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Ultimate List of Websites that Pay Writers in 2015

It has been a while since I last published my list of websites that pay writers.

A lot has happened since publishing the last two lists; some of the sites are no longer active, some of the
sites stopped accepting contributions from freelance writers, and there isn't as much flexibility in the
categories of the previous lists since most of the sites featured were either design or tech sites.

That has changed, though.

This new list is more comprehensive, includes more sites and is updated for 2015. In fact, I'm finalizing
this list on the 12th of January, 2015.

So what's included?

 110 websites that pay writers, verified for 2015.

 The sites included accept contributions in over 55 categories. Yes, you can submit articles in at
least 55 categories, so there's no excuse as this list is pretty much all-inclusive.
 Most of the sites pay $50 or more per article; more than half of the sites are confirmed to pay
$50 per article. At last count, 64 of the 110 sites are verified to pay at least $50 per article; in
total, more than 64 sites pay above $50, but we could only verify 64 sites on the list in what way
or the other. Some of the sites even pay up to $1,000 per article.
 Most sites featured pay via Paypal or Check
 These sites pay cash for articles. No revenue sharing site or anything of that sort included.
 Some of the sites on this list pay upon acceptance of your article, while others require you to
wait a few days or weeks to be paid.

Sites that Pay $50 or More

The sites in this category pay at least $50 per article; you can earn significantly more than $50 with most
of them, and some even pay as much as $1,000 depending on the nature of your contribution.

1. The Penny Hoarder

Niche/Category: Finance

Amount Per Post: $75 - $800

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

The Penny Hoarder is a finance blog aimed at helping readers earn, save and grow their income. Articles
can be about earning, saving or investing money.
They prefer articles to be around 700 - 800 words, and you need to prearrange payment with the editor.
You'll be paid $75 if your article is accepted, and you can earn up to $800 in bonuses depending on how
successful your article becomes.

2. Leaving Work Behind

Niche/Category: Make Money Online/Freelancing/Quitting Your Job

Amount Per Post: $50

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

Tom Ewer chronicles his journey to quitting his job and building a sustainable online business on Leaving
Work Behind. He writes about a host of topics that relates to making money online, and he pays $50 for
quality contributions.

3. TopTenz

Niche/Category: General

Amount Per Post: $50

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

TopTenz features list posts of the nature "Top 10 {ANYTHING}". Your posts need to be unique and about
something not already covered on the blog. They pay $50 upon acceptance of an article and expect
articles to be in the range of 1,500 - 2,000 words. You will usually be notified within 2 weeks if your
article was accepted.

They commission around 30 - 40 articles per month from writers and there's no limit to the numbe r of
articles you can submit.

4. FundsforWriters

Niche/Category: Writing

Amount Per Post: $45 - $50

Payment Method: Paypal/Check

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They accept success stories and practical advice from writers, and anything aimed at helping writers
earn funds from writing.
Articles are usually accepted within a week of submission and you'll be paid $45 if you want your
payment via check, or $50 if you want your payment via Paypal.

5. Brazen Careerist

Niche/Category: Career/Lifestyle Design

Amount Per Post: $50

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

They pay for list posts on networking events in various cities, and payment needs to first be prearranged
with the editor.

6. Doctor of Credit

Niche/Category: Finance/Credit Cards

Amount Per Post: $50

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

This site will pay you $50 for an article on consumer credit, and they prefer you to submit a full article
instead of sending them a pitch.

7. Writers Weekly

Niche/Category: Writing

Amount Per Post: $60

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They accept articles aimed at helping writers make money writing, and they prefer articles to be in the
600 words range. They pay $60 per article.

8. Listverse

Niche/Category: General

Amount Per Post: $100

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They accept list articles about anything that hasn't been previously covered on their website. They
prefer lists to be about unusual or interesting things, to be at least 1,500 words and re ference at least 10
items. The site is read by over 15 million people a month.

9. eCommerce Insiders

Niche/Category: eCommerce

Amount Per Post: $75 - $125

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They prefer articles to be focused on online retail, and you will be allowed a bio below the article with a
link back to your blog. They pay $75 for articles in the 400 - 600 words range and $125 per article over
600 words.

Payment is made once a month, and payment for an article contributed will be made the following

10. Back to College

Niche/Category: Education

Amount Per Post: $75 - $135

Payment Method: Paypal/Check

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They accept articles about education for older students, and they pay around $75 - $135 per article.
Payment is made via Paypal or check 30 days after publication. They prefer writers to send a completed
article instead of a pitch.

