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A Dog’s Way Home: Movie Review

The film entitled “ A Dog’s Way Home” was screened and publicized this 2019 with a genre
of Adventure and Drama with a theme that the viewers can compare to the Law of Inertia that
states “ A body in motion will remain in motion, and a body at rest will remain at rest,” which
means nothing will happen when no one will make a move. It was clearly showed in the film
that if you really want something then do something and exert effort and have perseverance so
that you can reach what you wish to reach.
What makes the story exciting is that the story runs with a talking female dog who took a
two-year-and-a-half-months and about four hundred mile journey just to reunite with the
person who saved her from her once unpleasant moment of her life. One look into the soulful
eyes of the four-legged star and will surely melt all but the coldest of heart.Furthermore, one of
the remarkable irony depicted that moved the viewers feeling is the helping hand of a mother
cat to the abandoned dog and afterwards, she was adopted by a man and treated as part of the
family, as well as the dog was accompanied and helped by a wild cat after struggling in the
forest. It shows dynamics and diversity of each races and species but working hand-in-hand, a
more productive and wonderful world will be fostered.
The film possess multiple advantages. One is that the film strongly holds positive
heartwarming morale worldview which slightly correlates with some political approaches that
gives the movie a more realistic and fondling plots that enables the viewer to reminisce the
classical way of living life. Another is that the movie was directed by Charles Martin Smith, the
renowned director for the practical and innovative approach in putting up plots and for slaying
every screenplays and also because of the sweetly soothing voice that female dog possess, it
made the viewer feel the comforting and story-telling way that pleasantly attack the ears of the
viewers. The cinematography was simply amazing and this simply includes the productivity of
flashing effects, entrances and exit of each scenarios that shows no room for error and basically
polished in a very fine manner. The clearness of the audio and the choice of music in every
scenarios was smoothly swaying that made the film truly amusing for it enables the viewer to
feel the vibe of the film. As for the story of the movie flows, the character development and
description rises gradually and thus imply that it is well-manage and well-prepared for each of
the character shows no error in their acting skill, no sign of awkwardness, clumsiness, or
inexpert, purely sincerity. In addition, the script of the film is fantastically furnished without
lapses. It picked the right terms that can be used in the film to uphold a friendly effect and
mood of the story.
The disadvantage of the film is that there are some scenes which is too intense that may
upset young viewers, such as the terrifying encounter of Bella with pack of wolves. Another is
the discrimination to “pit bulls” which shamelessly consider as dangerous that made most of
the viewers unhappy but I praise and admire how the filmmakers were able to change the
perspective of the viewers from a misunderstood, feared dogs to a lovable, calm, innocent ones
with unwavering loyalty and undying determination with unrelenting belief with oneself that
no matter how long the road was, no matter how hard it was, she managed to overcome all the
struggle she faced for she believed that she can.
There are a lot of what if’s that left the viewers mind after watching the movie like what if
Bella was not able to see the way home or why Mother cat could not talk if Bella can and why is
pit bulls only banned in Denver City but maybe these what if’s will remain as what it is.
What brought Bella home was the invincible leash between her and Lucas which is called
“love”.It lefts us multiple moral lesson and values. This include the loving bond with our family,
importance of good friends and the care for needy and wounded around us. Overall, the movie
hooks the heart of the viewer and the pet-lovers perception towards life with their beloved
friends. Humans tend to forget the ancestral and traditional way of living life. Home is not just a
dwelling place for us to feel sheltered and live with accordance. Home is our life. Anyone can be
someone which you can trust and anyone can be the love of our life but only few can be our

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