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Paragraph 1: When I began this course, I believed learning was expanding one’s own knowledge

base in order to broaden one’s own understanding of something by studying, practicing, being taught or

experiencing it. Now that I have completed this course, I have since learned that it is more than just

studying, practicing, being taught, or experiencing it but that it involves a certain process using your brain

to take in the information and then is broken up into different learning patterns. The different learning

patterns each of us possess then filters it to the mind for memory and future use. Each pattern plays an

important role in how we learn and comprehend things and we must find our own process on how we

learn the best, i.e., planning and organizing the information, detailed and accurate information, hands on

learning by doing, doing things on your own as opposed to a group, or coming up with unique ideas and

taking risks. This is how I would teach someone the meaning but also use visual aids such as diagrams

and bulleted key points.

Paragraph 2: As a learner, I typically use my learning patterns in the order my LCI scores were listed

with Sequence 26, Precision 27, Technical 15, and confluent 18. As in precision, I will research a topic

thoroughly to make sure I have the correct information because I want to be sure I am right. When

researching, I will jot down notes that I think are important so that I can go back and review it and

commit it to memory. If I do not understand something, I will ask as many questions as needed until I

understood it. As for sequence, I have to have everything done in an orderly fashion. I take each step one

at a time and move from the first step to the second step and I do not like to skip around. I have a difficult

time working effectively around clutter. Everything must be in its place. I have a hard time adjusting to

change and I like to visualize, in my mind, the completed project before I begin. As for confluence, my

use as needed pattern, I know I can learn, even if I fail, by taking risks but I do not prefer to take risks. I

do enjoy brainstorming with other people in order to get ideas or views I may not have seen otherwise. I

was told by a teacher once that I read too much into the questions. As for technical reasoning, I did not

need the Learning Connections Inventory to tell me to avoid this but found it interesting and intriguing
that I do use this to a certain degree. I do love puzzles and trivia and I have great satisfaction when I

solve them. I do look at a situation/problem and I can figure out how to solve the problem. I do not work

well with my hands and prefer to throw something out if it is broken or pay someone else to fix it. All

four patterns work in unison on problems and tasks. I use them on projects/problems at work, as well as

in my personal life. I will size up the situation and figure out in my mind on how to solve the project/

problem (technical). I would then think of other ways it might be able to get done and brainstorm with

other people on their views and opinions (confluence and precision). Then I would write down all the

steps I would take to complete the project/problem and then complete it (sequence).

Paragraph 3: The benefits of my unique combination of learning patterns are actually unique in itself

because everyone is different. I would first read (precision) the assignment to figure out (technical)

exactly what was needed. After I figured out (technical) what was needed, I would then write down and

organize the topics (precision/sequence) I needed to concentrate on (precision). Then as I read and

researched (precision) the topics, I would write brief notes (technical) under each topic where it applied. I

would not only organize (sequence) my thoughts (precision) on paper, but also in my mind so that I could

visually (sequence) see them. After I was completely done with the assignment, I would ask

(precision/confluence) someone to read what I had written to see that it made sense to them. By

understanding what my learning strengths were, I was able to understand the reasons why I did the things

I did and why I would get upset when they did not happen the way I think they should have. It was like a

door opening to my soul and understanding allowed me to change some of the ways of doing things and

opened up new ways of doing things so that I could even do a better job than I ever thought possible.

Paragraph 4: Upon looking back on past assignments, I should have used the concept of FITing

more, but I was unaware of it until chapter 4. I could have done a better job if I applied the concepts of

FITing. All the assignments were done with my natural instincts which were my use first learning

patterns of sequence and precision. I definitely could have tethered my sequence by not being so

methodical and doing the assignments as the ideas came into my head instead of taking the first part and
solving that, then doing the second part and so on. I could have tethered my precision more by just

reading what was given to me and not research it further through various sources. After all, I was being

graded on the information already given to me and not on thoughts or ideas I found when researched. I

could have intensified my confluence more by spending less time with precision and sequence and more

time with confluence by thinking of the assignment through other people’s eyes and not just my own. I

could have taken the time to reflect and imagine how the assignment could look from another viewpoint.

I could have forged with my technical reasoning by analyzing the assignment better to help get a better

overall picture of what was being asked. I also could have looked at my past experience more to see how

that could/would fit in that circumstance.

Paragraph 5: Reflecting on the past five weeks and specifically this course, I really enjoyed learning

of the different learning patterns and the FITing concept. I was able to comprehend these ideas and apply

it to my life, not only in school, but also at work and personal life. The hardest thing for me was the

decoding. I understood it but because of my sequence, I would have been happier if I had a list of all the

verbs under each pattern instead of having to figure some of them out myself. I really don’t think I would

change anything, except maybe come up with a bigger word wall and added more time to the overall

class. I really did not have any expectations of what online learning was but more questions such as do

they have a teacher lecturing and going over the material and you could download it and watch it at your

convenience?. I guess in regards to expectations, I expected to learn a specific subject/topic which is

exactly what happened, so I can say my expectations were met because I learned something. The most

interesting thing for me was it surpassed my expectation because I learned something that I can use in

everyday life and not just for school.

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