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Makahiki Day at KCS

Kaleigh Trice

Senior Project 2019

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The more I look at today's youth I realize how they don't go out and have fun anymore,

and I want them to have something to look forward to. When I was younger and knew there was

going to be a makahiki day at school I was so excited. It gives everyone a chance to make friends

and bond with their peers.

I believe this will benefit everyone ​because makahiki day gives everyone something to

mark an important time in the year with and something to look forward to! Makahiki Day offers

the opportunity to integrate other subject areas into the process. Makahiki Day can be used to

teach about healthy competition and sportsmanship​! ​Plus Makahiki day is a time for you to show

the entire school and community that physical education holds value. ​This project will be

directed towards middle school kids 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. This project needs to be done

because at KCS we don't really have a celebratory day where kids can celebrate the culture of

makahiki or learn about fun ways of physical education. At Kcs kids have nothing to look

forward to but if they knew they were gonna have this event it could change their mindset and

perspective. I feel this project is unique in its own way because ​The all-day event celebrates

Hawaiian culture through games of strength and skill.

Since we live in such a cultured island why not make kids more aware about the special

day and celebrate it. Instead of doing a regular field day makahiki sprouts my interest because

this is the islands culture. This idea is not a basic project, anyone can do a field day, but

makahiki day involves the games that require physical fitness, strength, endurance, strategy and

agility, but also grounding in good sportsmanship and respect for self and others in physical

activity settings while also learning the reason behind them.

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Driving Question:

How can I help kids understand that exercise can be fun while also living a healthy


Project goal:

The goal of this project is to have a makahiki day at kcs. I plan on encouraging the kids

to understand the history of makahiki day and the games. Overall I just want the kids to

have a fun day that they can look forward to. My plan is for the kids to look back and be

like “wow” that was so much fun and for Kcs to continue having Mkahiki day after I

graduate. I want kids to understand how to be healthy and have a healthy lifestyle.

Specialized mentor:

The mentor I am choosing is going to be Ms. Jeanie. I know she always has my back with

everything I do and she's already gave me so many great ideas. Since she basically got me paired

up with the community engagement class it really helped me. If I do get stuck I know she will

help me fix the problem. I also know she will help me talk to the teachers and help me quiet

down the kids.

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Key Content Knowledge:

My project will cover educating, public speaking, video recording, and lots of planning. I

will be using public speaking by talking in front of students each time to teach games and teach

them about makahiki. I struggle with speaking in front of a class and being the leader but I'm

working on it. Having the community engagement by my side will help me with educating them

and planning out the special day. Video recording is going to be a pretty large chunk so the kids

can visually see how the games are played. I plan on looking up history about makahiki so I can

be able to confidently explain about it. I need to also send out emails to see if anyone would be

willing to help donate and or help with this day. Since the planning process will be very large I

need to figure everything out asap. I do realize that I might have to explain the day a couple

different ways so they kids can understand the whole process and practice behind it.

21st Century Skills:

★ Thinking and Problem Solving: This project uses this skill because I am going to have to

figure out the games and days I can teach the kids about makahiki.

★ Civic Literacy and Engagement: The community I’ll be helping the school by educating

the 6th 7th and 8th grade students how to have fun while also learning about healthy

habits and the hawaiian makahiki day.

★ Communication: There will be lots of communication between me and my mentor and

the community engagement class as well as the students and teachers. I know I am going

to talk with lots of kids and explain about makahiki.

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★ Financial and Business Literacy: Since Makahiki day games are super easy to get

supplies for I won't have to spend too much on the supplies for that but I do know buying

certain supplies like otter pops, prizes, water, tents and all that will add up. I am having a

car wash that I will get most of the money that will go toward all the supplies. I also have

10 kids in the community engagement class that will help out.

★ Global Awareness: The whole goal of my project is to get kids more interested in the

healthy way of learning but also having fun and playing games.Although I am teaching

the kids I am going to learn about makahiki myself and how to plan and get this fun day!

The kids deserve to have a day that they look forward to!

★ Interpersonal: This is going to be a big part because its socializing. I am going to have to

go up in front of the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade kids to teach them makahiki and the games

and I am still working on that social aspect but I know I will get there.

