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Do you want to use the least amount of effort and get the best grades.

Do you know
the Secrets of Studying? Do you want to get the best scores?, then here are a few
tips to get started with. Firstly, the most important thing to be done before you
start studying is to PLAN. 'Studying at the same place' may just help you put some
more concentration on your studies. This may be quite effective on your studies,
but nothing could be successful without the right planning. Though you follow many
tips and techniques, they may fail your efforts if you just follow them blindly. So
How Do You Plan? Most of the students either think that this is just simply a waste
of time or they don't even know how to plan. They think that if they start studying
immediately, they would be saving time alternately. But the truth is that 'If you
fail to plan, you plan to fail'. Do you think if you plan, you will definitely get
excellent grades? Not of course. If you are planning to get from destination A to
B, you can't reach the destination 'B' if you start making your way there? If you
refuse to work towards getting excellent grades, there's no way that anyone could
help you achieve it. How To Boost Your Memory Effectively : To boost up your
memory, you need to - (a) Understand and know which are the effective memory
techniques and strategies (b) Practice these memory techniques and strategies (c)
Test and improve your memory techniques and strategies. Below are some general
memory booster techniques : Meditate to Refresh the Mind Some apples a day keep
forgetfulness away Cardio exercises also keeps your brain in shape and Video games
fight off poor memory Here are 5 simple tips that are very simple and effective
that makes studying fruitful : Study Daily : Never ever skip studies to an other
day. Do whatever you feel like in the entire day, but never loose the planned time
for studying. Else you might skip it. Make Attractive Notes : Make small notes of
all the chapters you have read and revise them regularly. Try to make them
attractive by adding flow charts, diagrams and sketches which will help you revise
quickly. Revise Regularly : After a period of time, everyone tends to forget what
they have read earlier. Just to avoid this, keep revising your notes once in a
week. Study in a calm and peaceful environment : Always study in a place which is
isolated from any sort of external noise. And also try to study at a particular
location as you will get comfortable in the same position after a while and
changing position needs time to settle. Don't stress yourself too much : This one
is vital and if you are stressing too much on things than what they really deserve,
you are losing your concentration there. Hence be calm and study whenever you feel
the best. Morning hours and evening hours are the best time for studying.

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