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Weekly Report 9 - 10/14 to 10/20

Creating and maintaining a brand is important to cultivate a positive

appearance in the work and social environment. With an increase in the use of social
media over the past decade, both LinkedIn and Twitter are important platforms to
present a successful brand. Therefore, this week was spent updating and polishing
these social media networks. I began by adding background information (education,
extracurricular activities, and volunteer experiences) relevant towards the topic of
environmental engineering. Then, I began connecting with various professionals and
ISM students and retweeting and liking other influential posts to build my network. 

Likewise, this week consisted of synthesizing information about seismology,

fracking, wastewater injections, and the Dallas Fort-Worth induced seismicity
problems into an Original Work proposal. First, I created an outline of the research
article and 3-D model of a wastewater stabilization pond. Then, I cited how the
extensive research, article, and model will help showcase higher-level thinking skills
and my ability to synthesize and comprehend complex vocabulary and publications. 

Next week will consist of contacting various professionals to obtain

informational interviews in the field of environmental engineering and other related
fields, such as seismology. In addition, next week will also focus on branding and
creating both a digital and paper portfolio.

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