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A-7796 Seat No.

First Year B. Physiotherapy Examination
July/August - 2Al2
Exercise Therapy
Time : 3 Hours] [Total Marks : 100

Instructions : (1) Answers should be brief and to the point.

(2) Illustrate answers with suitable diagraurs.
(3) Each section shouldbe written in separate answer
(4) Figures to the right indicate marks.

Answer any two out of three : 20
(1) Describe various walking aids in detail and its uses.
@ Write in detail about methods of measurement of Limb
Length discrepancy.
(3) Describe mechanism of breathing and various types of
breathing patterns.

Write short notes on any. two : 10

(1) _lyswialjeg$
(2> Hacking Manipulation.
(3) Axial suspension. -'

Answer in short any frvri : 10

(1) Definition of Massage
(2) Classification of Movements
(3) Accessory movements
(4) Definition of axes and planes
(5) Mechanical advantage
(6) Isokinatic type of muscle contractions.

A-77$61 lContd...
Multiple choice question : (attempt all) 10
(1) Petrissage is a type of manipulation.
(a) stroking (b) pressure
(c) percussions (d) none of the above
(2) is not a fundamental starting position.
(a) Sitbing (b) Standins
(c) High sitting (d) Lyrns
(3) Angle of pull is most efficient at _ angle.
(a) less than 90" O) more than 90"
(c) at 90" (d) al} of the above
(4\ Pelvis cannot tilt
(a) Anteriorly (b) Posteriorly
(c) Lateially (d) Medially

(5) Voluntary movements are also

(a) active movements (b) passrve movements
(c) accessory movements (o none of these
(6) Buoyancy is a type of
(a) Resistance
(b) Assistance
(c) Assistance and Resistance
(O None of the above
(7) Power of muscle increase with
(a) T in poundage / weight
(b) t in leverage of resisting force
(c) t in duration of exereises
(d) all of the above
(8) Reflex movements are
(a) voluntary (b) involuntary
(c) passive (d) none'of the above
(9) Shadow walking is a type of _ walking.
(a) non weight bearing
(b) partial weight bearing
(c) full weight bearing
(d) none of the above
(10) Fridtion manipulations are than kneading.
(a) deeper -
(b) superfi.cial
(c) equal (d) all of the above
A-77e61 lContd...
Answer any two :
(1) Write in detail about effects of massage.
(2) Write in detail about fundamental starting positions.
(3) Write in detail about various pelvic tilts and its

Answer any two : (short notes) r0

(1) Effects and. uses of percussions.
(2) Passive movements.
(3) Delorme's and Watkius regime of PRE.

Answer in brief any frve : 10

(1) Define posture and its types
(2) Reflex arc
(3) Define Lordosis
(4) Three points crutch ryalking
(5) Uses of pulley circuits
(6) Advantages of group exercises.

8 Multiple choice question : (attempt all) t0

(1) Exercise have effect on depression
(a) *ve (b) -ve
(c) neutral (O none of the above
A> Isometric contractions are also known as
(a) isotoniccontractions
O) isokineticcontractions
G) static contractions
(d) all of the above
(3) Knee is an example of _ joint.
(a) saddle O) hinge
(c) ball and socket (d) none of the above
(4) Efleurage is a type of manipulation.
(a) percussion O) stroking
(c) pressure (d) none of the above
AJ?$6 } :l [Contd...'
(5) Suspension therapy is a t5rye of exercise.
(a) active (b) active assisted
(c) passive (d) all of the above
(6) Resistance is in springs when parallel than springs
when in series.
(a) more (b) less
(c) equal - (O all of the above
(7) Manipulation is used in cases of insomnia.
(a) Stroking (b) Pressure
(c) Friction (O Itueading
(8) Frictions are used. for the range of motion.
(a) t ing (b) J ins
(c) slainfainllg - (O all of the above
(9) Kneel sitting is a derived position of
(a) sitting
O) kneeling
(c) sitting and kneeling
(il) norre of the above
(10) Shortening of half ( t6) inch does not need
(a) less than (b) more than
(c) equal to (d) all of the above

A-77361 4 [ 4o0ro-10 |

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