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Structured flowchart - Sequence of flow charts

Venn diagrams - Compare and contrast

Matrix diagram - Compare and contrast

Cornell notes - Note taking

Story maps - Note taking

Structured flowchart - Sequence of flow charts

Butterflies go through four main stages of life

The first stage is the egg stage followed by the

larvo stage. As o larvo, or coterpillor, the future
butterfly eats as much as possible. As it grows,
it sheds it outer skin, or exoskeleton.

After o few weeks, the caterpillar enters the

next stage of its life, the chrysalis stage. In the
chrysalis, the coterpillar will liquefy into o soup
of living cells.

Then, it will reorganize into o butterfy and he

metomorphosis is complete. In loter parts of
the chrysolis stoge, you can see the forming
butterfly through

When the butterfy emerges from the chrysalis, it

pumps its wings to send blood through them so
thot it con Py Mos butterflies only lIve a couple
of weeks, just enough time to drink flower
nector and to mate.

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