11. Belt Magazine

Niche/Category: Rust Belt

Amount Per Post: $50 - $500

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

They accept articles on topics related to the Rust Belt region and they pay $50 - $500 for articles
depending on whether you are contributing an essay, a commentary, or whether you're doing long-form

12. Income Diary

Niche/Category: Make money online

Amount Per Post: $50 - $200

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

Income Diary accepts articles about pretty much anything that has to do with building an online
business; articles can be about making money online, getting traffic, social media, or anything internet-
business related. They prefer you to pitch first, and then write after approval of your article.

They pay $50 - $200 per article via Paypal after acceptance of your article.

13. A Fine Parent

Niche/Category: Parenting

Amount Per Post: $100 - $300

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

A Fine Parent accepts practical parenting articles and besides paying $100 per article, you can also have
a link back to your site in your post bio. If your article happens to be at the top of their popular articles
list at the end of the year, you'll also get a $200 bonus.

14. The Graphic Design School

Niche/Category: Design

Amount Per Post: $75 - $200

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

You can submit design articles or tutorials about Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign or other open source
design or utility software, and you'll be paid anything from $75 - $200 per article.

Payment is made via Paypal, and you will often know within 7 days if your article has been accepted.
You will also be able to include a bio in your articles, which can have a link back to your website.
14. LabMice

Niche/Category: Tech/IT

Amount Per Post: $60 - $100

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They prefer you to first pitch your article idea for approval before you start writing, and you can write
about industry best practices, field notes, how-to's, etc. You will be paid $60 - $100 per article, or more
if you are an industry expert.

15. Photoshop Tutorials

Niche/Category: Design

Amount Per Post: $50 - $300

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

You will be paid $50 per article if you contribute a quick tip that is approved, or up to $300 per article if
you contribute a full tutorial that is accepted.

They only accept articles about Photoshop.

16. The Travel Writer's Life

Niche/Category: Travel

Amount Per Post: $50 - $200

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They accept travel articles, with a preference for articles that help their readers get paid to travel.
Submissions should be in the 300 - 600 words range, and they pay up to $200 per article depending on
the nature of your submission. Payment is made upon publication of your article.

17. Treehouse

Niche/Category: Web design/Freelancing

Amount Per Post: $100 - $200

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They accept articles on a variety of topics but they have a preference for articles that are about design,
freelancing or productivity.

They pay $100 - $200 per article.

18. UX Booth

Niche/Category: Design

Amount Per Post: $100

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They accept articles about user-centered design, and they prefer writers to pitch their editors before
submitting an article. They prefer articles to be in the 1,200 - 1,800 words range, and they pay $100 per

19. Viator Travel Blog

Niche/Category: Travel

Amount Per Post: $100 - $150

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They accept original travel articles and they prefer being pitched before you start writing the article.
They want articles to be in the 1,000 - 2,000 words range and they pay $100 to $150 per article.

20. Cracked

Niche/Category: General

Amount Per Post: $50 - $200

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They accept interesting articles about pretty much anything and they pay via Paypal. They pay $100 for a
full-length feature article and $50 for articles that give quick insights into current events, pop culture,
etc. They call them "Quick Fixes".
21. Web Loggerz

Niche/Category: WordPress

Amount Per Post: $30 - $100

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

Pitch your ideas for WordPress related articles to them and indicate that you want compensation for
your articles. They prefer articles to be at least 1,200 words and they usually pay $30 - $100 per article.

22. BootsnAll

Niche/Category: Travel

Amount Per Post: $30 - $50

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They prefer articles to be in the 800 - 2,500 words range and have a preference for indie travel articles.
They pay $30 - $50 per article.

23. A List Apart

Niche/Category: Design

Amount Per Post: $200

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

A List Apart accepts articles from web designers, developers, content strategists and information
architects. They prefer you to give them enough information about your article to help them decide, or
better still submit a rough draft. They pay $200 per article and expect articles to be in the 1,500 to 2,000
words range.

24. Make a Living Writing

Niche/Category: Writing/Freelancing

Amount Per Post: $50

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

Make a Living Writing is a top writing blog and accepts practical articles and success stories from other
writers. You need to be a member of Carol Tice's Freelance Writers Den or a student of Jon Morrow's
blog mentoring program to qualify for this offer.

