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You can't gag an entire people!

October 30th and 31st student general strike!

All against Franco's repression!

For the Catalan republic of the workers and the youth!

Giving a lesson in dignity, millions of us have taken to the streets against the
Francoist ruling of the Supreme Court. In this exemplary response, the youth has
played an impressive role: we emptied the classrooms of institutes and faculties,
and in the 72-hour student strike called by the Sindicat d�Estudiants we flooded
the streets of all Catalonia in massive protests. Youth have also been at the
forefront during the occupation of Prat, in the massive marches for freedom, in the
sit-ins and mobilisations every afternoon, and in the huge demonstrations � more
than one million in Barcelona and another million in dozens of Catalan cities �
that crowned the great general strike of October 18.

A Nauseating Campaign of Violence, Criminalization, and Lies�

The PSOE government, together with the PP, Cs, and Vox, and counting on all the
media as allies, have launched a campaign of criminalization and lies to try to
present the mass and peaceful mobilizations as "terrorism". They also seek to
introduce the maximum confusion among the population of the rest of the State, in
order to prevent our struggle from spreading.

But the truth, and we know it very well, is precisely the opposite. The more than
500 wounded people who were not burning containers know this, but they have been
victims of truncheons, rubber balls, smoke cans, and run over attempts, as we have
seen in dozens of videos that circulate on social media. The tens of thousands of
young people and workers who have mobilized in our support in Madrid, Valencia,
Donosti, Palma and dozens of cities in all territories also know this.

Student general strike on October 30th and 31st!

The brutal repression unleashed by the national police and the Mossos has not been
able to silence us, just as they could not bend us on October 1, 2017. Millions of
us voted for a Catalan republic to disassociate ourselves from the monarchic regime
and its neo-Francoist state, and to put an end to all the scourges to which the
capitalist system condemns us: unemployment, cuts, precariousness, evictions,
privatisations... We want a Catalan republic of the workers and the youth, not for
the Catalan oligarchy, enveloped in the Estelada, to continue making policies that
benefit the elites.�

It is necessary to have a plan of struggle that pushes forward and is well

organised, that coordinates and unifies all our forces, which are enormous. This is
why the Sindicat d�Estudiants calls on all the students and the youth as a whole to
join the 48-hour general strike on October 30 and 31, and to go out and massively
join the protests on Thursday 31 at 12pm.

We also call for the holding of assemblies in all the institutes and faculties to
vote the strike and form committees of struggle that can make the mobilization
massive. It is time to take a decisive step forward, and also to contribute to the
organisation as quickly as possible of a new 48-hour general strike of workers that
will paralyse the whole of Catalonia.

Not one step back!

Freedom to political prisoners!

Forward to the general strike!

Join the Student Union

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