contents of this list, please see the criteria for inclusion section below. The list is intended to include
entities that have been recognised as having de facto status as sovereign states, and inclusion should not be seen as an
endorsement of any specific claim to statehood in legal terms.

List of states
Criteria for inclusion
See also

List of states 1/30

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