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The start of space launches initiated on October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union sent

the first unmanned mission into the space. From then onwards, many space
agencies are taking part into space launching and developing a base on the
moon’s surface for a beneficial output. The reason of exploring the space
occurred because of the warfare between the USA and the USSR (Soviet Union).
In other words, it was resulted because of the ‘space race’. The space race was a
cold war rivalry between United States and the Soviet Union. Both the countries
wanted to develop an aeronautic ability that included sending artificial satellites
and launching both unmanned space probes as well as human space flight

There are different government agencies namely, SpaceX and NASA that are
planning to settle on a celestial body. A disastrous flight of Columbia's STS-
107 mission, it was the 113th flight of the Space Shuttle program, and the final
flight of Space Shuttle Columbia. As per the newscast, all the seven-crew
members died while re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere. Another tragic mission
that failed was the Space Shuttle Challenger mission where the first civilian
boarded the shuttle to launch the second Tracking and Data Relay Satellite
(TDRS-B). Missions and failures are bound to happen but is it really
necessary for the present world to explore space where the world itself is
collapsing? We know that the civilizations of human will start to collapse 50
decades after and before the collapse, we will have advanced technology and
evolved nations. But ultimately the greed of development will lead to the
destruction of civilizations. It is said so because the nature provides limited
resources that should be used sustainably but greed of consuming the
resources at much faster rate will lead to eradication of resources. And this is
the reason behind mankind wanting to settle elsewhere leaving the earth as
an abandoned body.

Many say that Space exploration allows us to prepare for potential hazards
such as getting stroked by an asteroid even if space exploration is warning us
by getting hit by an asteroid and being extinct, it will take years to develop a base
on another celestial body and so much capital will be blown that it can rather be
invested on this planet. And the asteroid will take its time to reach to the Earth
so till then we would have find another solution in the future but presently, we
must think about saving earth and its resources.

Another reason for not proceeding with space launching is that it’s giving threat
to the health of the astronauts. Long-term exposure can lead to various health
complications, on of the most crucial being losing of muscle mass and bones.
Gradually, these issues and effects on the health of the astronauts can lessen
their performance and it can slow their cardiovascular system.
Lastly, space exploration causes a lot of trash around our planet, which is
dangerous for further explorers. Unless these wasteful materials enter the
atmosphere and burns up completely, they will not vanish from their place
forever. And clearing all of the debris to provide a better safety for future
explorers might consume even more expense.
Exploring space is an idea that binds all of the nations into one race. We can
perceive space as one individual, taking its initial step towards a new journey
just as we did when the astronauts placed their foot on the moon. Danger always
comes in way of the curious minds. The vacuum of the universe and its
environment may not be suitable for humans and that’s why we constantly adapt
our primary conditions when we are in an unusual environment.

Exploring space, finding answers to our curious minds, advancing the technology
and medicine in space may seem relevant but looking back at the place where it
all is happening should be addressed first. We are depending on this terrestrial
body for survival and we, humans, are absurdly demolishing all of our preserved
resources. Furthermore, we ourselves are doing so much effort to begin a new
journey elsewhere. In conclusion, a more sensible approach should be to look at
the planet we are dependent on and conserving its resources rather than
investing it on exploring space. It is more resource consuming as compared to its

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