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Children in Zambia on average, are walking around 6 kilometres and carrying

around 19 litres of water everyday to have access to clean water for their families.
Often the containers these children are carrying are broken and hard to carry.

Your task is to create a container that children in Zambia can easily carry and use
to collect there clean water each day.

You are able to create any shape container and carry it in any way. This is your
time to be creative!

Now the boring stuff - your creation must be made out of recyled materials from
home or school. It must be able to carry 3 litres of water and must last 2 laps of
the oval.

First you will need to plan your design, this means drawing, labelling and thinking
about your products. Then you will create, evaluate and change accordingly.

To evaluate your design you will be completing the experiment then writing a
reflection form on how your container worked and what you would change for next

To present your design we will all be going out together to the oval all together
and test our designs as a class.

This profect will be completed over the term. Two lessons a week will be deicated
to this project.

Remember be crative and HAVE FUN!

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