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Case Study : Carter Cleaning Company

Name : Priya Darshini a/p Raja Gopal

ID : 1201154002
Course : Human Resource Management

Lecturer : Ms.Laila
Chapter 1 : Carter Cleaning Company Case Study

1) Make a list of five specific HR problems you think Carter Cleaning will
have to grapple with

The five main HR problems that Carter Cleaning Company would face will be high
turnover rate because there is no proper labor relation. This is because the company is
more concerned about the capital and profit but not about the labor. Secondly, low
productivity and this is due to lack of proper training on both the cleaning and drying
services. Labors need to be trained about their job scope in order to have a smoother
business and they will have the knowledge of what has to be done. Labor relation is bad
with the owner as because they don’t have a proper interaction. Next, protections and
safety are not provided for labor and this may cause major issues in future. Lastly, owner
has to face difficulties when labors are not giving their best due to the salary paid or
demanded and lack of training.

2) What would you do first if you were Jennifer ?

If I was Jennifer, I would first have a discussion with Jack Carter in order to clarify how
the business was previously. Later with the information given, I would plan a strategic
way to develop the business to avoid the listed HR issues that can be evoked. First I
would introduce the labor relations and through that I would move to the other part of
problems. In an organization, labor relation is most important because they are the person
who works to sustain the business. Knowing labor and their needs is also important.
Provide them necessary training for the specific work they would carry out. before the
business could run on new technology basis, it needs a very basic knowledge of the
company field itself. Learning from step 1 than later on developing company and labor
according to the new technology. Labors need to be interviewed properly to know their
interest and reason of working with us. Other than labor, company organization itself
needs some amendments to be done for a long-run base. Proper number of labors, their
wages pay, their safety and healthy, proper equipment and machinery are needed. A
meeting will be held with all the managers and labors in order to explain them the
mission of company. Managers are to be given more priority so they can handle the

Chapter 4 : Carter Cleaning Company Continuing Case Study

1) What should be the format and final form of the store manager’s job

Jennifer should include a Standards of Performance section in the job description like list
the standards expected under each of the main duties and responsibilities, to address the
problem of employees not understanding company policies, procedures, and expectations.
In a job description, they should include the name and job identification, summary of
their job, responsibilities and duties, authorities to report themselves, standards of
performance, working condition and the specification of job.

2) Is it practical to specify standards and procedures in the body of the job

description, or should these be kept separate?

It doesn’t have to be kept separately because it can serve Jennifer and the labor better,
unless it has some complex procedures or deals with some practical considerations than it
is suggested to have a separate procedure manual.

3) How should Jennifer go about collecting the information required for

the standards, procedures and job description?

There are few ways that can help Jennifer to collect information required such as passing
out questionnaire form that helps the employee to fill up the details or she can have a
one-to-one interview with them or even observations. Through this method, she can
collect information regarding work activities, human behaviors, machines, tools,
equipments, labor needs, work aids and performance standards.

4) What in your opinion, should the store manager’s job description look
like and contain?

In my opinion, first of all it should contain the heading information such as job title, wage
pay range, reporting relationship by position, hours shifts and overtime work that
preferred. Second, the summary of job objectives. Listing out the general responsibilities
and descriptions of a specific task and the purposes, customer relation, co-worker
relations and the expected outcome that is necessary for employees. Third, qualifications
are the requirement for the job application, where education level, experience, training
and skills are listed down. Other than that, special demands as in if there are any extra
conditions to be stated. For an example, if you’re not supposed to lift heavy things with a
medical report, it is allowed to state it. The last will be, job duties and responsibilities.

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