Payment will be made upon publication of your article.

25. Smashing Magazine

Niche/Category: Design

Amount Per Post: $50 - $200

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

They accept articles about web development and web design, and they would prefer a rough draft of
your article if you have it already.

They pay up to $200 per article.

26. CodeTuts+

Niche/Category: Programming

Amount Per Post: $100 - $250

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

You can submit articles and tutorials about any web development programming language including PHP,
Ruby, HTML5, CSS3 and server-side JavaScript.

You'll be paid $100 for a quick tip tutorial and $250 for a regular tutorial; if you are a high profile
author/educator, you could earn more.

27. WPTuts+

Niche/Category: WordPress

Amount Per Post: $60 - $500

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

You can submit articles and tutorials about WordPress; they are expecting contributions from writers 1 -
4 times a month, and you can choose any topic that appeals to their audience as long as it is WordPress

You'll be paid $60 - $500 depending on the nature of your contribution.

28. Vector Tuts+

Niche/Category: Vector Design

Amount Per Post: $50 - $200

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

You are invited to submit articles and tutorials about vector design, drawing, etc. Articles can be about
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Inkscape, Sketch app, CorelDRAW and other related apps.

You'll be paid $50 - $75 for a quick tip tutorial and $150 - $200 for a regular tutorial.

29. Vector Diary

Niche/Category: Vector Design

Amount Per Post: $150

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

You can submit articles and tutorials about Adobe Illustrator. The tutorials must be exclusive to
Vectordiary, and you will paid $150 via Paypal per accepted tutorial.

30. Digital Ocean

Niche/Category: Linux

Amount Per Post: $200

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

You can contribute articles on a variety of subjects relating to the open source Linux ecosystem; your
articles could be about Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, Fedora or anything else Linux -related.

You'll be paid $200 via Paypal or Digital Ocean credit, your choice, per accepted contribution.
31. Write Naked

Niche/Category: Writing

Amount Per Post: $50 - $200

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

You are invited to submit unique articles about writing; they have a preference for interviews, publishing
trends, self-publishing tips and freelance writing success stories.

You will be paid a standard rate of $50 per accepted post or $200 if the editor is impressed with your
contribution. Posts are usually in the 450 - 650 words range.

32. SitePoint

Niche/Category: Web Developement/Design

Amount Per Post: $150 - $300

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

You could write about anything related to web development; there's a preference for articles about

You will be paid $150 for articles and $200 for tutorials; for articles that are comprehensive and that the
editors feel will do well traffic-wise, you can be paid $300 or more.

33. Sex, Etc.

Niche/Category: Sex Education

Amount Per Post: $75

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

This is a website focused on sex education for teenagers and they solicit sex related articles from high
school or college students 19 years old or younger. They pay $75 for every story accepted and

34. MetroParent

Niche/Category: Parenting
Amount Per Post: $50 - $350

Payment Method: Check

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

Metro Parents is looking for local parenting articles in the counties of Livingston, Macomb, Oakland,
Washtenaw, and Wayne.

They pay $50 - $75 for "department columns" and $150 - $350 for features in the 1,000 - 2,500 words

35. International Living

Niche/Category: Overseas Living

Amount Per Post: $250 - $400

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They accept articles about living and retiring overseas. They pay $250 for 840 words and $400 for 1,400

36. The Change Agent

Niche/Category: Adult Education

Amount Per Post: $50

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They accept submissions related to adult learning and they prefer articles to be in the 200 - 1,000 words
range. They pay $50 upon acceptance of articles.

37. The American Ceramic Society

Niche/Category: Ceramics

Amount Per Post: $25 - $950

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They accept articles about pretty much anything ceramics-related, with a preference for article about
Ceramics in Energy, Ceramics in the Environment, News and Trends, etc.

They pay $25 per post for blog posts/shorts and $350 - $950 for bulletin features.

38. DesertUSA

Niche/Category: Wildlife/Adventure/Geology

Amount Per Post: $50

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They pay $50 per article for articles related to travel, wildlife, geology, desert lore, and cultural and
natural history related to the North American Desert regions.

They prefer articles to be in the 1,000 - 1,700 words range depending on the section you are
contributing to.

39. Matador Network

Niche/Category: Adventure

Amount Per Post: $20 - $60

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They accept articles about adventures, culture and identities of people around the world. They prefer
you to send an original draft of your article and want a maximum of 1,500 words per article.

