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people know about the charachteristic of heroin for many thousand yeras. its pain
reliveing and extreme jubilation providing properties have made it famous among
human. Smack, gags, horse, brown and gear are some other popular identifications of
heroin.Opium Poppy is the source of it. it is derived from the roots of opium
its history has recorded back from the New Stone Age which means it is about more
than six thousand years ago was also consumed. At that time the saps were collected
from the poppies by slitting it bopen and then consumed and remained in popular use
about millennia. Around 1810 morphine was extracted for the very first time from
the resin of poppies. which had far-fetched pain-relieving affects. it used to
create a state of numbness and euphoria so that it was thought to be a drug to use
in surgery. But a problem was noted down in the civil war when about ten thousand
soldiers were become addonicted and relying on it.
in 1897 a German pharmaceutical company started buying it and refined heroin. they
sell it as a treatment of tuberculosis as for as morhine was supposed
to use for any kind of treatment ranging from headaches to depression.
According to a survey about 13.5 million people take opioids and among which 9.2
million are heroin users.In the National Survey on drug use and health 948,000
Americans were reported who were heroin users. it contained greatest number of
adults aged 18 to 25 years. 170,000 people were those who used heroin for the first
time. the number was as double as the previous 10 years users.The Guardian, a
British newspaper, reported that the increase in adults users is about five times
as compare to the last decade which becomes 80,000 people. this figure is
approximate. most of the people don't take part in any health activity. The people
who are users they report following states
1. they feel a rush of euphoria
2. dry mouth
3. warm flushing of skin
4 relief from pain
5. anxiet
6.unnatural heavyness of arms and legs
7. increase in body temperature
8. parched mouth
9.nauseous feeling and vomiting
10. slowing down heart rate and breathing
11. falling in
12. out of consciousness.
all these symptoms depend on the tolerence rate of the user. these may be occure by
the use of very small aged amount of heroin.if a user take overdose, his brain will
be unable to recieve enough blood.this can affect the resiratory system by slowing
down the breathing or even can give a complete shutdown. a continuous presence of
heroin in brain can change the structure and fuctioning which may not easily
revrsible.It makes harder for brain to make desicions and respond appropriately and
quickly. Use of heroin for long term can make infectious heart lining and valves.
70%-80% new hepatits C infections are reported each year in US who use drug through
injections. a continuous use of heroin also become a cause of following diseases.
1.kidney disease
2.pulmonary complications
3.infectious skin
4.oral health problems like damaged teeth and swollen gums.
5. peoblem in sexual functioning
The impacts of heroin on body and health are immensely negative. it has a potenial
of damaging any organ permanently i.e. liver, kidney, brain damage from lack of
oxygen due to overdose.the users usually face lung problems like pneumonia and
its highly addction property is the main issue which makes it very hard for the
addicted to stop its use. because user go through the traumatic mental and physical
side effects. A user who has been using heroin for a long time has a very high rate
of tolerence to heroin.
when someone wants to stop its use teh feel extreme withdrawl symptoms within 48 to
72 hours which includes the extreme carving of drug, restlessness, bone and
mascular pain,vomiting and diarrhoea. A person may take several attempts to abolish
the addiction and its very sad that some may never do that.
heroin was started in inocence just to get pain relief but now it has affected more
than 17 million people throughout the world.the most of the drug related deaths are
sue to heroin and still its use is rising.

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