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Park Jae-Sang, PSY is a South Korean vocalist, rapper,

musician, and record maker. PSY belonged to Seol,
Gangnam district in South Korea. He belonged to a very
rich family. From childhood he has had a very comical
personality . Most of his songs are of comically
amongst the biggest hit includes Gangnam Style. PSY is
known locally for his entertaining recordings and stage
exhibitions, and globally for his hit single "Gangnam
Style". The melody's hold back was gone into The Yale
Book of Quotations as a standout amongst the most
renowned citations of 2012.

Because of his accomplishments, PSY is viewed as the

principal K-pop craftsman to make a leap forward in
the Western music industry. In a meeting with Agence
France-Presse, PSY confirmed that "it will be just a
short time before K-Pop will deliver numerous others
like PSY".

He was granted different Guinness World Records for

his tune "Gangnam Style". PSY considers "Gangnam
Style" to be the best accomplishment of his life. He is
my absolute favourite as I adore his personality and
caring nature, his positive attitude towards others in
the music industry. He is also a very phenomenal
dancer specially his dance in Gangnam style is my
favourite. I like this guy very much!

Thank you!

Swayam Agarwal (P-1003-10),
IX-G, Roll no. 35, DPS Patna.

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