40. Go Galavanting

Niche/Category: Travel/Adventure

Amount Per Post: $50

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They pay $50 for a 600 - 1,200 words feature travel essay and payment is usually made within 30 days
after publication of your article.

41. Perceptive Travel

Niche/Category: Travel

Amount Per Post: $100

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They want articles only from published authors with books in print and they prefer articles to be in the
1,200 - 2,000 words range. They pay for articles within 2 weeks of publication.

42. Tales to Go

Niche/Category: Travel

Amount Per Post: $50

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

As the name implies, they are interested in your travel stories. They pay a $50 flat rate for all
submissions and prefer articles to be in the 1,000 - 3,000 words range.

43. New West

Niche/Category: General

Amount Per Post: $50 - $500

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They pay $50 - $500 for news and features, depending on the story and effort involved. They accept
articles about a variety of topics.

44. MedHatter

Niche/Category: Health/Beauty

Amount Per Post: $50

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: No

They pay $50 for health and beauty related articles. You can pitch your story by contacting their editor
at (replace "AT" with the @ symbol)
45. The Krazy Coupon Lady

Niche/Category: Couponing/Saving Money

Amount Per Post: $50

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They accept articles aimed at helping stay-at-home moms, working women and men save money.
Articles can be about pretty much any topic including Style/Fashion, Home/Gardening,
Travel/Entertainment, Family/Parenting, Extreme Couponing or Finance.

They pay $50 per article upon acceptance of your article.

46. WorldStart

Niche/Category: IT/Tech

Amount Per Post: up to $50

Payment Method: Paypal/Check

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They pay $50 for an approximately 800 words article and want articles to be about Windows, the
internet, e-mail and related subjects. The site is read by over 300,000 readers.

47. ACHS

Niche/Category: Health

Amount Per Post: $50

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They want articles related to holistic health and wellness, and they prefer articles to be in the 600 -
1,000 words range. They pay $50 per article and payment will be made within 30 days of publication.

48. Knoji

Niche/Category: Consumer Guides

Amount Per Post: $50 - $200

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They are interested in writers to help with their Consumer Guides series. They want articles that provide
an in-depth look into various companies and the products/services they offer.

They will pay $50 to $200 per article and payment will be made via Paypal.

49. BabyFit

Niche/Category: Parenting

Amount Per Post: up to $90

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They accepted articles related to pregnancy and parenting, and articles can be about nutrition, fitness
and other similar topics.

They pay up to $90 per article.

50. Piedmont Parent

Niche/Category: Parenting

Amount Per Post: $35 - $110

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They accept parenting articles and prefer articles to be in the 500 - 1,200 words range. They pay for
articles at the end of the publication month.

51. Today's Parent

Niche/Category: Parenting

Amount Per Post: up to $200

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: No

Get paid up to $200 per article to submit parenting articles. Send your pitches to (replace "AT" with the @ symbol)

52. Wow! Women on Writing

Niche/Category: Writing

Amount Per Post: $50 - $150

Payment Method: Paypal/Check

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They pay $50 - $150 for writing related articles in the 1,500 - 3,000 words range. You will be paid within
2 weeks to 1 month of publication of your article, depending on whether you opt to be paid via Paypal
or Check.

53. YourOnline.Biz

Niche/Category: Make money online/online business

Amount Per Post: $100

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

You are invited to submit articles related to building an online business or making money online. You will
be paid $100 via Paypal after publication of your article; payment is usually made the month after your
article has been published.

54. Linode

Niche/Category: Linux

Amount Per Post: $100

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

Linode invites writers to contribute articles about Linux. You will be paid $100 per accepted article and
payment will be made via Paypal or through credits to your Linode account, your choice.


Niche/Category: Linux

Amount Per Post: $200 - $250

Payment Method: Paypal/Check

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

LWN also accepts Linux related articles, and they prefer articles to be in the 1,500 words range. They
want writers to reach out to them first with a pitch before beginning to write an article, and they will
pay $200 - $250 or more per article accepted.

56. Earth Island Journal

Niche/Category: Environment

Amount Per Post: $50 - $1,000

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They invite writers to submit environmental articles and would accept articles on anything including
wildlife, lands conservation, politics of environmental protection, animal rights, climate and energy, etc.
They accept basically anything environment-related.

