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1. Information :
a. 7 out of 10 people in the photo are women.
b. The ratio of many men and women in the photo is 3: 7
c. Many women in the photo are four more than men.

Appropriate to state the comparison is the ratio of many men and women in the photo is 3: 7

2. For example rice will run out in Y

Banyak Anak Banyak Hari
30 20
(30+10) Y

40/30= 20/Y

40 x Y = 30 x 20

40 Y = 600

Y = 600/40

Y = 16

so for 40 children the rice will run out in 15 days

3. Known :
Actual distance = 450 Km = 45,000,000 cm
Scale = 1: 75,000,000

Distance on the map

Scale = Distance on map: Actual distance
Distance on map = Scale x Actual distance
Distance on the map = (1: 75,000,000) x 450,000,000cm
Distance on map = 6 cm
So, the distance that must be made by Cemerlang Middle School students is 6 cm.
4. Known:
7 years ago :
Father's age = 6 times Andi's age
4 years to come:
Father's age = 2 times the age of Andi + 9 years

Asked :
a. How old is Father now?
b. How do you get it? Explain the reason!

First equation Second equation

x-7 = 6 (y-7) 2 (x+4) = 5 (y+4)+9
x-7 = 6y-42 2x+8 = 5y+20+9
x-6y = -42+7 2x+8 = 5y+29
x-6y = -35 2x-5y = 29-8
2x-5y = 21

Then the two equations are eliminated, obtained

x-6y = -35 (at times 5) will be 5x-30y = -175
2x-5y = 21 (at times 6) will be 12x-30y = 126

5x-30y = -175
12x-30y = 126

5. We must choose the use of 1 liter of gasoline per motor and the most economical is
the motor that can travel the longest distance in 1 liter of gasoline, then:
a. For V-brand motorbikes, a distance of 4.8 km with 1 liter of gasoline means that the
motor can use up to 4.8 km / 1 liter of gasoline = 4.8 km / liter.
b. For the W brand motorbike, a distance of 9.8 km with 2 liters of gasoline means that the
motor can spend 9.8 km / 2 liters of gasoline = 4.9 km / liter.
c. For the X brand motorbike, a distance of 9.6 km with 1.5 liters of gasoline means that the
motor can spend 9.6 km / 1.5 liters of gasoline = 6.4 km / liter.
d. For the Y brand motorbike, traveling a distance of 14.4 km with 2 liters of gasoline means
that the motor can spend 14.4 km / 2 liters of gasoline = 7.2 km / liter.
Because 4.8 <4.9 <6.4 <7.2, it is concluded that the most economical motorbike is the Y
brand motorbike.
6. Defr
7. Vfht
8. The work has been done for 30 days, so it is less than 42 days if it is done by 24 people
If it's 6 days later, then the remaining time is 42-6 = 36 days.
Because in this case the comparison is reversed value, the value of X is
X = (42/36) x 24 = 28 people
So workers who need to be added are 28-24 = 4 people
9. Known:
Table length = 150 cm
Width of table = 100 cm

Asked :
What is the ratio of the length and width of the table?

The two numbers are divided by the same numbers and produce the smallest quotient.
for example, 150: 50 = 3 and 100: 50 = 2.
so the ratio of length and width on the table is 3: 2
10. erh

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