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Adjective comparisons

Comparative adjectives compare two items (people, places, things, etc.).

Short adjectives form their comparatives by adding -er to their endings. The word than has to go
after the comparative:

- Jane is tall.
- Mary is taller than Jane.

When the last three letters of a short adjective are consonant-vowel-consonant, the last
consonant repeats and then form the comparative:

- Cars are big.

- Buses are bigger than cars.

Adjectives ending in -y change -y for -i and add -er:

- Today is sunny.
- Yesterday was sunnier than today.

Long adjectives form their comparatives putting the word more before the adjective. The word
than has to go after the comparative:

- Tennis is exciting.
- Football is more exciting than tennis.

Some adjectives have irregular forms for their comparatives:

- Good – Better
- Bad – Worse
- Far – Father / Further
- Little - Less

Superlative adjectives compare three or more items (people, places, things, etc.).

Short adjectives form their superlatives by adding -est to their endings. The word the has to go
before the superlative:

- Jane is tall.
- Mary is taller than Jane.
- Rose is the tallest girl in the class.

When the last three letters of a short adjective are consonant-vowel-consonant, the last
consonant repeats and then form the comparative:

- Cars are big.

- Buses are bigger than cars.
- The trucks are the biggest vehicles.

Adjectives ending in -y change -y for -i and add -est:

- Today is sunny.
- Yesterday was sunnier than today.
- Last Monday was the sunniest day of this month.

Long adjectives form their superlatives putting the word most before the adjective. The word the
has to go before the superlative:

- Tennis is exciting.
- Football is more exciting than tennis.
- Basketball and baseball are the most exciting sports in the USA.

Some adjectives have irregular forms for their comparatives:

- Good – Better – The Best

- Bad – Worse – The Worst
- Far – Father / Further – The farthest / The Furthest
- Little – Less – The least

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