You will be paid $50 - $100 for online reports and around $750 - $1,000 for an in-depth feature story.

57. Zen Kimchi

Niche/Category: Korean Food

Amount Per Post: $50 - $100

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

Zen Kimchi invites writers to submit articles about Korean food. You will be paid $100 per article on their
blog, or $50 if you are reviewing their restaurant. You do not have to live in Korea to contribute, and
payment will be made via Paypal.

58. Slick WP

Niche/Category: WordPress

Amount Per Post: $50

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

Slick WP accepts articles related to WordPress or the Genesis Theme Framework. They pay contributors
$50 per article via Paypal and you are also allowed to have a link back to your blog. They expect articles
to be around 750 to 1,200 words.

59. IWA Wine Blog

Niche/Category: Wine

Amount Per Post: $50+

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

This is a wine blog that pays $50 for articles about wines. They prefer posts to be in the 500 - 700 words
range, and they allow a bio with a link back to your website. If you're a wine expert, they will usually pay
you more than the original $50 per article rate.

60. Routing

Niche/Category: Tech/IT

Amount Per Post: $50

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

This is an IT blog, and you can write about anything IT-related; they have main categories on cloud
computing, mobile management, network management, data loss prevention, and other related topics.

You will only be paid the $50 per article rate if members of the site vote your article to the homepage.

61. Techopedia

Niche/Category: Tech/IT

Amount Per Post: $50 - $150

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

This is a leading Tech/IT website that pays for IT-related articles. They prefer articles to be within the
600 - 1,200 words range.

62. HowlRound

Niche/Category: Arts

Amount Per Post: $50 - $150

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

Articles can be in the 750 - 2,000 word range, and they can be submitted as an Essay, a Blog post, a Blog
Series or a NewCrit. They pay upon acceptance and articles are usually published within a week to up to
4 months of acceptance, depending on the type of content you submit.

63. Model Railroad Hobbyist

Niche/Category: Model Railroad

Amount Per Post: up to $600

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They pay up to $600 per feature article and payment is made upon publication.

64. Ashtray Blog

Niche/Category: e-Cigarettes

Amount Per Post: $50+

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They accept articles about vaping/e-cigarettes and they pay $50 for a 500 word piece. If your article
requires a lot of research and is extensive, they can pay more. Payment is made via Paypal.
Sites with Unspecified Pay
These sites do not publicly specify how much they will pay for articles, and my research couldn't reveal
how much they pay for articles.

However, just because they are listed as sites with unspecified pay doesn't mean they pay low; a lot of
these sites offer very competitive pay, and a lot of them pay far more than $50 per article. If you find a
site that interests you here, you can at least reach out to them to confirm their pay before deciding
whether or not to go for it.

65. ReachSelf

Niche/Category: Health/Fitness/Weight Loss

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

They accept articles about weight loss, fitness and other related health topics; they prefer writers to
have some form of certification. Payment is made via Paypal.

66. Developer Tutorials

Niche/Category: Design/Programming

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

You can submit articles about anything related to design/programming; your articles could be about CSS,
Illustrator, JavaScript, Linux, MySQL, PHP or Photoshop.

They have a preference for list articles and prefer tutorials to be at least 1,000 words.

67. Premium WP

Niche/Category: WordPress

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

Premium WP is looking for high quality contributions from WordPress experts. They have a preference
for articles related to the premium/commercial WordPress industry, and they want articles to be 100%
focused on WordPress and to be at least 1,000 words.

68. PSD Fan

Niche/Category: Design

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

You are invited to contribute design-related articles including articles about Photoshop, Vector sets, Icon
sets, Brush packs, Textures packs and inspiration posts.

You will be paid at the end of the month of publication of your article and you will also be allowed to link
back to your website in your article bio.

69. Simple Talk

Niche/Category: Tech/IT

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

Simple Talk is a tech journal read by over 400,000 Microsoft professionals; they accept and pay for
articles related to SQL, .NET, SysAdmin and anything else IT-related.

70. The Jewish Daily Forward

Niche/Category: Jewish life

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: ACH/Check

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

You can submit News, Op-ed contributions, features and articles about Jewish art and culture. You will
be paid via ACH or Check upon publication of your article.

71. World Hum

Niche/Category: Travel
Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

They are interested in travel articles, including travel stories, interviews, lists and opinion articles. They
prefer articles to be no more than 1,500 words and want authors to submit their complete draft wh en
trying to get published with them.