★ Self-Direction: I need to have the motivation to complete this project and tons of

self-direction. Even if I have people to help me, I need to put in the work and effort to see

this project through. My mentors and community engagement class are there for support

and to help me if I need it, but in the end, this is my project and I need to lead things


★ Information: I’ll use information skills to research and gather different components for

this project. As I stated earlier, I’m still learning about makahiki and planning that day

myself. Even if I feel like I have enough knowledge to teach and show a class, I’ll still

need to double-check or elaborate on certain parts of this project.

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★ Limitations: ​My limitations for this project would be not having enough kids show up on

makahiki day. I hope to have success with finding people to participate in my makahiki

day because I have mentors helping me who will help, and I also have connections with

the community engagement class. I am scared that the amount of money fundraised won't

be enough and that I may be stressed out figuring out when i can get together with the

classes. I know I will be able to push through it though.

Budget: ​I'm going to try not to spend too much money on this project but I will fundraise with a

car wash on the 28th. Any money I get from that will go towards this project. I will need to

spend on otter pops, supplies for games, and anything else.

Methodology: ​For this project I plan on making a video of the games to present to the kids

before makaiki day. This is to show them what they are going to do and how to play the games. I

want to also show them some clips on what makahiki day is and some background on it. I want

to take tons of pictures the day of and maybe even some footage to present.
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Resources and Activities

Resources/Materials Needed:

- Money from fundraising

- Other game items (uncertain of)

- Noodles for spears

- Tables

- Tents

- Water jugs

- Prizes

- Otter Pops


● Meeting with the community engagement class August 30th

○ Made a drawing scale of how the games will be set up and where

Q1 September

● Email the pe teachers about the project - 8th

○ Figure out what days would be best to teach kids and show them the games

● Complete the proposal - 9th - 13th

● Have a meeting about the project and discuss the project - Week of 9th ~ 13th

○ Start planning games out- Week of 9th ~ 13th

● Complete the expert interview - 10th

● Meeting with community engagement class 13th, 20th, 27th

● Progress presentation - 20th

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● Complete the first blog - Week of 23rd ~ 27th

● Expert interview reflection due - 27th

● Car wash for funding september 28th


● Make video to show kids the games

● Community engagement class meeting 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th

● Teach kids the background behind the makahiki day

● Introduction to the PE class - Week of 1st ~ 4th

○ Teach some games - Week of 7th ~ 11th

○ Documentation

● Make signs to stick in the ground

● Blog 2 - 25th

○ Start collecting materials


● More material collecting

● Documentation

● Introduce other games - 4th ~ 8th

● Blog 3 - 15th

● Work on argumentative essay

● Buy more supplies and store them

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● Documentation

● Run through games - 2nd ~ 6th

● Blog 4 - 6th

● 2nd project presentation - 6th

● Run through games- 9th ~ 13th

● Blog 5 - 13th


● Documentation

● Make more signs and stands

● Ask the students if they’d like to participate in making signs


● Final Project Reflection due - 14th

● Work on final presentation

● Final Presentation & Trifold due - 21st


● Makahiki day march 14th

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Annotated bibliography

Etra, Anne. “Why Kids Need Exercise.” ​,​ 12 Mar. 2018,​.

This article mainly talks about why it's important for kids to get exercise. ​It talks

about how increased physical activity helps children build healthy bodies and

prevent chronic disease. It says that helping kids to love movement sets them up

to be stronger and healthier teens and adults. Exercise helps muscle strength,

cardiovascular activity, strong bones, decreased body fat, and healthy weight. Not

only does it help physically but also mentally. Some of the ways of healthy mental

ways include self esteem enhancement, concentration and alertness, reduces

depression and anxiety, boosts energy, controls mood swings, and gives you

happy feelings.

Silberman, Charles. “The Importance of Planning a Successful Field Day.” ​S&S

Blog​, 12 July 2019,​.

This article talks about why field day or “Makahiki day” is important. It talks about

how ​field Day comes through proper planning, communicating, execution, and

follow-up. This article also talks about how when we had field days how much of fun

time we had. The importance of field day includes showcasing the skills the kids may

have, a mark in time, and oh the things you can teach.

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Thepespecialist “How to Plan an Awesome Field Day.” ​The PE Specialist​,​.

This article talks about how to plan for a field day. They gave good examples and

things to do to have a fun day. Recruiting volunteers, prep your teachers, student

prepping, and how to prep the day before. I learned that prepping the day before is

good for setting up where everything goes. I also learned that having some highschool

students or volunteers help would be awesome because then I won't be juggling too

much. I also learned that having an audience come would help the kids get excited

and ready to compete.

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