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Kaleigh Trce

Ms. Terry

Senior Seminar

27 September 2019

Expert Interview Summary and Reflection

Expert Interview: Jeanie, Title, Kihei Charter

Tuesday, 10:30am, Ms. Terry’s room

How would Makahki day be organized

● activities /game ideas
● How are we going to get resources
● Combo makahiki/Field day
● What do you think about cost comparisons
● Group work for community engagement class idea?

Before I had the interview I went up to Ms.Jeanie, and asked her if she could be my mentor and
expert interview. Since she helps with the community engagement class knew she would help
me in any way and support me with everything. Her and talked about my project a little further
and she agreed to help me. We waited till this week to set up an interview. On tuesday sep 24th
we decided to do it. I was really nervous about my questions just because my project only really
involves one big day but lots of planning. I reminded her about my project itself and why
wanted to do it. Since the community engagement class id by my side and backing me it will
help the day become more exciting. I asked her about what I should change about this project
and what I should keep. She explained to me that we don't need to spend too much money on
Kahakiki day ts mostly just making and getting the supplies by maybe donation. I told her that I
agreed with that vs because things can be fun without the expense and since makahiki deals with
more hands on games that won't be expensive.She also explained to me that I should start
researching more background about Makkah and why it's important for kids to get exercise. I did
think about that before and was glad she brought that up because it's an important factor. We
also talked about how we can send out a mass email to the teacher, students and parents to
advertise that day and let everyone know about it. I also brought up that making posters and
signs to put up around schools could also bring in some volunteers for the day and to excite the
kids about it. This interview really helped me realize some important things to add to my project
and for it to go more smoothly.

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