72. mobiForge

Niche/Category: Mobile Development

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

They accept anything related to mobile development and they pay experts for contribution to the site.

73. PS Mag

Niche/Category: Society/General

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

They accept articles about pretty much anything related to the society around you. They have a
preference for articles about economics, education, environment, and society and justice.

74. The Humanist

Niche/Category: Humanism

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

They accept articles about pretty much anything from a humanist perspective; you could submit articles
about science, culture, politics or even news articles.

75. EclipseZone
Niche/Category: Programming

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

They accept articles about Java and you need to pre-arrange payment with their editors before you start
writing your article.

76. Dropzone

Niche/Category: Skydiving

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

They accept articles on anything related to skydiving. For most contributions they accept, they prefer
articles to be at least 500 words.

77. Crazy Leaf Design

Niche/Category: Design

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

They accept articles about anything related to design and they expect articles to be at least 500 words.
You need to discuss payment with their editors before you start writing.

78. Business Today

Niche/Category: Business

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: No

They are looking for writers to submit opinions and articles with new perspectives about business. You'll
need to reach out to their editor with your idea as well as to discuss pay.
79. The Business Edition

Niche/Category: Business

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: No

They are looking for business related articles; you need to reach out to the editor first to discuss your
article idea as well as pay for your article.

80. Ask Deb

Niche/Category: General

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

You are invited to contribute articles about a variety of topics. They require, however, that your articles
come in the form of a "question and answer".

81. Love to Know

Niche/Category: General

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: No

They accept articles about pretty much anything.

82. Travel and Leisure

Niche/Category: Travel

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

They accept practical travel articles and stories; their aim is to help readers replicate the steps the
author took to achieve certain results in the article.
They pay upon acceptance of your article.

83. PVM Garage

Niche/Category: Design/Programming

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

They accept and pay for articles related to design and programming; you can write articles and tutorials
about HTML, CSS, WordPress, Photoshop, Javascript and other related web-based programming

84. Noupe

Niche/Category: Design

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: No

Noupe accepts articles generally about web design and development, and they accept articles about
Photoshop as well.

85. Adoptive Families

Niche/Category: Adoption parenting

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

They accept articles about pretty much anything related to adoption parenting.

86. ADDitude

Niche/Category: ADHD

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They accept articles about ADHD, with a preference for articles from people who have ADHD or some
other form of learning disability. You can submit articles to their magazine or website, and they prefer
you to pitch them with an idea for an article. Once your pitch is accepted, they will get back to you with
payment details as well as other necessary info.

87. Baby Corner

Niche/Category: Parenting

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: No

They accept articles parenting related articles especially as it relates to babies; articles can be about
pregnancy, fertility and infertility, toddlers, dads, moms, and anything else related to parenting.


Niche/Category: Parenting

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

They accept parenting articles and require you to pitch them first before proceeding with the article.

89. Minnesota Parents

Niche/Category: Parenting

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

They accept parenting articles in the 500 - 1,500 words range and payment is made within 30 days of
publication of your article. Articles can be about maternity, childbirth, childcare, education, toys and
technology, and anything else parent related.

90. Web Designer Depot

Niche/Category: Web Design

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

Pitch their editors with your article idea and tell them about your experience in the field while including
samples of your work. You should also tell them your desired rate and things will move forward from

91. Instant Shift

Niche/Category: Design

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

Instant Shift pays for web design related articles; pay is determined by the quality and volume of
content submitted. You can contact their editors first before you start writing.

92. Budget Travel

Niche/Category: Travel

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: No

Send pitches for your travel related articles to the editor; they won't accept completed articles without
first discussing with their editors.

93. GOOD

Niche/Category: Living Well

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: No

GOOD accepts articles that share creative solutions for living well and doing good. You can contribute
either to their magazine or website.

94. Curbly
Niche/Category: Home Improvement/Interior Design

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Paypal/Moneybookers

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

Curbly is soliciting for home improvement and interior design relate d articles. They recommend pitching
your ideas to them first before you begin to write. You will be paid via Paypal within the first week of the
month following publication of your article.

95. Design Modo

Niche/Category: Web Design

Amount Per Post: Unspecified

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

You can submit articles about general web design, responsive design, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, UX design
and anything else web design related.

