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Woden The Lesser, the Farmer.

Druid, lvl one

- Weather Domain
- Nature Sense: +2 knowledge (nature) and Survival checks
- Wild Empathy
- Bonus Language: Druidic
- Orison:
- Lawful Neutral
- Spells:
Aasimar race: +2 Wisdom, +2 Char
- Alternate racial trait: Scion of Humanity: type becomes outsider (native) and Humanoid
(human) type., which means I can use Human feats. I also pass as human without
needing to disguise myself.
- Medium, 30 ft, Speaks common
- Celestial Resistance: Resist acid 5, cold 5 and electric 5
- Skilled: +2 to diplomacy and perception
- Spell like ability: daylight 1/day
- Darkvision 30 feet.
Campaign Items:
-Bonded Hide Armor
Handy Haversack

Str 11 (0)
Dex 14 (+2)
Con 13 (+1)
Int 11 (0)
W 17 (+3) (bonus spells: +1 1st, 2nd and 3rd level spells per day
Cha 13 (+1)

BAB +0, FS +3, Ref +2 Will +5

Improved Initiative (+4 to init checks)
Perception (+1), Knowledge Nature (+2), Knowledge Geography (+1) Handle Animal (+1),
Survival (+1), Spellcraft (+1),
Traits: Devotee of the Green: +1 trait bonus to knowledge geography and nature checks, one
becomes a class skill
Innocent: when I make a bluff check to tell a lie, my target always wants to believe me IF the
lie I tell is either believable or unlikely. I get a +5 on my bluff checks that meet these conditions.

Items: 25 gold
- Hide armor (ac+4), dex bonus +3 (15gp)
- Sling and stones
- Handy Haversack
o Bedroll, blanket,fishhooks and line,compass, rope (50ft), signal whistle, 2
sunrods, 5 torches,10 trail rations, 2 water skins

Woden the Lesser, the farmer, is…well, a farmer. He has lead a rather regular life as peasant, and
now in his late twenties, he is alone as his family has passed away. His family has always been
farmers living on the outskirts of the city, making a living primarily at a subsistence level and selling
what they could in the city in order to pay for the things that they could not produce. As such,
Woden had more interaction with animals than with people. This was also because while Woden
appeared human, when in the market, more perceptive, learned, or aware people would notice his
eyes: at a glance, they looked normal, but as one noticed more, his eye were as green as emeralds
with black iris: definitely not wholly human. But Woden never questioned it: his whole family is
human. His grandmother, now passed, had said it was a good omen from the Goddess, but no one
ever really thought on it much or challenged the idea: everyone had work to do.

Because of the subsistence level farming that Woden’s family was doing, life wasn’t always easy.
Sometimes, animals died to disease, or crops failed, or famine struck. Life wasn’t always kind.
Woden took this fact of life to heart, and accepted that both good and bad happened in the world:
the puritanical religious folk were silly for trying to impose “good” in a world that also had famine.
As Woden grew older, he picked up the teachings of his family, particularly his grandparents who
were said to be closer to nature than most people. He began to see less of “good” and “evil”, and
that death was just a part of life: sometimes, death was needed for life to happen: they had to burn
the farmland so as to inspire new growth next year, or trim plants to get them to produce more.
Heck, even in times of war or famine when lots of people died, the next season always saw to many,
many children being born in the town. Storms brought life as much as they brought death. Some
people call Woden a “druid”. He isn’t sure if he is, but people come to him for various reason,
calling him wise. He just listens and weighs in.
Now, having been conscripted in the search parties, he feels disconcerted: if people are disappearing
due to natural causes, then he has no interest in intervening: this is just nature’s way of controlling
the population, like a farmer does. But if this is something more sinister, then he needs to act in
order to preserve the balance of life, unless it turns out that life as it currently is is unbalanced.

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