Sites that Pay Below $50

The following sites pay below $50 per article. While I won't really recommend them, I have interacted
with a lot of writers who said they aren't confident enough to approach the big sites and want to start
with the low paying sites, and then up their game. Some writers are also more focused on the publicity
and exposure than the money. These sites are for them.

96. History Lists

Niche/Category: History/Lists/General

Amount Per Post: up to $20

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They pay you to contribute list posts about anything history; your articles have to be unique to the site
and they expect lists to have around 5 - 20 items, with each item having around 70 - 200 words.


Niche/Category: Writing/Freelance

Amount Per Post: $25

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They expect contributions to be around 600 - 1,000 words, and articles can be about anything writing
related; including breaking into different markets, finding new writing opportunities or freelance writer
success stories.


Niche/Category: General/News

Amount Per Post: $20

Payment Method: Paypal/Check

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They accept news articles about pretty much anything and they expect articles to be around 200 - 1,000
words. They pay within 30 days of publishing your article.

99. Killer Directory

Niche/Category: Web

Amount Per Post: $15

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They accept articles about anything web related.


Niche/Category: Crafts

Amount Per Post: $35

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They accept articles about anything crafts related and they pay a maximum of $35 upon acceptance of
your articles.

101. eCommerce Bytes

Niche/Category: eCommerce
Amount Per Post: $20+

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They are looking for articles about ecommerce and online auctions, and they prefer articles to be in the
100 - 500 words range.

102. Make Me Heal

Niche/Category: Plastic Surgery

Amount Per Post: $10 - $20

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They accept articles about celebrity plastic surgery, celebrity skin care, plastic surgery breakthroughs
and anything else plastic surgery related.

103. GoNOMAD

Niche/Category: Travel

Amount Per Post: $25

Payment Method: Paypal/Check

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They pay $25 via Paypal or Check for travel articles and expect articles to have a maximum of 1,500

104. The Expeditioner

Niche/Category: Travel

Amount Per Post: $30

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They are looking for travel articles and stories in the 1,100 - 1,300 words range, and they pay $30 per
article upon publication of your article.

105. Go World Travel

Niche/Category: Travel

Amount Per Post: $30

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They are looking for travel articles less than 1,000 words in length. They pay $30 per accepted article
upon publication of your article.


Niche/Category: Travel

Amount Per Post: $20+

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They are in need to writers to write travel related articles for their blog and they give writers a lot of
flexibility with topics they can write about. You will be paid $20 or more for a 500 words article.

107. Travel Signposts

Niche/Category: Travel

Amount Per Post: $25

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

Travel Signposts accepts articles about travel in Europe. They expect articles to be in the 800 - 1,500
words range.

108. Black Hair Media

Niche/Category: Hair/Beauty

Amount Per Post: $25 - $45

Payment Method: Paypal

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

They are looking for articles about hair and beauty in a way that applies to women of color. You can
submit as many articles as possible and payment for accepted articles will be made via Paypal. You can
also have a link back to your website in the bio.

109. College Humor

Niche/Category: Humor

Amount Per Post: $25

Payment Method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Yes

Get paid to submit funny articles; you will be paid a flat rate of $25 upon acceptance of your articles and
bonuses depending on how well it performs.

110. The Write Life

Niche: Writing

Amount Per Post: $35 for reviews

Payment method: Unspecified

Payment info confirmed on website: Partially

The Write Life publishes regular articles about writing, but this writing opportunity is for product
reviews. You can review writing-related ebooks or courses you have experience with, and payment
needs to be prearranged with the editor.


Thanks for downloading this PDF!

I hope you have found it helpful, and I wish you the best with submitting your articles to the sites
included and getting paid top dollars for your work. You deserve it!

If you'd like to up your writing game and learn more ways to get clients without bidding, make sure to
check out my ebook titled 8 Ways to Get Freelance Writing Gigs Without Bidding. It's FREE!

You can click the link below to download it:

It teaches you the following:

 Learn to get better gigs without ever having to bid again

 Get paid $100+ per article you write for clients
 Determine how to get your clients as well as how many clients you want to get
 Be in control again, and never have to slave off and burn out just to earn enough to pay the bills

Again, here's the link to get a FREE copy of this ebook. It isn't too long at 22 pages; it's a quick read and
very practical. It would also only be available for a limited time, so get your copy ASAP by clicking the
link below:

Here's to more freelance writing success!

Best Regards,

Bamidele Onibalusi,

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